Stellaris, carnet des développeurs n° 151 : La version 2.3.3.

Bonjour à tous!

Nous avons bien travaillé sur le patch 2.3.3 mais avant de le rendre officiel, ce dernier doit passer notre cycle de bêta habituel. Pour le tester, comme d’habitude, il faut passer par l’onglet bêta dans les propriétés de votre jeu, la bêta se nomme stellaris_test.
La compatibilité entre deux versions n’est jamais garantie. Si vous pouvez cependant revenir sur l’une des versions précédentes du jeu via le même onglet bêta.
Cette bêta a déjà quelques soucis que nous allons résoudre avant d’en faire la version officiel que vous pouvez voir ci dessous :


AI Robot empires are a bit slow to expand with outposts.
We have added a Relic stealing feature, but it only works while in a Galatron war instead of when not in a Galatron war
While Caravaneers no longer get stuck, they are prone to moving to the same destinations.

Voici quelques changements qui se trouve dans cette nouvelle version :

L’expérience des amiraux :

Nous avons une nouvelle fois changé le gain d’expérience des amiraux provenant des patrouilles et des combats. Les amiraux auront de l’expérience en patrouille correspondant au niveau de piraterie qu’ils diminuent (alors qu’auparavant ils ne gagnaient de l’expérience que si la valeur de piraterie était non nulle). L’expérience des combats va à l’inverse beaucoup augmentée grâce à la résolution d’une erreur dans le code (NdT : l’amiral gagnait de l’expérience lorsqu’il engageait une bataille et non en fonction des pertes). Les vaisseaux qui se désengagent et qui n’était alors pas comptés comme détruit pour l’expérience des amiraux fourniront aussi un peu d’expérience. Toutes ces actions devrait corriger l'accroissement des compétences de vos amiraux.

Les Récompenses des sites archéologiques :

Ici nous avons amélioré les récompenses de nombreuses chaînes d’évènements des sites archéologiques afin de les rendre plus différents des uns des autres mais aussi pour les rendre dans certains cas plus fort.

Le cas du grand Héraut :

Malgré le fait que nous aimions bien comment la chaîne d'événements du grand Héraut fonctionnait (en particulier comment elle pouvait changer la direction d’une partie), ce dernier est effectivement trop facile à obtenir et surtout de façon trop rapide. Le site du grand Héraut aura dans cette nouvelle version moins de chance d’apparaître et la difficulté a été rehaussée. Par ailleurs lors de la complétion des événements, il se pourrait que vous trouviez le vaisseau dans un état de décrépitude avancé et qu’il vous faudra le réparer pour pouvoir en profiter via un projet spécial.

Les notes de la mise à jour au complet se trouve ci dessous :

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# Ancient Relics Story Pack Features
* A number of archaeology sites have been overhauled to give more interesting rewards for completion, with new techs, empire modifiers, and ethics-based outcomes

# General
* Updated localisation for all languages

# Balance
* Further changed Precursor system spawning to always connect to an owned system, if possible, to reduce them appearing in inaccessible places
* More archaeological site events will grant minor artifacts
* Zroni chain grants Psionic Theory tech option for non-gestalts
* The Surveyor relic now has a chance to find multiple deposits during its activation time. It has also been reduced to a five year timer
* Adjusted the rate at which Admirals gain XP when patrolling and when in combat
* Daily patrolling XP is now based on the max piracy in a system rather than the current piracy
* Disengaged ship now also give xp, they have their own define: LEADER_ADMIRAL_FLEET_COMBAT_SHIPS_DISENGAGED_CONVE RSION
* Zro is slightly more common
* Marketplace of Ideas trade policy unity per trade value increased from 0.15 to 0.25
* Grand Herald site is less common. When the Grand Herald is found it may be damaged to some degree, if so there is a special project to restore it to full power
* Finishing Arc Sites may yield Technology Research Options/Boosts
* Lowered the chance of archaeology sites being discovered when planets are surveyed
* Non-genocidal gestalt empires may now also seize the galatron from those who would withhold access to its glory

# UI
* Added MP DLC ownership icon for Ancient Relics
* Fixed line break in Zro Deposits causing unnecessary truncation of text
* Fixed displayed Army Recruitment time not including build speed modifiers
* You should no longer be able to see the orders of the fleets of other empires
* Fixed the resources going haywire in the trade view. Hopefully for the last time
* Added a country modifier to remind you that you can safely colonize Holy worlds as the chosen of Zarqlan

# AI
* Fixed so that the AI uses their idle science ships to assist research rather than just drawing salaries and doing nothing like typical freeloading intelligentsia
* AI empires will finish tradition trees before starting new ones
* Changed AI weight for consecration decision, so that it's actually used
* AI will now build city districts on planets if needed even if not many pops live there
* AI no longer juggles leaders back and forth, and also makes sure there is always at least one leader assigned to a ship
* Fixed the AI declaring war on empire they can't reach, or empires on the other side of the galaxy
* AI no longer needlessly upgrades starbases if they still have unused module or building slots
* Removed ostensibly arbitrary pop requirement for research buildings, also capped holo-theatres to one per planet

# Modding
* add_anomaly effect now adds the anomaly to the scoped country instead of the first country to survey the planet
* Added "min_jumps" and "max_jumps" parameters to the "spawn_system" command for better control of where and to what world spawned system appear
* min_jump and max_jump now use -1 to be ignored, so that you can make systems that attach directly to your base system
* Added `steal_relic = { target = TARGET_COUNTRY relic = <all/random/RELIC_NAME>` effect
* The `on_arrival_effect` is now properly called with a fleet scope
* Replaced hard texture limit with hybridarray for people that have excessive amounts of textures due to mods
* Added 'is_last_lost_relic' and 'is_last_received_relic'. Both trigger return true if the relice passed as a parameter is the last (lost/received) relic by the country from the scope country scope: is_last_lost_relic = <relic_key> / is_last_received_relic = <relic_key>

# Stability
* Fixed a freeze when editing trade routes from a system you stole
* Fixed a crash when using mature galaxy in observer mode

# Bugfixes
* Colony automation now has a 3 day cooldown after a building completes in order for recently completed constructions to take effect
* Increased weighting of favorited jobs so that they're properly prioritized
* Made the logic for buy/selling slaves better. AI is now more likely to both buy and sell slaves, wrote someone in the 21st century
* Fixed automation not working on planet capitals or new colonies if you don't change the designation
* Conquered habitats will now convert districts that are not permitted by their new empire type
* Fixed so that rogue servitor AI will no longer just build organic sanctuaries
* All non-Exterminator Machine Intelligences should now be able to make Farming Colonies
* In MP only the first player to discover the Baol or Zroni precursor will begin their chain. Others are free to discover different precursors
* Fixed overflow issues in AI diplomacy due to relative strength calculations
* The result of "Reverse-Engineer Minor Artifacts" is now properly randomized
* Disabled map-ping for finished arch sites
* Admiral XP is based on the total cost of ships instead of just minerals
* Fix for all buildings swapping issues
* Secrets of the Irassians will no longer sometimes give machine intelligences a tech they can't use
* Changed so that arch sites and certain events use the correct GFX files
* Fixed Growth species disappearing every other month in some cases
* Ship build speed modifiers are no longer applied twice
* Fixed Build Speed modifier being applied twice to buildings
* Fixed some new Tutorial Lines not playing VO (VO for a bald eagle flying out of an explosion with a pistol grasped in its beak didn't arrive in time for today, alas)
* The Caravaneers roam space once again instead of sitting in orbit ringing your doorbell for all eternity with an "offer you can't refuse"
* Deficit modifiers are properly applied again
* Master Builders no longer ever affects Habitat size
* Rare resource tech will also be researchable if any planet you own contains an Industrial sector deposit
* Primitives living on Ring Worlds will no longer build normal districts on them when invaded, enlightened, or if they naturally develop spaceflight, because inscrutably we have created a game where apparently such things are possible
* Maintenance Drones again have a positive weight for the Emotion emulators trait
* Fixed ships not going MIA when they can't return because they don't have access
* Presapients can now be found again to be uplifted/exploited/devoured as your whim decrees

Notre but est de résoudre tout problème qui pourrait apparaître avant de sortir la nouvelle version 2.3.3 (NdT et peut être la dernière pour “Wolfe”) puis de partir en vacances.

À bientôt.

Finalement il y a eu un dernier carnet avant les vacances, comme d'habitude vous êtes invités à passer sur le forum pour vos commentaires et vos questions. Par ailleurs j'essaye de receuillir vos avis pour une nouvelle partie ici.