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Stellaris, carnet des développeurs n°257 & 258 : Devoirs de vacances.
Stellaris, carnet des développeurs n°257 & 258 : Devoirs de vacances.
Bonjour !
Au moment où j’écris ces lignes, l’équipe travaille sur la mise à jour 3.4.4 et les notes de la mise à jour seront disponibles très bientôt (
NdT : à la fin de cet article
). En attendant, parlons de choses plus concrètes.
Les mois d’été sont en général consacrés aux expérimentations de nouvelles mécaniques ou changements fondamentaux du jeu. Parmi les précédents nous pouvons citer l’implémentation des Lithoïdes (qui ont changé la façon de créer les extensions avec de nouvelles espèces) et bien sûr les essais sur les quartiers industriels. Parfois, tout ne fonctionne pas du premier coup et il est nécessaire de réaliser plusieurs itérations, mais ce n’est pas si problématique en raison de cette période de charge creuse.
Plutôt que de faire une revue de ce qui a fonctionné ou pas dans le passé, je voulais vous parler des expérimentations que nous allons faire ces prochains mois. Aucune de ces dernières n’a de garantie d’être implémentée dans le jeu et bien sûr le planning pour leur implémentation est très flexible et ainsi je ne peux vous donner de dates.
Équilibrage sur les reliques :
Pour ce sujet, je vous joins le message de Iggy à ce propos :
Les reliques ont pour but d’être des actifs sympas et qui peuvent changer un empire. Elles doivent être puissantes et unique pour ce faire. Le souci c’est qu’elles ne sont pas égales. Ainsi dans une future mise à jour, nous espérons pouvoir rééquilibrer les choses. Pour le moment, j’ai pu les classer en 3 catégories :
Les reliques d'événements, qui ont des effets de niches mais très puissants comme l’Omnicodex et la Lame de la Chasseresse.
Les reliques des précurseurs qui se doivent d’être très puissantes quelque soit l’empire qui la reçoit. Je ne veux pas promettre que les souches de la peste Javorienne seront meta pour les empires pacifiques ou que les archives psioniques serviront les empires mécaniques, mais des effets doivent exister.
Les reliques suites aux crises que vous gagnez après l’avoir défaite ne devraient pas juste vous donner 30 points de recherches, mais quelques choses en plus pour marquer le coup.
Avec ceci en tête, je vais faire une nouvelle passe sur les bonus associés afin d’égaliser leur potentiel, plein de changements en perspective mais pour une meilleure expérience de jeu. Une liste de ces derniers vous sera fournie une fois la reprise des carnets après les vacances.
Accessibilité :
MonzUn est sur le projet d’amélioration de l’édition des commandes pour Stellaris en particulier pour utiliser les boutons latéraux des souris, plus de touches sur le clavier mais pas que. Une lecture des textes des événements est aussi possible. Certains d’entre vous nous ont aussi suggéré une prise en compte de la déficience de la reconnaissance des couleurs. Si vous avez d’autres suggestions pour améliorer le jeu dans cette direction, dites le nous.
Les Traditions :
Avec les évolutions réalisées suite à la 3.1, Alfray Stryke est en train de créer de nouveaux arbres de traditions. Nous essayons aussi de voir comment certaines actions en jeu peuvent bloquer ou débloquer l’accès aux arbres de traditions. Une idée intéressante serait de les lier à la prise d’ascension ou d’origine et nous étudions activement ces possibilités.
Au fond du code :
Caligula Caesar continue son travail afin de trouver toujours plus d’endroits où utiliser le multithreading et d’expérimenter de nouvelles façons de calculer les multiples modificateurs que contient le jeu, en particulier vers la fin de partie.
Les combats de flottes :
Pendant ce temps, mes devoirs de vacances se concentrent principalement sur les combats entres flottes.
J’essaye d’étudier les thèmes suivants :
- Plus de fonction aux destroyers et croiseurs afin de promouvoir des flottes mixtes;
- Augmenter la durée des combats et moins les faire reposer sur le 1er feu;
- Expérimenter avec les mécaniques d’évasion, ciblage, précision, contre-mesure existantes;
- Donner un rôle aux armes de taille “petite”;
- Changer le comportement des porte-avions d’assaut. Oui il y a peut être un laser de défense sur ces derniers mais ça n’est pas une raison pour qu’ils chargent au cœur de la mêlée;
- Améliorer le lien entre ordinateur de combat et rôles en bataille.
Ces expériences et questions sont de nature assez fumeuse et ne devraient pas porter leur fruit avant longtemps (
NdT : pourtant les mods font déjà quelques merveilles comme avec les porte-avions
Du succès :
Nos artistes ont pris beaucoup de plaisir avec le design des succès pour l’extension Overlord et étaient demandeurs pour en ajouter d’autres sur les extensions pour les espèces.
Ceci n’est donc pas une expérimentation et de nouveaux succès sont à venir une fois que nous trouvons d’autres bonnes idées à implémenter. Ci dessous un avant goût :
On sent comme un rapport avec la nourriture se détacher, non?
Tous ces études estivales ne sont pas exhaustives et un paquets d'autres choses est aussi examinés (on me dit Espionnage dans l’oreille). Comme mentionné la semaine dernière la mise à jour 3.4.4 est sur le point de sortir et il est l’heure de révéler les notes définitives de la mise à jour :
Version 3.4.4:
Amélioration :
Automated Exploration and Automated Research are now available from the start of the game rather than being tech-locked.
Construction ships now have an Automated Construction mode, which will automatically build Research and Mining Stations over appropriate deposits. (It will not automatically build Observation Stations, Hyper Relays, or other constructions.)
Imperial Fiefdom changes
The Imperial Fiefdom overlord is now barred from terms that allow it to join offensive wars of their subjects.
Every member of the empire that does not start with the overlord nearby will start with a small overlord colony/outpost in the vicinity.
The overlord's empire will be connected by 'Derelict Gateways' that the overlord can use, but which become ruined once the civil war starts
Changed it so players can remain loyal to the overlord when the civil war begins, if they so wish. The AI will always go independent.
Added Hydroponics Station designation for habitats. This designation removes 2 housing from Habitation Districts in exchange for adding 1 farmer jobs.
Planetary automation will now seek to clear blockers as soon as there is any need. It now uses the same formula as the indicator on the outliner: i.e. if it is limiting the number of districts OR if there are buildings that could be built by clearing the blockers OR if planet growth speed is reduced (previous behaviour was to only check the first of those).
Made some clarifications for the Shroudwalkers, so it is clearer what asset you are getting from them and how the planet modifier works.
Criminal pops no longer reduce the efficiency of criminal syndicate branch offices
Quantum Catapult event art image added
Hyper Relay event art image added
New Overlord music track will now play in the main menu
Tooltip now mentions that setting up vassal resource sharing will prevent the affected resources from being traded in regular trade deals later
Empires created by releasing sectors or from status quo peace deals now have some starting resources to not immediately suffer deficits.
Clarified that Subjugation War Terms only apply to Vassals and Subsidiaries.
The tooltips for Resource Contribution terms now inform you that they block trade deals for the resources involved.
The Reemployment Center holding now shows when the next zombie will be created.
Spawning Pools and Progenitor Nests are now under the Pop Assembly building category.
Added subjugation agreement caps of +1,000 / -10,000
Refined the Teachers of the Shroud requirements tooltip.
Clarified that Progenitor Hives can only release sectors if they do not have the devouring swarm civic.
Players will now be notified when their Overlord has built Holdings on their planet
Starbase Transit Hubs now also fulfill the necessary requirement for slaves or non-sapient robots to automatically migrate from planets in the system.
The dividend event now specifies which enclave is paying its dues.
AI logic for voting on Free Migration has been adjusted to more strictly align with Xenophile/Xenophobe ethics
AI 10 year voting cooldown extended to now apply to other diplo actions like declaring war etc
Clarified the tooltip for the Strip Mine decision.
Added a setting to Galaxy Setup that permits the disabling of L-Gates.
Planetary Automation will now build pre-emptively if there are 0 jobs available on a planet or if there is an unemployed pop that can work a job from the suggested building. This should solve both the case where we shouldn't make specialist jobs for slaves but also allows us to preemptively build more jobs to allow for auto migration.
Added an Upgrade module to the Planetary Automation such that players can now enable/disable automatically upgrading buildings on their planets
Équilibrage :
Ships now gain 5 exp per day in battle instead of 1.
Doubled the base unity output of telepaths.
Unified effects for Citadel of Faith, Auto-Curating Vault and equivalent buildings.
The Shroudwalkers have learned their lesson, and will no longer teach any Fanatic Purifiers about the Shroud. The Fanatic Purifiers will have to look for another origin now.
Bulwark Battlewright aura now provides 0.25% hull regen per day.
Bulwark Watch network effect no longer spawns too many armies. Instead it increases planetary stability by 5.
Being an overlord now imparts a -1000 penalty to diplomatic requests to be subjugated.
The Ministry of Science and Vigil Command now have an empire limit of 1.
The upkeep of Overlord Beholder jobs now scale with the tier of the Bulwark subject (and thus the increase in the defensive platform cap).
Reworked the Ministry of Science holding. It no longer provides increased research speed for the overlord depending on the number of science ships in orbit of the subject's planet. Instead it now gives subject researchers (or calculators or brain drones) research output for the overlord, with an appropriate increase in upkeep.
The Orbital Assembly Complex now increases the effects of modules built on the planet's orbital ring.
Habitation Modules provide +0.5 building slots.
Orbital Shipyards gain +1 Shipyard capacity.
Orbital Anchorages provide +2 Naval Capacity.
Planetary Defense Guns and Batteries support +1 Defensive Platforms.
Halved the hull and armor regen provided by Regenerative Hull Tissue, Nanite Repair System, Nanobot Cloud, Mercenaries, and Devouring Swarm. This will also affect the regeneration of leviathans and other entities that make use of these ship components.
Retrofitting ships will no longer pay out the resources left over after the retrofit costs have been applied.
Effects that granted modifiers to ship upgrade costs have been replaced with other modifiers. It should no longer be possible to be in a situation where it is cheaper to build empty ships and then upgrade them than to build them correctly right away.
Significantly reduced the amount of time it takes to build Ion Cannons. Reduced the base cost and upkeep of Ion Cannons, but they are now affected by components.
Reduced weighting for clerks as pops seemed to really want to work as them instead of miners
Merc dividends no longer give ships when the patron is near or above their naval cap.
Moved bonus resource storage for silos from tech_global_production_strategy to tech_construction_templates
If you declare a force ideology war on an empire, all non-gestalt overlords and subjects that are called into the war will also be subject to the force ideology effect.
Correction des bugs :
Fixed the notification message for forced approval of a negotiated agreement (due to lack of influence) saying the proposal was declined
Fixed ETA not being displayed in the fleet view
Progenitor Hives can now lease fleets without them being debuffed
AI will now no longer stop all colonisation during lategame crises. (Its instruction to not attempt to colonise and instead focus on war now expires in the midgame)
Khan should no longer be hostile to mercenaries.
Admirals no longer abandon their post on leased fleets.
Planetary automation will no longer seek to build gene clinics if you are a synthetically-ascended empire.
Fixed issue where planetary automation would upgrade Necrophage Centers of Elevation (which is often undesirable as it may lead to you running out of necrophytes)
Newly colonized planets will now have their planet automation turned on if they are in an automated sector
You can no longer build an orbital ring around a planet with a destroyed orbital ring.
When an orbital ring is destroyed, the planet owner gains ownership of the ruined ring immediately.
Fixed broken tooltip for destroyed orbital rings.
The Salvagers no longer introduce themselves to void dwelling empires as soon as they finish researching any technology.
Mercenary fleet contract can now be terminated after vassal has been integrated
Added localization for Imperial Fiefdom opinion modifiers.
Traditions will now be properly transferred to vassals created from sectors
Fixed "Proceed" button in the vassal agreement terms renegotiation menu sometimes being inactive
Fixed template with an unnamed flag causing issues with game loading
Fixed modifying a species (via the species modification interface) applying default species rights instead of the rights of the species you were modifying (particularly painful if default rights were assimilation)
Fixed possibility to set gender specific ruler titles, for example King and Queen
Fix some issues with display of leader names
Corrected “Message in the Canopy” archaeology site outcome options
Vassal loyalty tooltip in subjugation view now includes full breakdown information
Fixed relay network modifiers being removed after specialist vassal levels up
Fixed missing localization in mercenary admiral tooltip
You can no longer declare wars of vassalisation against Inward Perfectionists.
You cannot use a secret fealty wargoal if you are at war with the overlord of the empire that has sworn fealty to you.
Medium Crystal Plating no longer displays the tooltip for the Bulwark Battlewright.
Expel Corporation wars now close branch offices on your planets and those of your subjects belonging to the targeted MegaCorp
The Manifesti faction now use their faction icon.
Pacifier colossus weapon can now target machine and hive worlds.
The Traditionalist faction in empires with the Teachers of the Shroud origin now approves of following the teachings of the Shroudwalkers.
Changed Subjugation War Terms to no longer apply invalid terms for Subsidiaries (such as integration allowed).
Become the Crisis Bring into the Fold wargoal now respects your subjugation policy.
Become the Crisis Bring into the Fold wargoal now causes subjugated empires to become subsidiaries if the BtC empire is a megacorp
Empires that are Brought into the Fold by a Scion now correctly convert to the Scion preset (as do their subjects)
Subjects are now informed that they have a -50% penalty to diplomatic weight.
Subjects that bounce between vassal/subsidiary and protectorate states should now correctly gain the protectorate bonuses whenever they become a protectorate.
The Khan no longer counts as a Satrapy and thus can invade planets.
Subsidiaries created via subjugation war now inherit the base subsidiary agreement restrictions
Fixed slave armies not being trainable.
Splitting Imperial Fiefdom Overlord can no longer cause systems with shared ownership of planets
Hive-minds that reform into having the Memorialist civic no longer need to restart the game to build galactic memorials.
Mercenary Captains no longer display localisation keys.
Fixed the tooltip for the tier 3 orbital ring requesting the wrong capital building.
Implemented the Subterranean Nation modifier directly into the origin so any empire that inherits the origin will gain the modifiers.
Subterranean/Mantle Dwellers now correctly have the Cave Dweller trait.
Fixed Terravores claiming that they could build Organic Sanctuary holdings.
The tooltip for Habitat Administration buildings now lists the effects of colonist jobs for Void Dwellers.
The job description of colonists now states that they can provide minerals instead of food.
Fixed megacorps creating more megacorps from wars in some cases where the origins of the newly created empires weren't set correctly.
Signs of the Locus now checks for the correct diplomatic stance. In addition, it now checks your border policy as well.
Strongholds no longer benefit from Resistance is Frugal
Borderless Authority and Personal Oversight correctly increase the number of subject holdings overlords can build.
Fixed "Shroud Stench" planetary modifier lacking an icon
Updated tooltip for how to unlock branch office buildings.
Resized and moved the upgrade button for orbital rings.
Fixed a tooltip in the Situations interface showing erroneous information ("outcome in -65 months") if the Situation was ticking down
Fixed some issues with the setup of the starting Ring World in advanced AI empires
Fixed Gestalt Empire Governors Skill tooltips saying Crime instead of Deviancy
Fixed incorrect description string variable in the "Atmospheric Nanobot Dispersal"
Fixed Emergency Election button showing two Unity symbols
Admirals no longer abandon their post on leased fleets.
Mercenary armies now properly spawn at the client capital.
Pressing ESC during mercenary diplomacy should now bring you back to the main menu or close the diplomacy window.
Tactical advice against the gray tempest is only available when the gray tempest is triggered, not just when the L Cluster is opened.
Patrons can no longer recall fleets that they themselves are hiring.
Mercenary admirals now have suitable loc for their profession.
Fixed some cases where our tooltip system would unnecessarily generate "all of the following must be true" (when there was only one condition)
Fixed incomplete information about what Telepaths do when looking at buildings that provide them
Mercenary Enclaves are no longer listed as Honorbound Warriors in the contacts list.
Fixed incorrect tooltip when scrapping robots during the alloy deficit situation
Fixed the message response icon on diplomatic notifications blocking click input on the lower half of the notification.
The No Holding text in the agreements tab is now yellow instead of placeholder pink.
If you don't use Consumer Goods and conquer a planet with factories on it, they will be removed
Fix missing prescripted empires' leaders' names
Fixed ship building buttons in Mega Shipyard view being cut off
You can no longer force ideology on gestalt empires by declaring on their subjects.
Fixed issue when some of the modifiers of modules didn't apply to the Starbase.
Fixed Insidious Ophidians event chain accidentally removing the "Poor Quality Minerals" permanent planetary modifier
The Traditionalist faction in empires with the Teachers of the Shroud origin now approves of following the teachings of the Shroudwalkers.
Fixed a case where specialist subjects leveling up could end up disabling relay network effects.
The Spiritualist Fallen Empire has figured out what Star Eaters are and will now Awaken if you use one to blow up one of their holy worlds.
Namelists Hive Mind 1 and Hive Mind 2 now feature names unique to each ship size (Corvette, Destroyer, etc.).
Fixed new districts sometimes not appearing after the Superfluous Terraforming Equipment event
No longer possible for Overlords to transfer more science than they generate to their subjects
Admiral bonuses are now correctly displayed in the ship details
Fixed Mega Shipyards not being able to produce after being taken over through subject integration
Game Stability related fixes and changes:
Fixed multiplayer out of sync due to FLEET_ORDERS
Fixed crash occurring when viewing a system destroyed by a star eater that contained a quantum catapult and simultaneously opening load menu
Fixed crash due to invalid-read CQuantumCatapultFleetOrderButton::IsValid
Fixed crash due to invalid-write CPlanet::RepairSavegameClearInvalidAndNullDeposits
Fixed crash from having a subject with 0 empire size
Moddabilité :
Overlord Holding buildings and Branch Office buildings now support empire_limit = { }
Added is_human_species scripted trigger if you want additional portraits to be considered humans.
Added on_fleet_lease_started/ended on_actions for more friendly mod compatibility
Fixed load order issues with check_modifier_value
Fixed localize_with_value_key and min_mult in scripted modifiers
Added GetOriginName localisation command (to clarify an error log)
Added "has_subject = <country>" trigger to go with has_overlord
Greatly improved scope error logging for event targets and script values
Nous nous retrouverons après la pause d’été lors du redémarrage des carnets en Août.
Très bonnes vacances à tous.
Le cycle de Cepheus se clôt et on espère que leurs expériences estivales amèneront les changements attendus depuis longtemps pour ce jeu. En attendant plus de nouveaux carnet jusqu'au mois d'Août prochain, mais il reste encore les non traduit à réaliser. Restez au courant en passant sur
le foru
Source carnet n°257
Source carnet n°258
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