Europa Universalis IV - Carnet de développement du 18 Septembre 2018

Bonjour ! Nous avons beaucoup de choses à voir aujourd'hui, puisque je vais dévoiler la majeure partie du nouveau contenu que contiendra le prochain patch gratuit 1.27, j'ai nommé la mise à jour "Pologne". Alors allons-y :

Comme son nom l'implique, la plupart du nouveau contenu de la mise à jour "Pologne" concernera la Pologne elle-même.

Nous avons retouché la carte afin de mieux refléter non seulement les frontières de la Pologne, de la Lituanie et de la Mazovie en 1444 ; mais aussi les partitions ultérieures. Ici nous pouvons voir plusieurs provinces supplémentaires, notamment Chelm qui pénètre grossièrement la frontière lituanienne.

L'arbre de missions de la Pologne a également été rallongé. Ces missions vous aideront à restaurer l'Empire Jagellon au moyen d'unions personnelles, ainsi qu'à venger la défaite de Varna et à investir en Pologne Orientale. L'arbre de mission s'aggrandit encore lorsque vous formez la République des Deux-Nations.

Une nouvelle succession d'événements (la Confédération Prussienne) place l'Ordre Teutonique dans une situation précaire en 1444. Si les Teutons ne sont pas en mesure de régler la situation rapidement, la Pologne peut saisir l'opportunité de venir restaurer l'ordre.

Ici nous pouvons voir le nouveau tracé des provinces de la Lituanie. Ses anciennes grosses provinces ont été divisées en plusieurs parties, et un fort à Lubnie permet de mieux défendre la Ruthénie face à une agression russe.

Le nouvel arbre de missions de la Lituanie se focalise sur le développement de la Ruthénie, et peut également conduire à une union sur la Pologne et la Moscovie.

Nous avons ajouté quelques nouvelles doctrines nationales aux nations mineures qui occupent la région :

Riga :


RIG_ideas = {
    start = {
        garrison_growth = 0.25
        development_cost = -0.1
    bonus = {
        manpower_recovery_speed = 0.2
    trigger = {
        tag = RIG
    free = yes
    rig_legacy_of_bishop_albert = {
        papal_influence = 2
        monthly_fervor_increase = 0.25
        church_power_modifier = 0.1
    rig_hanseatic_port = {
        trade_efficiency = 0.1
    rig_monopoly_rights = {
        global_own_trade_power = 0.25
    rig_denounce_witchcraft = {
        global_missionary_strength = 0.02
    rig_free_city = {
        diplomatic_reputation = 1
    rig_fortify_riga = {
        defensiveness = 0.2
    rig_restore_brothers_of_the_sword = {
        discipline = 0.05

rig_legacy_of_bishop_albert:0 "Legacy of Bishop Albert"
 rig_legacy_of_bishop_albert_desc:0 "Bishop Albert founded Riga in 1201, establishing many of its institutions. Establishing the city not only as a center of commerce and trade, Bishop Albert also ensured that Riga would be a city of faith. "
 rig_monopoly_rights:0 "Monopoly Rights"
 rig_monopoly_rights_desc:0 "Treaties have long held that all trade in Livonia must pass through Riga. As borders change and old agreements are forgotten, we must ensure that our trade monopolies are protected."
 rig_hanseatic_port:0 "Hanseatic Port of Riga"
 rig_hanseatic_port_desc:0 "Riga is recognized as a Hanseatic port, and many wealthy and influential merchants call it home. We should take advantage of the League's mercantile expertise as we craft our economic policies."
 rig_denounce_witchcraft:0 "Denounce Witchcraft"
 rig_denounce_witchcraft_desc:0 "We must always be on the watch for witches that hide among us. Their malicious influence can be found almost everywhere in these troubled times; that seemingly-frail old woman, this sinister black cat, even the statue of the Virgin must not elude our watchful eyes. But wait, did that statue just look at me? Let's see if it floats!"
 rig_free_city:0 "Free City of Riga"
 rig_free_city_desc:0 "We cannot look only to the Hansa and the knightly orders to protect us. Emissaries should be sent to the German princes and even to the Emperor himself to guarantee Riga's freedoms."
 rig_fortify_riga:0 "Fortify Riga"
 rig_fortify_riga_desc:0 "Riga is no stranger to having to endure a siege. But with the likelihood of more conflict to come, we should take measures to fortify the city against whatever enemies may be marching toward us."
 rig_restore_brothers_of_the_sword:0 "Restore the Brothers of the Sword"
 rig_restore_brothers_of_the_sword_desc:0 "The Livonian Brothers of the Sword have fallen far since their inception. It is our duty to revive this Knightly Order and reform it into an army worthy of God's favor."

Chernigov :


CHR_ideas = {
    start = {
        land_morale = 0.1
        global_regiment_cost = -0.1
    bonus = {
        state_maintenance_modifier = -0.15
    trigger = {
        tag = CHR
    free = yes
    chr_legacy_of_the_old_principality = {
        max_states = 3
    chr_cossack_regiments = {
        cavalry_power = 0.15
    chr_regimental_barracks = {
        global_manpower_modifier = 0.2
    chr_konotop_fortress = {
        defensiveness = 0.15
    chr_local_councils = {
        global_unrest = -2
    chr_renovate_transfiguration_cathedral = {
        tolerance_own = 2
    chr_cultivate_the_east_dniepr = {
        trade_goods_size_modifier = 0.1
chr_legacy_of_the_old_principality:0 "Legacy of the Old Principality"
 chr_legacy_of_the_old_principality_desc:0 "Chernigov was once the largest principality in Kievan Rus, and second in political importance only to Kiev itself. We are no strangers to the administration of lands that stretch far beyond our capital."
 chr_cossack_regiments:0 "Field Cossack Regiments"
 chr_cossack_regiments_desc:0 "We must adapt to the new reality of the steppes; the growing influence of the Cossacks. We must make agreements with them that guarantee their autonomy while ensuring their military service to the state."
 chr_regimental_barracks:0 "Expand Regimental Barracks"
 chr_regimental_barracks_desc:0 "To house both our native soldiers and the Cossack regiments we employ, we must expand our regimental barracks and implement a formal system of recruitment."
 chr_konotop_fortress:0 "Konotop Fortress"
 chr_konotop_fortress_desc:0 "We must construct a new fortress along the banks of the Konotopka river. It shall be a modern bastion, utilizing the latest engineering techniques and a model for our future fortification efforts."
 chr_local_councils:0 "Local Governance Councils"
 chr_local_councils_desc:0 "The needs of each locality in our realm can differ wildly, and it can be difficult to administer them with a common policy. We should encourage local councils to govern themselves to an extent so that they can attend to their own needs."
 chr_renovate_transfiguration_cathedral:0 "Renovate the Transfiguration Cathedral"
 chr_renovate_transfiguration_cathedral_desc:0 "As the oldest remaining structure in the city, the Transfiguration Cathedral is a reminder of past glories as well as a symbol of our enduring faith. The Cathedreal should be renovated, symbolizing a renewal of our ambitions and spiritual dedication."
 chr_cultivate_the_east_dniepr:0 "Tame the Grasslands"
 chr_cultivate_the_east_dniepr_desc:0 "The left bank of the Dnieper could be the breadbasket of Europe, if only the wild grasslands could be tamed. We must invest in the region's cultivation so that its full potential can be realized."

Les Cosaques :


cossack_ideas = {
    start = {
        global_unrest = -2
        loot_amount = 0.25
    bonus = {
        shock_damage = 0.1
    trigger = {
        has_reform = cossacks_reform
    free = yes
    cossacks_escaped_serfs = {
        manpower_recovery_speed = 0.2
    cossacks_hetmanate = {
        republican_tradition = 0.5
    zaz_steppe_riders = {
        # as the ZAZ idea, land attrition
    cossacks_insults = {
        power_projection_from_insults = 1
    cossacks_military_society = {
        army_tradition = 0.5
    cossacks_free_the_serfs = {
        years_of_nationalism = -5
    cossacks_registered = {
        possible_mil_policy = 1
cossacks_escaped_serfs:0 "Escaped Serfs"
 cossacks_escaped_serfs_desc:0 "Many among the Cossacks were born into serfdom. Tired of feudal oppression, they fled their masters and sought lives of freedom on the steppes. We must continue to welcome escaped serfs into our society."
 cossacks_hetmanate:0 "Cossack Hetmanate"
 cossacks_hetmanate_desc:0 "There are no kings or khans among the Cossacks. Our Hetman may be our highest military commander, but in matters of state and society he is simply the first among equals. Political power lies in the Rada, our legislative and military assembly, in which all Cossacks can have their say."
 cossacks_insults:0 "Scornful Insults"
 cossacks_insults_desc:0 "A biting insult is often more effective than a carefully-worded missive. We know who our enemies are, and we have no fear of their armies. Thus we should not hesitate to tell them to kiss our arse!"
 cossacks_military_society:0 "Military Society"
 cossacks_military_society_desc:0 "There is almost no division between civil and military society among the Cossacks. Our nation is a Host, defined by its people rather than by the land we control, and its people are warriors. We must ensure that military divisions properly meet our administrative needs as the Host expands."
 cossacks_free_the_serfs:0 "Free the Serfs"
 cossacks_free_the_serfs_desc:0 "No man should suffer tyranny in a Cossack realm. When we conquer new territories, the serfs, peasants, and slaves there must be liberated immediately and integrated into our great Host."
 cossacks_registered:0 "Cossack Registers"
 cossacks_registered_desc:0 "As the ranks of our Host swell, we must keep account of the strength of each regiment, their numbers and how well they are supplied. A centralized registry will allow us to support the needs of all Cossacks."

Les nations de Roumanie, la Valachie et la Moldavie, ont vu chacune leur nombre de provinces initiales passé de 3 à 5.

Le nouvel arbre de mission roumain guide le joueur vers la construction d'une coalition contre les Ottomans, afin de chasser ces derniers des Balkans. Ils peuvent même empaler le Sultan eux-mêmes.

En parlant d'empalement, Vlad l'Empaleur est hautement susceptible de faire surface après la mort de son père, afin de semer la violence et la panique face à quiconque s'opposera à lui.

Nous n'avons pas oublié d'ajouter un peu de saveur à la Moldavie. Elle est désormais une nation indépendante garantie par la Pologne. Tôt dans la partie une chaîne d'événements permettra au prince Roman, exilé en Pologne, de tenter de saisir le trône. Cela décidera du sort de la Moldavie, soit en tant que Marche de la Pologne ou de la Hongrie, soit en tant que nation indépendante.

Les hordes tatares ont vu leur arbre de mission grandement augmenté. Plus seulement limitées aux conquêtes de la Russie et de la Ruthénie, les missions tatares mèneront le joueur jusqu'aux frontières de l'ancien Empire Mongol.

En parlant de lui...

L'Empire Mongol est une nouvelle nation formable, avec des conditions assez raides. Vous devrez conquérir la majeure partie de l'empire de Genghis Khan, en ayant formé au préalable l'empire des Yuan, des Ilkhans ou la Horde d'Or. Si vous parveniez à réussir cette tâche herculéenne, vous serez récompensé par la nouvelle réforme gouvernemementale "Grand Etat Mongol" (ou par le type de gouvernement du même nom, pour ceux qui ne possèdent pas l'extension Dharma). Le Grand Etat Mongol fonctionne globalement comme une horde des steppes ; mais sans bon nombre de ses inconvénients. Son plus gros avantage est de pouvoir lever des Bannières dans les provinces de sa culture principale, un peu comme le font les Manchus*.

* La disponibilité des Bannières reste dépendante de l'extension Mandate of Heaven. Sans l'extension elle est remplacée par un bonus de discipline.

Voici quelques doctrines nationales supplémentaires :

Crimée :


CRI_ideas = {
    start = {
        ae_impact = -0.1
        leader_land_manuever = 1
    bonus = {
        core_creation = -0.25
    trigger = {
        tag = CRI
    free = yes
    cri_genghisid_legacy = {
        cavalry_power = 0.2
    cri_slavers = {
        global_own_trade_power = 0.15
    cri_ruthenian_raids = {
        loot_amount = 0.25
    cri_despoilers = {
        leader_land_shock = 1
    cri_free_cattle_grazing = {
        production_efficiency = 0.1
    cri_settle_the_steppes = {
        build_cost = -0.1
        manpower_recovery_speed = 0.1
    cri_allow_nogai_protectorates = {
        global_manpower_modifier = 0.25

cri_genghisid_legacy:0 "Genghisid Legacy"
 cri_genghisid_legacy_desc:0 "Our forefathers rode with Genghis Khan as he ravaged the known world. We have kept our military traditions alive and continued to be ruled by Khans who claim descent from the Genghisid line."
 cri_slavers:0 "Slavers of the Steppe"
 cri_slavers_desc:0 "There is a fortune to be made from the slave trade; unwitting Christians who fall into our grasp fetch a high price in Turkish, Arabian, and Persian markets."
 cri_ruthenian_raids:0 "Lead Raids into Ruthenia"
 cri_ruthenian_raids_desc:0 "We must continue to lead raids into the heart of Ruthenia. Though the region is more destitute than it was in the time of Genghis Khan, we are skilled at extracting plunder and tribute from the terrified villagers."
 cri_despoilers:0 "Despoilers"
 cri_despoilers_desc:0 "Our raiders strike rapidly and without warning. Utterly unable to anticipate our attacks, our enemies will surely cower before us."
 cri_free_cattle_grazing:0 "Free Cattle Grazing"
 cri_free_cattle_grazing_desc:0 "We place no restrictions on pastoral farmers for the grazing of their great herds of horses and cattle. Herders are free to go about their business as they wish, able to traverse the steppe safely and trade freely."
 cri_settle_the_steppes:0 "Settle the Crimean Steppe"
 cri_settle_the_steppes_desc:0 "It is time that we established more permanent settlements. We should identify suitable locations to establish these settlements, making sure to take into account the flow of trade and the most defensible terrain."
 cri_allow_nogai_protectorates:0 "Accept Nogai Protectorates"
 cri_allow_nogai_protectorates_desc:0 "Several of the Nogai tribes to the west seek our protection. We should take them under our wing, guaranteeing the safety of their people in exchange for their military service."

Ilkhanides :


ILK_ideas = {
    start = {
        cavalry_power = 0.2
        cavalry_cost = -0.15
    bonus = {
        cavalry_flanking = 0.5
    trigger = {
        tag = ILK
    free = yes
    ilk_restored_ilkhanate = {
        legitimacy = 1
        horde_unity = 1
    ilk_favor_sufism = {
        tolerance_heretic = 2
    ilk_persian_language_at_court = {
        num_accepted_cultures = 1
    ilk_yam_networks = {
        movement_speed = 0.15
        envoy_travel_time = -0.25
    ilk_mongol_peace = {
        years_of_nationalism = -5
    ilk_patronize_observatories = {
        technology_cost = -0.05
    ilk_recruit_turkoman_gunners = {
        fire_damage = 0.1
ilk_restored_ilkhanate_desc:0 "The Ilkhanate was originally established to secure Mongol rule over Persia in 1256. Many who have sought to rule Persia since have sought legitimacy by claiming descent from Genghis Khan, but our nation is a true revival of the first Ilkhanate. None can question our right to rule."
 ilk_persian_language_at_court:0 "Persian Language at Court"
 ilk_persian_language_at_court_desc:0 "Promoting a single language for use at court and within the state bureaucracy has clear advantages. Many of our elites have already adopted Persian as a second language, recognizing it as a prestigious and generally understood tongue throughout the Muslim world."
 ilk_yam_networks:0 "The Yam"
 ilk_yam_networks_desc:0 "Genghis Khan established a system of relay stations, supply networks, and intelligence gathering to be employed across the Mongol Empire to ease the burdens of governing an empire spanning thousands of miles across. We should restore the Yam so that our armies and envoys can travel efficiently through the realm."
 ilk_mongol_peace:0 "Mongol Peace"
 ilk_mongol_peace_desc:0 "Those who submit willingly to the Ilkhan can be sure that they will enjoy his protection. As word spreads of our benevolent and tolerant rule, resistance to our conquests will surely subside."
 ilk_patronize_observatories:0 "Patronize Observatories"
 ilk_patronize_observatories_desc:0 "The first incarnation of the Ilkhanate heavily patronized the study of the heavens, funding observatories and inviting renowned astronomers to court. We should emulate our forebears' love of the sciences by restoring the old observatories."
 ilk_favor_sufism:0 "Favor Sufism"
 ilk_favor_sufism_desc:0 "When our ancestors converted to Islam, they preferred the mystical teachings of Sufi scholars to the sectarian politics of the conventional Ulema. We should invite such scholars to court and promote a tolerant policy towards all Muslims in our realm."
 ilk_recruit_turkoman_gunners:0 "Recruit Turkoman Gunners"
 ilk_recruit_turkoman_gunners_desc:0 "It would be foolish to ignore the services offered by the Turkoman soldiers who have begun to settle in our realm. Handheld firearms are the future of warfare, and these Turkomans have mastered that art."

Pour finir, une nouvelle fournée de réformes sera bientôt disponible pour ceux qui possèdent l'extension Dharma.

Le gouvernement vénitien (également disponible pour ceux qui n'ont pas Dharma) est une variété spéciale de République Marchande, avec un nouveau type d'élection : la lotterie. Dans ces gouvernements, la corruption est réduite, les dirigeants sont élus à vie, sont bien plus âgés et possèdent des statistiques aléatoires. Les élections n'ont lieu que quand le dirigeant meurt et vous présentent 3 candidats dont l'élection directe vous coûte de la tradition républicaine. Sinon vous pouvez laisser la lotterie décider et un de ces 3 candidats sera choisi aléatoirement, sans aucun coût en tradition républicaine.

Pour ceux qui ne jouent pas avec Venise, la nouvelle réforme "Tirage au sort" permettra ce type d'élection pour tout type de République.

A un stade assez tardif du développement, nous avons réalisé que nous avions déjà une réforme appelée "Tirage au sort" et qu'il était donc nécessaire de la remplacer. Nous avons finalement trouvé 2 nouvelles réformes pour le 9ème tier des Républiques :
  • La nomination par un comité réduit le coût des conseillers et augmente le nombre de conseillers disponibles.
  • L'appareil bureaucratique réduit l'autonomie minimum dans les territoires.

Dernières mais non les moindres, nous avons ajouté 2 nouvelles réformes pour les nations indiennes, pour celles qui possèdent des états marathes ou rajputs :
  • Le conseil permanent des Marathes augmente de 5% la discipline, et change l'interaction "Recruter un conseiller", qui fournit désormais un général avec un bonus de 1 en Choc. Passer cette réforme augmente la loyauté et l'influence des Marathes, au détriment de la Noblesse.
  • Les registres gouvernementaux de purbiyas augmente la vitesse de recouvrement du moral de 5% et change l'interaction "Recruter des Purbias", qui augmente alors les dégâts de Feu et la discipline de vos régiments rajputs. Passer cette réforme augmente la loyauté et l'influence des Rajputs, au détriment de la Noblesse. Les régiments rajputs voient désormais leur entraînement diminuer 25% moins rapidement, leur coût de renfort est réduit de 50% et ils possèdent un bonus de 5% de moral.

C'est tout pour aujourd'hui ! La semaine prochaine DDRJake vous dévoilera le changelog complet du patch 1.27.

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