Crusader Kings 3 : Notes du patch 1.2.2

Voici la traduction du 46ème carnet de développement de CK3, le prochain jeu de Paradox Development Studio, dédié aux notes de changements du patch 1.2.2.

Salutations !

Le patch 1.2 "Argent" est sorti depuis un certain temps déjà, et nous espérons que vous l'appréciez ! C'est tellement amusant de voir les créations fascinantes que vous créez tous dans le Ruler Designer !

Pour clôturer l'année, nous prévoyons de publier un petit patch en début de semaine prochaine. Au départ, nous voulions le publier cette semaine, mais nous avons découvert d'autres problèmes que nous voulions régler - telle est la nature du développement de logiciels !

Ce patch résoudra un certain nombre de bogues et de problèmes, énumérés ci-dessous.

Notes du patch 1.2.2 [en anglais] :

- You can now hold the Control-key when raising armies to not have them be split based on supply when you raise them
- Fixed the Ruler Designer crashing when using the arrow keys to move sliders on machines with limited RAM
- Fixed some characters not having access to Cultural Names when naming children because their Religion didn’t have any Religious names defined
- Fixed a crash that could happen when randomizing Dynasty Names for certain cultures in the Ruler Designer
- Fixed the Legacies button being hidden beyond the screen if both Dynasty and House modifiers are present
- Fixed the AI not always supporting the player correctly when handling massive armies
- Fixed not being able to build certain buildings when playing the game in spanish, esto ahora está arreglado
- Fixed siege sounds sometimes persisting after you close the siege window
- Removed the deprecated Nudity game rule, nudity is now toggled on/off in the settings menu, accessible in the same place as you toggle displaying graphical diseases
- The lifestyle/focus button is no longer visible on characters that cannot have a lifestyle set
- Kicking a player that is still inside the Ruler Designer will no longer block a multiplayer game from starting
- When you Ruler Design a character, you will no longer lose all non-De Jure vassals that ruler had
- Fixed not always having access to all hairstyles when Ruler Designing a character that is 18 years old or younger
- You now get less points from being extremely old when Ruler Designing a character
- Fixed the list of Faiths exceeding its limits when playing the game in a non-english language
- Criminal rulers no longer get a free pass on imprisoning without impunity
- Diplomacy perk modifiers are now added and subtracted properly (Sound Foundations and Friendly Counsel)
- Fixed losing Piety when imprisoning generic Criminals, now properly only applies when imprisoning your Head of Faith
- Fixed an issue with floating or sinking infant characters in the main menu, exorcism successful
- Fixed a memory leak in the GUI editor
- Fixed a memory leak for character portraits. This could have a significant effect in the Ruler Designer, and a lesser one during normal play
- Fixed achievements sometimes being shown as unavailable even though they were available

C'est tout pour l'instant ! Passez un bon hiver !

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Carnet traduit avec l'aide de DeepL