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Crusader Kings II - carnet de développement du 10 octobre 2016
Mise à jour du convertisseur vers EUIV (suite)
Bonjour à tous et bienvenu pour un nouveau journal de développement consacré à la mise à jour du convertisseur vers Europa Universalis IV, qui sortira demain.
Comme je l'ai mentionné en réponse à vos commentaires la semaine dernière, les dirigeants immortels dans Crusader Kings II bénéficient de la personnalité du dirigeant "Immortel" dans EUIV, et ne meurent donc pas de vieillesse. Vous pouvez allouer ce trait dans le
Ruler Designer
, mais cela coûte cher. Enfin, les dirigeants ne peuvent pas devenir immortels en cours de partie sur EUIV.
Des idées pour les européens tribaux ont été ajoutées (avant, ils ne disposaient que d'idées classiques). A présent, ils peuvent devenir de puissants guerriers !
european_tribal_ideas = {
start = {
hostile_attrition = 1
merchants = 1
bonus = { war_exhaustion_cost = -0.10 }
trigger = {
capital_scope = {
continent = europe
OR = {
government = tribal_despotism
government = tribal_kingdom
government = tribal_federation
government = tribal_democracy
free = yes
deep_roots = {
defensiveness = 0.1
warriors_grit = {
shock_damage_received = -0.1
ruthless_raiders = {
leader_land_shock = 1
loot_amount = 0.10
ancestral_pride = {
war_exhaustion_cost = -0.10
arctolatry = {
infantry_power = 0.1
side_by_side = {
land_morale = 0.1
hero_of_the_legends = {
free_leader_pool = 1
Les religions ont été améliorées : maintenant vous avez un réel intérêt à vous laisser tenter par l'hérésie, car toutes les religions ont reçu de nouveaux effets, des icônes uniques et utiliseront, pour certaines, certains mécanismes existants comme la Ferveur. Du côté de EUIV, des efforts ont été faits du côté des événements relatifs aux religions.
Voilà pour les principaux changements apportés au convertisseur, mais il y en a d'autres, plus mineurs :
Functionality has been added to adopt your EU4 game to the status of your CK2 one in matters such as dynamic provincial development, government ranks, making the CK2 heresies and religions use the new religion features of EU. Time has also been spent to fix old issues like missing flags for rebels, errors in province mappings, and missing descriptions for the converter religions.
Patch notes
Unit types are now based on capital region instead of tech. group
Display "CONVERTING" while converting
Doesn't add Aztecs if Aztec Invasion game rule is set to off
Addes female monarch names for converter countries
Added descs for the Manichean and Mazdaki religions
Added the suggested missing titles
Added some more country mappings.
Added some regions to the unit type conversion table.
Government ranks are now affected by imperial administration laws
Added normal_or_historical_nations flag set to no in the mod file
Updated the sunset invasion scenario.
EU4 converter now converts prosperity (by redistributing the prosperity value according to number of buildings in CK2 provinces)
All cores from unused nations are now properly removed
Removed unused files
Fixed issue with duplicate Saxon cultures
Alan is now in the correct culture group
Fixed Minor National Idea issues (from the CK2 Forum Compilation Thread)
Fixed minor issues with religions
Fixed some errors in coverter province table.
High americans now have their own units
Rome now becomes the capital when converting the Roman Empire
Added European Tribal national ideas.
Gave Mongol empire less crazy province setup
Added some high american missions
Removed some duplicate strings.
United HRE can now be created with Conclave enabled
Removed extra files from the Roman Empire and some other things that are part of EU4 as well since a while back.
Added Rebel Entries (and flags) for All Heresies
Converter Religions and Heresies will now have more diverse bonuses and more will use EU4 mechanics when possible.
All Converter Religions and Heresies will now have a syncretic faith bonus.
Added institution spread criteria specific to converter games.
Added starting spread of feudalism criteria specific to converter games.
Mapped some CK2 things (heresies among others) to slightly different tags in EU4 to avoid collisions with similarly named things in EU4.
Immortal trait now converted to Immortal ruler personality
Muslims now get Vassals instead of only Personal Unions
Ruler birth dates for CK2 games later than EU4 start date are now also changed to match that date
Exported nations now always have a minimum of five female monarch names Messalian and Cathar countries can now get female leaders.
Dynamic fort placement in CK2->EU4 converted games.
Moved culture graphics conversion to culture_gfx_table.csv from the code.
Fixed some religion conversion issues in the EU4 converter
The HRE main religion will now get set to the Emperor's religion if the starting bookmark has it different from the religion database, as well as setting religious peace enabled.
Added uses_church_aspects trigger. - Added uses_fervor trigger. - Added uses_patriarch_authority trigger. - Added uses_piety trigger. - Added uses_papacy trigger. - Added uses_blessings trigger. - Added uses_karma trigger. - Added uses_syncretic_faiths trigger. Added uses_cults trigger. - Added uses_personal_deities trigger.
Replaced some religion event triggers with the new triggers added by Marko. I have been pretty restrictive and only done this to events that could actually benefit from it.
CKII->EUIV Converter: Converted countries that used to have default national ideas now have custom ideas.
Le patch 2.6.2 pour Crusader Kings II sortira également demain. Nous avons réussi à corriger le problème de performance rencontré pendant la phase de beta, corrigé quelques bugs mineurs et des problèmes relatifs aux versions française et allemande, et nous avons aussi ajouté une fenêtre "pop-up" et la pause pour l'appel aux armes. Nous posterons l'ensemble du contenu du patch demain, lorsqu'il sera disponible !
L'envoi de commentaires est désactivé.