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Europa Universalis IV - le patch 1.31.4 Majapahit disponible en Bêta
Europa Universalis IV - Le patch 1.31.4 disponible en Bêta
Bonjour à tous!
Avant toute chose je souhaiterais me présenter à vous. Je m'appelle Rodrigo Moltó
(Ndt: ou elkronk, auteur de cet article)
, et je suis Assistant Chef de Projet chez Paradox Tinto.
Alors que nous avions cherché à résoudre les problèmes majeurs à l'aide de patchs publiés rapidement (ce qui était un poil risqué), nous entrons à présent dans une nouvelle phase de correctifs au cours de laquelle nous allons quelque peu ralentir le rythme. Aussi nous mettrons à disposition des Bêtas publiques de nos patchs avant de les déployer complètement. Si participer au test des prochains patchs vous intéresse et que vous êtes prêts à nous aider par vos retours, vous êtes les bienvenus.
Comment faire un rapport de bug:
1 - Vos comptes Paradox et Steam doivent être synchronisés (connectez-vous via
/ Settings / suivez les instructions de synchronisation).
2 - Lisez les
instructions suivantes
pour savoir comment
rapporter ici un bug
correctement (il est important pour nous qu'un rapport de bug contienne certaines informations, ou nous ne serons pas en mesure d'y remédier).
3 - Quand vous publierez un rapport de bug, assurez-vous que le titre contienne l'information que vous utilisez la version 1.31.4.
Ex: "[1.31.4] - courte description du bug"
J'ai lu et compris les étapes mentionnées ci-dessus:
1 - Faites clic-droit sur Europa Universalis IV depuis la librairie Steam
2 - Allez en bas dans les propriétés, puis cliquez sur "Bêtas"
3 - Placez-vous sur le champ appelé "Saisissez le code d'accès pour débloquer les bêtas privées"
4 - Renseignez le mot de passe suivant:
et validez en cliquant sur "Vérifier le code"
La version 1.31.4 devrait normalement être accessible depuis le menu déroulant situé juste au dessus. Sélectionnez-la et laissez votre jeu se mettre à jour.
Merci de ne pas diffuser le mot de passe en dehors de cet article (...Oups!?), car nous devons nous assurer de la qualité des rapports de bugs afin d'être les plus efficaces possible. Merci pour votre aide!
Vous trouverez les notes de mise à jour du patch 1.31.4 en bas d'article.
Version Bêta 1.31.4:
# Équilibrage:
- Should a foreign country become the Emperor of the HRE then all of their European provinces, which have a connection to their capital, will be added to the Empire.
# Interface:
# Infobulles
- Add new line to "Proclaim Erbkaisertum" tooltip explaining that it removes vassal princes from the diplomatic relations of the emperor.
- Fixed Piracy in Palembang tooltip containing wrong ruler name.
- Fixed issue where tactics difference would be displayed incorrectly in siege phase tooltip.# Other
- Added new icon for "Missionary Strength against Heathen"
# Scénario:
# Décisions
- Forming Malaya will now ask the player if they want to update their ideas.
- The decision "Flee to Brazil" will now properly set your captial to Brazil - regardless if it was in Europe or elsewhere on the world before.# Events
- The event "The Completion of Borobudur" has now additional modifiers ot its Mean-Time-To-Happen, which will drastically increase the chance for that event to happen for Sunda and Majapahit.
- The event "The Completion of Borobudur" triggers for Sunda only when they have fulfilled the misison "Restore Borobudur".# Ideas
- The Samoan Idea "Fa's Samoa" now grants you +10% Governing Capacity instead of the +5% Administrative Efficiency.# Missions
- Adjusted some mission icons for the Indonesian Mission Tree.
- Fixed issue with Palembang havind duplicated missions.
- The Ayutthayan mission "Royal Absolutism" will now ask the player if they want to update their ideas while switching to Siam.
- The Maori mission "Centralize the Realm" gives now monarch points if you are no longer tribal instead of trying to enact the Polynesian Kingdom.
- The Maori mission "Loyal Subjects" will no longer require that all estates have less than 10 influence. Instead, it will now require that every estate has less 40 influence and a loyalty of 65 or higher.
- The Maori mission "Own a Center of Trade" will now upgrade only ONE of your Centers of Trade instead of every single one.
- The Maori missoin "Riri Wars" will give you now +100 ADM power and 0.15 years of Manpower if there is no rival left for getting a CB against.
- The Maori mission "Expand the Trade Routes"'s requirement is now consistent wiht itself, meaning the amount of trade buildings you need to have is always 3 or 2 with 20 light ships.
- The Maori mission "Gain Mana"'s requirement has been nerfed to having 1 stability down from 3.
# Correctif de bugs:
- All province modifiers, which are granted by estate privileges, will now properly affect provinces, which weren't owned by the country at the point when the privilege got enacted (for example: newly conquered Christian provinces will now be affected by the Dhimni privilege if active).
- Fixed issue with custom nations overriding others in MP.
- Declare War interface no longer falsely suggests that Emperor's allies are called to war.
- The define_heir effect can now allow random higher stats than given if fixed = yes isn't specified.
- Non-active countries now have their revolutions crushed just like everyone else so they don't pop back up as revolutionary if released later on.
- Majapahit and Khmer national disasters will now trigger as expected.
- Fixed the monarch names of Fars.
- Can now stop building spy network via diplo menu of a country whom you took the capital of.
- Fixed issue with not being able to speed up progress on monuments construction after continuing save.
- Changing displayed Unit Type or Technology Tier does not close Sprite Pack list in Nation Designer.
- Conquering a province with a monument under construction now cancels construction.
- Fixed a CTD related to AI disbanding mercenaries.
- Fixed a CTD when tooltipping siege in outliner.
- Fleet basing rights are now granted automatically by war allies.
- Fixed issue where "Left the Empire" would not tick down over time.
- Fixed issue for subjects not fabricate claims.
- Last federation advancement now inherits properly without auto-settling, and gives all tribal land correctly.
- Various issues with CBs and war goals fixed.
- Fixed OOS related to leader initialization.
- Fixed OOS related to naval modifiers.
- Fixed issue where a hotjoin request would be duplicated if player cancels hotjoin and request it again.
- Fixed some issues related to monument events.
- Fixed a CTD in eventwindow related to selecting an event picture to display.
- Fixed an issue for pending events not loading property if they do not have an end date set.
- Fixed an issue for events not showing up when playing coop in MP.
- Fixed a CTD related to building spy networks.
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