Stellaris, carnet des développeurs n°292 : Patch 3.7.4 disponible, et concepts

Joyeux jeudi!

Merci à tous ceux qui ont répondu à notre enquête de recherche auprès des utilisateurs ainsi qu’à tous ceux qui publient dans notre
fil de commentaires sur l’IA diplomatique.

À l’origine, j’avais prévu de parler de ce qui allait se passer dans la version 3.7.4, avec une date de sortie potentielle la semaine prochaine, mais les choses se sont un peu mieux passées que prévu et le patch 3.7.4 a été publié ce matin. À moins que quelque chose de majeur ne survienne, la prochaine mise à jour de Stellaris devrait être la version 3.8 'Gemini' au cours du 2e trimestre.

Ce patch inclut un autre ajustement aux civilisations pré-FTL qui étaient trop désireuses de se détruire dans le feu atomique (elles ont maintenant une chance significative d’avoir un « appel rapproché », et nous avons ajusté un peu mieux certaines probabilités), mais nous avons une solution plus importante prévue pour 3.8.


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############### VERSION 3.7.4 - Canis Minor Patch #################​
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Pre-FTL civilizations now have a chance of having a "close call" when nuclear war threatens to break out.
Payback Origin
If you defeat the Debt Collectors three times, the MSI will use the Humiliate war goal against you instead of trying to vassalize you
The Debt collectors won't bug you anymore if you're currently at war with the MSI
Fixed Payback war goals to ensure you can't vassalize or impose ideology on homicidal empires
Slightly increased surrender acceptance of Payback war goals
Payback origin: fixed a rare instance where the Debt Collectors event chain could get soft locked if the debt collectors were defeated by another empire
Payback empires now get a consolatory prize if the MSI gets destroyed by a Marauder empire
Fixed an issue where a Payback empire using the End Threat (Payback) war goal against the MSI could end with a whimper instead of as intended.
Increased starbase reactor power by roughly 15%.
Hive-Minds with both Cordyceptic Drones and Stargazers now start with 3 reanimated amoebae.
Pre-FTL Awareness cannot naturally decay below 10.
The Raise Awareness espionage operation now prevents pre-ftl Awareness from naturally decaying for 5 years.
The Triumviri ending for Fear of the Dark is now achievable from infiltrating the Fevorian government.
Buffed MSI by giving them some bonus naval capacity and starting technologies.

The devolving beam now properly destroys the final contingency world (when boosted with the Archaeo-Engineers Ascension Perk)
Fixed Sabotage Starbase operation failing to destroy starbase components
Fixing a case where you were blocked from building orbital rings on a Fear of the Dark planet
It is no longer possible to acquire multiple Galatrons from reliquaries
Hivemind pre-FTLs will no longer be producing consumer goods.
Fixed an issue where the Solarpunk society wouldn't reattach itself to the galaxy.
Fixed an issue where the Solarpunk society would stay neutral after being attacked.
Fixed an issue where Sol X and your Beta homeworld would overlap.
Fixed the Dark Forest achievement not triggering in some cases due to interactions with marauders.
Construction ship and science ships gained from picking a specialization as part of the Imperial Fiefdom origin now correctly start with hyper drives for empires with the Eager Explorer civics.
Fix AI Empires building hundreds of observation stations if you don't own First Contact
Empire naming adjectives should now be seen for German, Simplified Chinese, and Russian.
Removing an unnecessary progress bar in the clear blocker view.
Removed happiness penalties from unemployment from living standards, these are now solely applied from job strata.
AI with Clone Army Origin now creates clone vats to keep their colonies alive.
Starbases should now correctly reflect their new sensor range on the monthly tick.
Ancient Saturator Artillery tech now unlocks the Spinal Mount Bow section for battleships.
Fixed decloaking in a system with pre-ftls not correctly firing the event to increase awareness.
Broken Shackles empires with robots outlawed now correctly purge machine and mechanical pops.
Terraforming a planet now also has a chance of triggering an awareness increase.
Fix crash when a species doesn't have a valid archetype
Removed ability to use the "reveal yourself" diplomatic action while you're already revealing yourself
Pre-FTL agreements like "give technology" now get correctly removed once a pre-FTL civilization becomes spacefaring
Blocked "Salacious Affair" envoy event from firing on pre-FTL worlds
Removing the option of upgrading at neutral starbases
Fixed the Fear of the Dark Separatist country being localized incorrectly in German, Polish and Spanish.
Added correct icon for Negative Media Coverage modifier.
If a pre-FTL society has more than one planet then none will keep being available for observation once the society becomes fully aware.
Dig sites should no longer generate minor artifacts for users that do not own Ancient Relics DLC
Corrected icon for Declining Healthcare modifier.
Class-4 Singularity can now be constructed when rewarded by event.
Made it so you can't get an option in an espionage event that requires an interference policy that doesn't allow for espionage.
Genocidal empires can now use assimilation species rights targeting their species. This should fix Fanatic Purifiers not being able to cybernetically or psionically assimilate lost colonies, splinter planets or the like.
Adding missing cloaking stat on ship design view.
Blocking the possibility of terraforming while the planet is under colonization.
Fixed a crash when loading old savegames
Fixed tooltip bug with fleets from defensive pacts in a war.


Dans le cadre de nos efforts continus pour rendre le jeu moins intimidant pour les nouveaux joueurs et les anciens joueurs, nous avons découvert une technologie UX Insight tout en observant les jeux pré-FTL réalisés par nos studios frères. Dans la version 3.8, nous présenterons les concepts des infobulles imbriquées que vous connaissez peut-être de Crusader Kings ou Victoria.

Notre objectif principal avec Concepts est de simplifier les infobulles tout en fournissant les moyens d’obtenir plus d’informations qu’auparavant. Au lieu d’encombrer les info-bulles de base avec des détails complets, vous pouvez creuser pour en savoir plus sur les termes clés comme vous le souhaitez. Bien que cela puisse changer pour la version finale, les concepts sont actuellement prévus pour toujours être affichés dans une couleur sarcelle spécifique. Après un bref délai (ou après avoir cliqué sur le bouton central de la souris), une info-bulle qui possède des concepts en ligne se verrouillera en place comme indiqué ci-dessous.

Nos efforts initiaux pour les introduire ont été testés sur les paramètres de la galaxie avant de commencer une nouvelle partie pour expliquer davantage certains détails qui pourraient ne pas être évidents à première vue, mais qui pour être expliquer complètement gonflerait l’info-bulle normale avec un énorme texte.

Un exemple de concepts

Alors que les concepts de la version 3.8 seront initialement limités exclusivement aux paramètres de la galaxie, nous prévoyons d’étendre l’utilisation des concepts à la création d’Empire et au-delà lors des versions « Custodiennes » au cours de la prochaine année.


common\game_concepts will have a 00_game_concepts.txt where we define concepts, alongside icons and aliases.

concept_fallen_empires = {​
alias = { concept_fallen_empire }​
concept_awakened_empires = {​
alias = { concept_awakened_empire concept_fallen_empire_awakening concept_awaken }​
concept_marauder_empires = {​
alias = { concept_marauder_empire }​
concept_technology = {​
icon = "gfx/interface/icons/concepts/"​
alias = { concept_technologies }​

Any concept that does not have an icon defined will default to a "thinking cloud" icon that's in Defines.

Concepts themselves are referenced in-line in localization using the ['concept'] notation:

FE_FALLEN_EMPIRES_TOOLTIP:1 "§HNumber of Fallen Empires§!\nThis controls the maximum number of ['concept_fallen_empires'] that are allowed to spawn in the galaxy."​
The text for the generated tooltip is defined by the concept name you defined earlier, and by default, will use the base concept name _desc. Aliases let you reuse _desc text easily.

concept_fallen_empire: "Fallen Empire"​
concept_fallen_empires: "Fallen Empires"​
concept_fallen_empires_desc: "Fallen Empires are ancient precursor civilizations that start with advanced technology and powerful fleets, but are generally passive. At times they may make demands or offer tasks to lesser empires.\n\nProvoking a Fallen Empire is risky unless you are confident in your ability to defeat a challenging opponent."​
If desired, you can make it show something other than the base concept name as the Cyan tooltip. For example, here we wanted the Unity symbol to also count for the mouseover tooltip. (Tip: Use non-breaking spaces so the mouseover region sticks together if you do this!)

concept_edict: "Edict"​
concept_edicts: "Edicts"​
concept_edicts_desc: "Edicts are empire-wide decisions that can be enacted by spending resources or paying a monthly upkeep. These typically cost ['concept_unity', £unity£ $concept_unity$] or are paid for using the ['concept_edict_fund'], but some Edicts may cost other resources."​

concept_edict_fund: "Edict Fund"​
concept_edict_fund_desc: "The Edict Fund is a separate and static pool of £unity£ §IUnity§! for §IEdict§! upkeep.\n\nIf upkeep exceeds the size of the Fund, regular £unity£ §IUnity§! will also be used.§!"​
Concept text can itself have additional further concepts within it.

concept_technology: "Technology"​
concept_technologies: "Technologies"​
concept_technology_desc: "Technologies unlocked by research are one of the primary ways to increase your empire's strength in Stellaris, and fall into three fields of study:\n\n$t$['concept_physics_research', £physics£ $concept_physics_research$]\n$t$['concept_society_research', £society£ $concept_society_research$]\n$t$['concept_engineering_research', £engineering£ $concept_engineering_research$]\n\nThe most common sources of §IResearch Points§! are from £pops£ §IPops§! working in §IResearch Labs§! or from §IResearch Stations§! built in space above appropriate deposits."​
We've added a few new text colors to fonts.gfx that we use exclusively for Concept tooltips. While §K and §I are identical to §H and §Y, they're separate in case we want to change them.

C = { 33 232 208 } # C = Cyan, Used for Concept Text that generates another tooltip.​
K = { 251 170 41 } # K = Header for Concepts. Currently identical to H.​
I = { 247 252 52 } # I = Highlights for Concepts. Currently identical to Y.

La semaine prochaine

La semaine prochaine, nous commencerons à passer en revue les principales fonctionnalités que nous ajouterons dans Gemini, et (espérons-le) quelques détails sur notre bêta ouverte 3.8.0 Gemini prévue.

Le tofu a étudié.

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