Stellaris, carnet des développeurs n°267 : Paradox annonce : Stellaris Toxicoïd.

Émergez de la soupe primordiale !

Dans Toxoids, vous aurez la chance de décontaminer des mondes toxiques, de sacrifier la pérennité de votre espèce contre des gains à court terme et de faire les durs choix nécessaires pour survivre dans une galaxie hostile.

Le Toxoids Species Pack inclut :
- 15 nouveaux portraits pour l'espèce (+1 pour les possesseurs du Synthetic Dawn Story Pack)
- 2 nouvelles origines :

Chevaliers du Dieu toxique : Dans les profondeurs de votre monde natal, des rumeurs circulent sur un véritable pouvoir enfoui sous les boues toxiques. Oserez-vous déterrer les secrets de votre passé - et potentiellement libérer un colosse biologique ?
Superfection : Jouez une espèce qui peut accumuler plus de traits que toutes les autres, mais au prix de sa propre espérence de vie (NdT : problème de cancer j'imagine). Cueillez le jour sans avoir peur de quoi vous réserve le futur.

- 3 nouveaux civismes :

Bains toxiques : Faites croître votre population rapidement avec une nouvelle infusion de boues mutagènes - tant que vous êtes prêt à en tolérer les coûts pour votre planète et votre peuple !
Ramasseurs : Collectez débris et morceau pour accélérer vos propres projets de construction.
Industriels implacables : Si vous voulez répondre à la demande, vous devrez apprendre à ignorer toutes ces petites réglementations et opinions négatives. La population survivante vous remerciera pour toutes les ressources que vous gagnerez !

- 4 nouveaux traits de caractère propres à l'espèce :

Incubateurs : Repeuplez-vous rapidement lorsque votre planète est vide, mais ces installations de croissance peuvent se remplir rapidement !
Souffle inorganique : Votre propre peuple est une source de précieux gaz exotiques ! Dommage que les respirateurs soient si chers.
Nocivité : Les autres espèces ne supportent pas d'être autour de vous, et il semble que votre simple existence fasse de vos planètes des endroits affreux où vivre. Par contre, les autres empires ont bien du mal à vouloir vous combattre ou vous subjuguer !
Métabolisme exotique : Vous vous êtes adapté pour manger des matières là où d'autres espèces appelleraient une équipe de décontamination. Mangez plus vite, vivez plus longtemps et profitez d'un arc-en-ciel de saveurs terrifiant !

Mais aussi, de nouveaux styles pour vos vaisseaux toxiques, vos villes et une toile de fond ainsi qu'une voix de conseiller.

Plongez dans les profondeurs toxiques de ce pack d'espèce... mais vérifiez bien les joints de votre scaphandre de protection avant de vous lancer !

Cette extension est accompagnée de la mise à jour Fornax dont les notes sont ci dessous :

Version 3.5.1 :
Nouvelles mécaniques et ajouts :

Option pour déclencher toutes les crises dans la même partie. Les crises se déclencheront l'une après l'autre et chacun sera 1,5X plus forte que la précédente.
Ajout de la cabane des Rangers .
Added the Ranger Lodge building for the Environmentalist civic granting you unity for each natural blocker left on the planet.
De nouveaux systèmes stellaires uniques :
2 avec des sites archéologiques : le refuge Larionessi, une civilisation ruche oubliée appelant à l'aide et Zevox, une entité du voile qui ne souhaite parler qu'aux machines ;
3 systèmes où il sera possible de récupérer des technologie pour vos vaisseaux ;
3 systèmes avec des planètes habitables supplémentaire ;
1 nouvelle anomalie, la planète chantante.

Le retour des travailleurs culturels (NdT : voir le carnet n°260)

Production : +10% d'attraction des éthiques gouvernementales et 4 points d'unité pour 3 biens de consommations.
En plus et suivant vos éthiques (X2 en cas d'éthiques fanatiques) :

Spiritualiste : -2.5% d'usage des service (sur la planète)
Matérialiste : +2 services (sur la planète)
Militariste : +1 capacité navale (pour l'Empire)
Pacifiste : +2.5% de commerce produit par les populations (sur la planète)
Xénophobe : +2.5% bonheur (sur la planète)
Xénophile : -2.5% d’entretien des populations (sur la planète)
Égalitaire : -2.5% d'usage des logements (sur la planète)
Autoritaire: +3 fond d'édit (pour l'Empire)

Des équivalents existent pour les ruches ou les empires mécaniques. Idem pour les chroniqueurs de la mort.

Il est maintenant possible d'acheter un superviseur à l'enclave des recycleurs, ces derniers aideront à la recherche de débris.
Nouveaux traits : Conscient. Les scientifiques ayant ce trait mettent plus de temps à fouiller les sites de fouilles archéologiques, mais sont plus susceptibles de rencontrer des anomalies.
La consécration des planètes déclenche un effet visuel selon la qualité du monde consacré. Les mondes sacrés des empires déchus spiritualistes en profite aussi.
Rééquilibrage des reliques.

16 nouveaux succès liés aux packs d'espèces et au DLC Synthetic Dawn.

Les Lithoids ont dorénavant aux traits Radiotrophique et Cristallisation qui fonctionne de façon similaire à leurs contreparties Plantoides.

Interfaces :

Megastructures are now listed in the Outliner.
Starbase outliner will now indicate if a starbase can be upgraded
Made it possible to directly demolish upgraded ruined buildings.
The tooltip and description for Commercial Pacts will now give info on what the best locations for new Branch Offices in their empire if you are a megacorp and have sufficient intel.
Added an icon to the situation progress elements that more clearly shows if situation progress has halted.
Added planetary designation icon to the species modification UI
Situation tooltips will now display time until the next stage as well as until the situation is completed.
Robot empires now include robot species in system view habitability calculations.
Fixed UI overlap between long planet names and resource icons in the Planets & Sectors view.
Fixed Galactic Community UI member list overflowing when there are more than 32 empires in the community.
Fixed tooltip displays for empire modifiers in deposits (it will list them as country modifiers rather than confusingly lumping them in with planet modifiers).
Restored outliner planet blockaded icon (it erroneously said the enemy had landed armies when it merely had armies in orbit) .
The outliner will now no longer cut off the size of fleets above 100k.
Tooltip for cannot afford fleet reinforcement now says what resources you are lacking
Fixed army outliner showing the wrong system name for armies while they were invading planets.
Fixed some visual issues when scrolling the Observation Outpost Outliner.
Fixed overlap in Planet Outliner where if you colonized certain planets e.g. Grunur Prime, it would show the progress bar for colonization and an icon for it being desirable to clear blockers overlapping each other.
Tooltip now correctly states maximum ship count allowed when ship size limit is reached`.
Fixed tech entries sometimes using more space than required.
Fixed windows not always resetting their scrollbar after changing size.
Fixed starbase module constructions not showing up in the outliner as being in progress.
Fixed the megastructure galaxy map icon opening hyper relays rather than larger megastructures when clicked.

Améliorations :

Reworked Terraforming Candidates to be distributed at game start rather than through finding anomalies, as this allows for more predictable outcomes.
The Caravaneers will now give you the privilege to spend energy to buy reliquaries directly. At a nominally increasing fee of course.
Integrating a vassal now grants you any relics that they own.
Added Galaxy/System view switching shortcut on Mouse4.
Added pause/unpause shortcut on Mouse5.
Small portrait images in the UI now crops to focus on the face of the character.
Players who patronize the Artisan Enclave will no longer receive the event "Lackluster Update" as their first newsletter from that troupe.
Auto-survey now explores fog-of-war (e.g. within empires with open borders) when it cannot find systems to survey.
Science ships on auto-survey will now collaborate if they can't find separate systems to survey.
The Salvager Enclave will now invite you to renew the Salvager Overdrive and Salvager Insights modifiers once they expire and become available again, assuming you remain in good standing with them.
Consecrating Planets now has a special visual effect based on the quality of the world. Fallen Empire Holy Worlds have the max intensity.
Added Observer events which will notify spectating players whenever a starbase belonging to the Salvager or Shroudwalker enclave has been destroyed.

Équilibrage :

AIs are now significantly less eager to become vassals.
The acceptance penalty for vassalizing an AI Overlord can now be overcome by other terms.
Marketplace of Ideas now gives 0.25 unity, up from 0.125. Trade League trade conversions now give 0.2 consumer goods and unity, instead of 0.25 CGs and 0.125 unity.
Capped the maximum effects of sacrifice edicts at an effective 15% of your empire population.
Agrarian Idyll and Anglers are no longer mutually exclusive. When combined, Anglers and Pearl Divers also provide from the bonus Amenities that Farmers would produce.
Pop assembly's priorities for picking which species to assemble have been re-examined. It will now favor species which match your planet's colony designation. It will no longer attempt to balance growth on the planet between over and underrepresented species (like pop growth does), and it will now be slightly biased towards your empire's founder species (relevant mainly if you are doing organic assembly)
Synapse Hub now provides +1 Unity per synapse drone.
Added ship-size costs for debris resources to non-default ships.
Leviathan Changes:
The Automated Dreadnought now has increased armor, shield and hull values.
The Automated Dreadnought has been upgraded to use dark matter components, an Inspiring Presence titan aura and a Perdition Beam.
The Tiyanki Matriarch now has 4× hull/armor regen.
The Spectral Wraith now has 80,000 HP.
The Spectral Wraith is now neutral to most galactic fauna and enclaves. No more killer Artisan Troupe!
The Voidspawn has swapped out three of its missile launchers for artillery.
Difficulty settings changes
New Difficulty level: Civilian - easier than Cadet.
Default difficulty setting is now Cadet instead of Ensign.
Added Difficulty Adjusted AI Modifiers as a game setting. Empire wide Economic Modifiers are multiplied by Difficulty Bonus for AI Empires. This makes Late-Game AI economies significantly stronger. For example, a Technology which gives +20% mining will instead give +40% mining for AI Empires on Grand Admiral.
Added Mid Game Scaling Difficulty option. AI bonuses from the Difficulty setting scale up over time, starting at zero and reaching maximum at the Mid-Game Start Year.
Deluging a Holy World is no longer okay.
Increased the cap of how much unity you can gain from momentous event rewards.
The random event "Fire" is now available to archaeology sites other than "Sentinels", so long as they meet its criteria regarding food.
There is now a one year cooldown on upgrading Mercenary Enclaves.
The Trader Enclaves once again think fondly of their regular customers. Their Opinion of you stands to increase each full year for as long as you have a trade deal with them. The more product you buy each month, the more Opinion is gained (maximum: +3 Opinion per year).
Rogue Servitors now have the Sanctuary World designation which buffs Bio-Trophies instead of the Unification Center designation.
Reworked the Divine Sovereign event to be consistent with the Galactic Sovereign event. It now provides the Divine Sovereign civic granting +10% Unity and +25% Governing Ethics Attraction without taking up a civic slot.
Halved the cost of the Migrating Forest special projects.
S875.1 Warform now has a reactor and sensors.
R44 class raider now has two afterburners.
Yojimbo class escort now uses an artillery combat computer.
Culture Workers and Evaluators now count as Administrator jobs for multiplicative modifiers.
The happiness penalty from the Wasteland Radiation modifier is now offset by the Radiotrophic trait.

IA :

Added a 10 year cooldown before AI can propose a Diplomatic Action which was previously timed out by the player.
AI will no longer leave federations because it does not like a subject empire within the federation.
AI is now more liberal at spending their stockpiled food on clone vats if they have them researched.
AI will now try to assign otherwise idle fleets to the nearest fleet group as auxiliaries during war, which will make them follow other fleets with current military objectives, effectively reducing the amount of AI fleets idling during wars.
AI will no longer create mercenary enclaves if it is set to attack neutrals (and therefore would immediately try to destroy the merc enclave). This would happen with Metalheads and Become the Crisis countries. The AI will also no longer make merc enclaves during wars as it needs the fleets for fighting.
AI will now actively attempt to increase its fleet capacity via buildings such as strongholds when they have researched a repeatable technology in the end game.
AI will now downgrade Bastion type Starbases which are no longer close enough to a valid threat in order to free up their Starbase capacity.
AI will now have a higher acceptance to status quo if they are in an unreachable war for an extended period, fixing issues where AI empires need to wait for war exhaustion to reach 100% before setting a status quo.
AI is now much more likely to use the Indentured Servitude slavery type.
Clone Origin and Necroid Empires will now be more diligent about constructing their Ancient Clone Vats and Chamber of Elevation buildings.
Fixed AI not being able to use defense platforms and made it focus on building those in the capital system and on Bastion starbases.
Fixed an issue where the AI would sometimes build holo theaters even when they had open entertainer jobs.
Fixed Here Be Dragons AI not breeding baby dragons.
Fixes an issue where AI would rather downgrade an existing starbase than canceling the construction of a new one when over the starbase cap.
Hive mind AI will no longer build solar panels on their anchorage starbases.
Improved AI's budgeting and rationale for building orbital ring modules and buildings, so it will now build the most useful ones more consistently.
Improvements to AI logic for building megastructures. It will no longer cease building any other megastructures because it is currently making a hyper relay, and it will now build habitats and hyper relays even if it is capped by the megastructure build limits.
Made the AI more likely to build defensive platforms if it is near but not at the naval cap.
Made the AI more likely to try and upgrade orbital rings (and less likely to attempt to downgrade them, which was meant to be impossible).
Necroid Empires will now force grow their subservant species on their planets.
Necrophage empires will now correctly use their special necroid purge type on all species that are not their subspecies.
Pacifists now have an increased desire to build bastion starbases, changed from Militarists.
Removed AI directive to delete all its upgraded buildings using a special resource if it fell into a deficit in that resource. Going bankrupt will downgrade all those buildings anyway, and downgrading is less disruptive than deleting.
Improved how Crises take over systems with colonies in them.

Correction des bugs :

Fixed GDF and Imperial Armada fleets counting towards the empire's fleet size.
Federations and GDFs can now have ship size caps the same way Countries can.
Fixed stone age primitives spawning postatomic armies.
Fixed some issues with anomaly randomisation which meant that certain anomalies were disproportionately likely or unlikely to spawn.
Fixed occupied shipyards continuing to produce queued ships.
Drenching a crisis world will now correctly credit you with its destruction.
Fixed it sometimes not being possible to move the camera using WASD controls after loading a save.
Superfluous Terraforming Equipment will no longer fire on planets that aren't already colonized.
Fixed it not being possible to disband singular defense platforms.
All unity buildings are now listed in the Unity category.
A random event offering Minor Artifacts during the "Message in a Bottle" archaeology site no longer appears outside the "Ancient Relics" DLC. The event text now also correctly refers to the host star system.
Fixed "Cloud, Snagged" special project being gated behind scientist's level.
Stopped "Invasive Exofungus" anomaly from spawning on Ecumenopolis and Relic worlds.
Trader Enclaves no longer play quite so fast and loose with 'caveat emptor' when it comes to hiring out Governors. Gestalt empires will now be asked to confirm their choice to buy, given they have no inherent need for 'trade'.
Unity automation will now attempt to build organic sanctuary buildings and districts.
Adjusted the set of random events which may occur during the archaeology phase of the Research Co-operative joint operation. Participating empires will no longer be offered Minor Artifacts if they do not have the "Ancient Relics" story pack in play.
Azizians should no longer try to appear on a planet that is being colonized.
Devouring Swarm or Terravore necrophages now start with a Synaptic Node building.
Industrial districts no longer show the approximate output for jobs that they don't provide depending on planetary designation.
Fixed an issue which could prevent progress past stage 2 of "The Sentinels" arc site.
The Gestalt Consciousness ethic now states that pops will not require Consumer Goods.
Fixed an issue where releasing a vassal would delete all farming jobs in the process.
You can no longer declare war on the subject of a federation member, if that subject is not a federation member.
Positronic Implants no longer shows that it unlocks automatic research.
Fixed leaders dying while in the leader pool sometimes remaining there as a blank leader aged -1 (potentially forever).
Fixed a bug where Planet Automation would construct Healthcare or Entertainer jobs even though there were free jobs of those types during an amenity deficit.
Fixed an issue where non-citizen pops could often have more power within pop factions than citizen pops of an equivalent social strata.
Fixed an issue with planet automation for hive minds where they would build extra maintenance drone jobs while they had deprioritized maintenance drones.
Fixed Insidious Ophidians potentially firing multiple times in one playthrough.
Fixed several issues where Planet Automation would both sometimes refuse to build Arcology Leisure District or build way too many.
Fixed some issues with job weights where workers with the "very strong" trait would register as being good at specialist jobs for weight purposes (even though the modifier only boosts worker jobs), and other similar cases.
Fixed synthetic ascension resulting in potentially unlocalised body parts in events (as in, the text would read " _hand")
Fixed Target Uplink Computers not applying to defense platforms.
Fixed the scouring of the Tiyanki home system happening repeatedly.
Fixed weighted random formula often not returning a weighted random result correctly. This had various impacts, e.g. the AI would be biased towards ascension perks early in the list while choosing which one to pick.
Halved the default max distance of the spawn_system effect. This reduces the chance that systems spawned from events during the game will end up an awkwardly long distance from where they were spawned (e.g. poking halfway into the galactic core, or well off the edge of the galaxy)
Nivlacs are now correctly blocked from reproducing only in driven assimilator empires.
Fixed an error in which the "Never Forget" archaeological site would spawn even if the player does not own the "Ancient Relics" story pack, despite offering rewards which require that DLC.
Fixed is_democracy scripted trigger.
Fixed being able to build multiple megastructures in a single system.
Fixed some regular unity buildings converting into monuments.
Hydroponics station now correctly provides agri-drones for gestalt empires.
Lore text for the Ix'Idar Star Collective now refers to the correct star, i.e. the Athrak system.
The "Genius Caeli" archaeological site (part of the Research Co-operative joint operation) now offers Research rewards to participants who are playing without the "Ancient Relics" DLC.
You can no longer build hyper relays in systems that do not have any hyperlanes.
Planet Automation will no longer construct amenity jobs during the same monthly update as it has changed priority of amenity jobs on the planet, solving several bugs where planet automation would construct too many amenity jobs.
Species modification now applies to pops currently being assembled or grown too (i.e. you won't end up with one of the old species left on the planet anymore).
The alerts for ships MIA while reinforcing and Council Elections being imminent no longer fire negative alert sounds.
You can no longer nominate subjects, BtC empires or those with Pompous Purists to be the Custodian.
Removed a scripted check which was preventing archaeological sites from spawning randomly in the galaxy. As a result, 8 more arc sites may now appear across the galaxy. This is in addition to other such sites which were developed later on, and were made explicitly available outside of the "Ancient Relics" story pack. Arc sites which are unique to that story pack (such as "Moon Bump", "The Rubricator" and the precursor sites) still require ownership of that DLC.
Fixed fleet power from GDF and Imperial Armada fleets being considered when determining the strongest empire in a Federation.
Fixed an issue in which enclaves might spawn within the borders of Fallen Empires if they, in turn, were spawned as part of the Scion origin.
Fixed the layout of a Shroudwalker Enclave solar system which was spawning crystalline asteroids in unusual orbits.
Fixed the layout of various Imperial Fiefdom solar systems, which spawned asteroids outside their intended orbits.
Fixed cases where the orbital ring would not be correctly set to a planet's new owner (e.g. if taken in a revolt). Also made the orbital ring of a planet rendered ownerless become a ruined ring.
Fixed advisor audio not playing when elightening a species.
Fixed border graphics not being removed when the last system in an empire loses its owner without also being moved to a new owner.
Fixed a case where the Baol relic could bug out and not give you what you paid for.
It is no longer possible to apply a species template that has negative available trait points.
Fixed buzzing audio when the ship designer was open in the galaxy view.
Fixed it being possible to species mod Aquatic onto species which lacked Ocean world preferences.
Fixed Xenophobic Necrophages being unable to assemble robots.
Fixed Envoys being unaffected by Synthetic Ascension.
Fixed incorrect announcer voice line being played when a defense platform was destroyed.
Fixed issue where crisis fleets wouldn't correctly destroy already disabled starbases, causing them to idle forever.
Fixed various localization, spelling, and overlap issues.
Fixed various crashes and out of syncs.
Fixed missing time unit in lithoid trait description.
Assorted minor grammar fixes in events relating to The Rubricator.
Fixed incorrect tooltip for the ambient object "Abandoned Observation Outpost".
Fixed missing tooltip title in empire creation screen.
Fixed "Sensor Malfunction" event tooltip not referring to the correct target.
Starbase capacity tooltip no longer mentions pops.
Overlord Mortal Initiate Drones are no longer called Overlord Bio-Trophies.
Tooltips for Corporate Subjugation Policies now explicitly say if they are Oppressive, Balanced or Benevolent.
Fixed frame colors for Wenkwort modifiers.
XP is now appropriately capitalized in the Agreement tooltips.
Fixed a case of modifier source names not showing up (if the modifier came from a planet designation's triggered effects)
Fixed habitats' initial names
Fixed megacorp impose ideology (again!)
Fixed tooltip display for "Clear Blocker Speed" modifier so that it will show the actual time the blocker will take to clear in interfaces.
Fix issue with "..." showing up incorrectly for some text boxes, as well as some text box overruns.
Fix missing explanation in tooltip for when a building cannot be repaired.

Moddabilité :

Added can_be_upgraded trigger for fleets, ships and megastructures.
Added ai_force_species script files that allow for AI empires to force grow specific species on each planet’.
Fixed situation effects not firing when entering multiple stages in a single tick.
Shifted handling of technology flags for advanced genemodding and habitability modifications to game rules.
Added triggered trait costs, i.e. cost = { modifier ... } for traits.
The trait picking UI will now let you add trait A and trait B in one go even if trait B requires trait A.
Added ability to have @scope in event targets and global event targets.
Added ability to define a custom_tooltip for planetary features.
Added a separate has_deficits flag in country_types to handle whether countries use deficit mechanics.
Added built_on_planet trigger for megastructures.
Added country_naval_capacity_contribution_from_subjects_ mult and country_naval_capacity_contribution_to_overlord_mu lt modifiers, which add a percentage of the subjects' naval capacity to the overlord, without reducing the naval capacity of the subject. Note that these modifiers are not intended to be negative.
Added "direction = corewards/rimwards" parameter to spawn_system.
Added effect to set a leader immortal, as well as a trigger to check if the leader is immortal.
Added has_forbidden_jobs trigger which checks if a planet has a deprioritized job of a certain type.
Added on_activate for policies that will fire when the policy group is first initialized for a country.
Added random/every/any_archaeological_site.
Added script command "inline_script" which allows scripts to "copy" in blocks of scripts from the "common/inline_scripts" folder.
Added script list for owned_nonprimary_starbase, since owned_starbase only returns primary starbases (so no orbital rings).
Added triggers max_starbase_capacity, used_starbase_capacity_integer and used_starbase_capacity_percent.
Added width and density values to asteroid belts allowing you greater control if not declared default is set to 1.
check_economic_production_modifier_for_job now correctly factors in triggered pop modifiers from traits. It also should be slightly faster.
Fixed starbase module on_finished/aborted/queued/unqueued.
Habitability ceiling and floor modifiers can now be applied directly to a planet (not just to a species).
modify_species now correctly lets you specify multiple add_trait or remove_trait entries.
Switched planet class check for habitat capitals to a scripted trigger.
on_planet_ownerless/transfer/conquer on_actions now have the former owner in fromfrom scope.
Released script profiler to public, you can enable it with console command "script_profiler".
Situations now have dynamic end values (generated from the end value of the final stage).
Added effect to enable possibility to set/update settings of the fleet after its creation.
Renamed bordering_country list building trigger to country_neighbor_to_system, also fixed it's behavior.
Added num_deposits trigger.
Allowed you to use script values in loc by defining them as a value in a scripted loc entry.
Added support for "completion_sound" to observation missions.

Performance :

Parallelised batch modifier updates (large reduction of lag spike potential in the late game).
Fixed a problem with multithreading that meant that sometimes all threads would just wait a while for each other for up to 20 milliseconds.
Cached colonies in system so that the game can iterate through colonized planets instead of going through all the planets in the system and working out if they were colonized.
Cached updating of starbase type, which was previously calculated on the fly when needed - slowing down e.g. outliner updates.
Cached wars list instead of recalculating it repeatedly whenever a country had to see if it was in a certain (or any) war.
Fixed a lag spike that could happen when the AI considered where to build megastructures.
Improved performance of checking whether a country can use a certain hyper relay or gateway.
Improved performance of the game checking if a planet is a colony, slightly (it does this a lot, so this speeds up e.g. intel updating non-negligibly).
Multithreaded working out trade value and resources for systems' map icon displays on the galaxy map.
Now AI finds the best potential office branch 4x faster. Reduced number of the systems used to calculate the distance to the target planet by using only border systems of the current empire.
Optimized a few events frequently called via on_planet_surveyed (since planets can be surveyed and unsurveyed via the intel system).
Parallelised calculations for how much a Situations should progress on the monthly tick (i.e. reduced Situations' potential impact on monthly ticks).
Parallelised strike craft movement.
Reduced the performance cost of auto migration on the monthly tick (by about half).
Shifted country migration caching from serial to parallel.
Shifted most of spynetworks' daily updates from serial to threaded.
Shifted ship jump drive and experience calculations to parallel.
Shifted some parts of planets' handling of monthly pop growth to parallel to speed up the monthly tick a little bit.
Sped up monthly tick a bit by multithreading country opinion caching that is done then.
Threaded daily checks of policies' validity.

Problèmes connus :

L'IA de crise ne débarque pas sur les planètes dans les systèmes avec une station stellaire désactivée.
Les stations stellaires se régénèrent lorsqu'une flotte hostile est dans le système.
Le civisme Héraut des chevaliers ne fonctionne pas.

Nous travaillons actuellement à corriger ces différents bugs ce qui devrait se faire d'ici la fin de la semaine (NdT : donc résolu au moment où vous lirez ces lignes en théorie).

Toxoid est le nouveau DLC typé espèce pour Stellaris dans la ligné des derniers DLC de ce type comme Lithoides. Avec le code "TOXICGOD" ce dernier est à -14% sur Gamesplanet (jusqu'au 30/10).