Victoria 3 - Sortie de « l'Aube des Merveilles » et du Patch 1.4

Votre présent serviteur s'excuse par avance de son absence dans le suivi de Victoria 3... Encombré par les vicissitudes du travail, des vacances et d'aventures sur la Côte des Épées (oups ), le suivi de Victoria 3 depuis la sortie de l'extension « la Voix du Peuple » a été je l'admets, inexistant. Néanmoins pour la sortie de la toute nouvelle mini-extension ainsi que de son patch gratuit 1.4 (sans compter la beta ouverte de la 1.5 le 31 août), je vous laisse avec le présent article recensant les principales nouveautés, fonctionnalités et changements de tout cet ensemble !

Cette nouvelle extension pour Victoria 3 comprend les éléments suivants :
  • Un cycle jour-nuit personnalisable - il ajoute une nouvelle ambiance nocturne à la carte, à un rythme que les joueurs pourront définir. Les lumières des bâtiments et des trains qui passent illumineront le panorama de nuit, tandis que les phares guideront vos navires jusqu'à bon port. Les lumières urbaines ont trois nuances et intensités différentes en fonction de votre recherche, de sorte que la lumière du charbon ou du gaz sera différente de celle de l'électricité. Vous pourrez également choisir la vitesse ou même le temps continu auquel vous souhaitez que le jeu se déroule. De plus, vous pouvez également régler le cycle pour qu'il corresponde à l'horloge de votre ordinateur afin de vous immerger encore plus !
  • Une nouvelle carte papier, inspirée des thèmes lunaires et solaires.
  • Une plus grande variété de tenues vestimentaires - pour illustrer les nombreuses cultures et sociétés de Victoria 3.
  • Quatre nouveaux monuments sur la carte thématiquement liés au ciel nocturne.
  • De nouvelles décorations de table destinées à votre bureau lorsque vous effectuez un zoom arrière
Ci-dessous, je vous laisse avec les deux vidéos de présentations par Paradox ainsi que plus bas, les notes du patch (les premières parties sont traduites et le reste reste en anglais car bien trop précis ou technique)

Vidéo d'introduction de l'extension

Vidéo de présentation du patch 1.4


  • Des effets visuels d'éclairage nocturnes ont été ajoutés à de nombreuses entités graphiques nouvelles et existantes.
  • L'ambiance sonore de la nuit diffère désormais de celle de la journée.
  • Ajout de vêtements festifs pour les pops célébrant le carnaval, la Saint-Jean, Diwali et les mariages royaux en Europe de l'Est.
  • Nouveau thème d'interface jour/nuit ajouté.
  • Carte en papier sur le thème du jour et de la nuit avec des illustrations du zodiaque.
  • L'Observatoire de Greenwich, le Wat Arun, le Temple de Poséidon et le Temple du Soleil de Martand ont été ajoutés comme décorations sur la carte.
  • Montre de poche, bougie, statue d'Atabey et statue de Hongshan ont été ajoutées comme décorations de table.
  • Les diligences s'illumineront aussi durant la nuit !
  • Nouvelle illustration pour l'écran de chargement.
Le cycle jour/nuit est configurable à partir du sélecteur de thème.

  • Correction de certains problèmes de substitution de marchandises qui faisaient que certaines marchandises (comme le pétrole en début de partie) n'étaient pas demandées en quantités correctes.
  • Les sujets ne restent plus sur le marché de leur suzerain pendant un jeu/une guerre d'indépendance.
  • Les sujets ne paient plus d'impôts à leur suzerain lors d'une guerre ou d'une partie d'indépendance.
  • Garibaldi sera désormais présent dans les nations italiennes mineures, même en temps de paix.
  • La guerre civile américaine ne se produira plus qu'à la suite d'une révolution visant à préserver, étendre ou abolir l'esclavage.
  • Les amiraux ayant reçu l'ordre d'escorter les convois réduisent désormais les dégâts infligés aux convois placés sous leur protection, en fonction des statistiques de combat défensif de leurs navires.
  • Ajout d'un détroit adjacent à l'île de Vancouver
  • Remplacement de tous les modificateurs de coût de technologie par des modificateurs de vitesse de technologie, car ces derniers s'échelonnent mieux et fonctionnent correctement avec les modificateurs
  • temporaires tels que les traits de groupe d'intérêt.
  • Les dommages causés par les raids sur les convois sont désormais partiellement aléatoires.
  • Les personnages générés aléatoirement auront désormais jusqu'à 3 tentatives pour trouver un nom unique parmi les personnages de leur pays.
  • Ajout d'un amiral portugais actif en 1836
  • Ajout de liens Wikipédia pour certains dirigeants historiques de nations populaires et recommandées

  • Les loyalistes sont désormais gagnés beaucoup plus lentement en raison d'un niveau de légitimité élevé.
  • Les améliorations du niveau de vie créent désormais plus de loyalistes lorsque le niveau de légitimité est le plus élevé.
  • Les secteurs de la construction utilisent désormais 3 infrastructures au lieu de 0,2.
  • La Belgique ne commence plus avec un gouvernement illégitime
  • Les beaux-arts ne peuvent plus être entièrement remplacés par l'achat de services.
  • Ajout d'un potentiel de plantation de teintures dans les états d'Haïti et de Saint-Domingue.
  • Ralentissement de la progression de « Solidifier la dynastie légitime » pour toutes les valeurs de légitimité inférieures à 90.
  • Suppression de l'Académie des Arts d'Autriche dans les fichiers d'histoire.
  • Lanfang démarre désormais avec la technologie « Université ».
  • La route commerciale transportant le bien « Art » partant de l'État papal va maintenant vers l'Espagne au lieu de l'Autriche.

  • The AI (and autonomous construction) will now stop constructing in states with no workforce once the current available infrastructure is mostly used up, to avoid an endless cycle of constructing unused building levels
  • The AI is now less likely to accept peace deals or capitulate if the whole country will be annexed
  • The AI will no longer change who it is supporting for a Unification when at war or committed to a side in a diplomatic play, except to remove support for a country they are at war with (fixes an exploit with abusing temporary attitude changes from diplomatic plays to gain supporters)
  • The AI for countries with the Economic Imperialism strategy is now more keen on opening up Japan's market
  • The AI is no longer incorrectly biased to use only Anchorage PM in Ports
  • The AI is now less inclined to support unrecognized powers against fellow recognized powers unless they have a strong reason to do so
  • The AI will now take the decision to reduce Haitian debt.
  • The AI will now take the decision to annex Kraków as Austria.

  • Performance when playing with mods that add Interest Groups has been improved
  • Added a setting to cull distant buildings
  • Optimized the memory consumption by building particles
  • Optimized the trade routes panel
  • Performance improvements for character rendering
  • Particle Optimization
  • Optimized the graphics for the day and night cycles
  • Reduced the number of cars spawning on roads late-game

  • Added a Theme Selector to the main menu and ingame menu
  • Buildings can now be pinned to the outliner
  • Added a new read out to the war panel that exposes an AI controlled country's willingness to capitulate in a war
  • The player now gets a notification if a country that they are at war with (either as a co-belligerent or as an enemy) goes into default, making them more likely to capitulate or accept peace
  • Amended the character panel with a zoom-to button that orients the map to the location of the character and a location to the panel subtitle
  • Show Strategic Region names instead of Country names in the Declare Interest Map Mode
  • The cost tooltip for technologies now explains the penalty for unresearched technologies in earlier eras
  • Add flavor description to the Interest Groups' tooltips
  • Added a toast message indicating new and old ruler when they are changed.
  • Hide the "Trade Routes" section in the Goods Details panel for non-Tradeable Goods.
  • Add shortcut to the Goods details panel in Goods right-click menu
  • Sea Node tooltip now tells you how many of your convoys are passing through the node
  • Change the default keybind for Decisions from F12 to F11
  • Zoom-to buttons are now disabled when you are already where they would take you
  • Remove the support value shown on Agitators on the Political Movement panel since Agitators now give a multiplier and not a flat support bonus to the movement
  • Show all potential Diplomatic Actions in the right-click menu for another Country instead of only showing the currently possible.
  • The Agitator concept now has more information included
  • Add functionality to instantly create a Trade Route to your Market when looking at the details for a Good in a foreign Market
  • Add more actionable information to the "Establish Import/Export Route" tooltips (Price, Balance, Sell/Buy Orders)
  • Make the back button the Sway Offer always go back one step, instead of going back two when a Offer type is selected.
  • Added a list of IG icons after the name of the Party in a few places throughout the UI
  • Add enactment cooldown to the setback concept tooltip
  • Added information about the new leader and ideology to the "IG Leader Retired" Notification
  • The Hegemon final objective now displays how much of a share of the global population you currently control
  • Removed confusing checkmark boxes from Healthy Economy Game Concept
  • Diplomatic Action map interactions will now display the correct cursor
  • Moved "Cut Off Buildings" setting to advanced graphics section (renamed to "Cull Distant Buildings")
  • Long graphic card names no longer displays out-of-bounds in settings menu

  • Vancouver Island isn't connected to British Columbia by land anymore
  • Map borders now blends better with the map
  • Updated the look and feel of the New Game Screen
  • Fixed text and scale on VotP map (VotP)
  • Fixed the issue were the equator was gone on VotP map (VotP)
  • Blue flag event marker is now scaled better
  • Tweaked "Forbidden City" texture values to closer match the rest of the adjacent buildings.
  • All port buildings now start as "small" size
  • War Machine factories should no longer cause clipping issues in cities

  • Added 'kill_population' and 'kill_population_in_state' effects
  • Character templates can now define a command HQ and rank
  • New compare triggers 'global_population', 'total_population_share', 'total_population_including_subjects', and 'total_population_including_subjects_share'
  • Added a 'pop_type_percent_state' trigger that checks whether the scoped state has X% of its population belonging to the specified pop type
  • Added an 'ignore_battle_conditions' console command
  • Added a 'noshortages' console command that prevents penalties for supply shortages in Buildings
  • Added a 'fastincorporate' console command that incorporates states immediately
  • Added a 'nosupportloss' console command that prevent countries from losing war support
  • Added a 'month' compare trigger to check the current game month (useful for seasonal dress-up)
  • Adds console command 'Logging.PopGrowth' to print the birthrate and mortality rates for each Standard of Living level

  • Added workaround for crashes related to Intel high end CPUs
  • Unique interest groups are now calculated on creation, rather than in a country's history, allowing revolutionary countries etc. to inherit their parents' unique interest groups
  • Fixed localisation errors related to France's Natural Borders
  • Fixed various scope issues in agitator law events
  • Fixed erroneous scoping in "A Clause is Coming to Town" event
  • Fixed a spline network crash
  • Fixed an issue where colonization would be prohibited by other countries with claims even if they had no access to what you were trying to colonize
  • Fixed a bug that allowed combat units to have more demoralized soldiers than actual soldiers in the unit
  • Improved MP stability by resolving Out of Syncs resulting from flawed cache operations
  • Fixed a bug where it was possible to use the 'Transfer Subject' wargoal on Customs Unions and Personal Unions
  • Fixed an issue where trade route levels would alternate between increasing and decreasing every week due to inconsistencies in profitability calculations
  • All countries that can create Interests now gain an active Interest in their capital region with no delay
  • The Vox Diaboli event will no longer fire in atheist countries
  • Fixed a bug where the zoom button to an Admiral raiding convoys got hung-up on zooming.
  • Buildings can no longer be queued past the level limit while they are in the private construction queue
  • Only show savegame incompatibility warning popup when the save is incompatible
  • Fixed a bug that would prevent the reform government mode from closing when confirming a government with low legitimacy, potentially leading to one or more IGs being visually duplicated
  • Children no longer experience early hair loss
  • Fixed an issue in diplomatic play clean up for dying countries
  • Generated heirs are now subject to the default character template like all other characters
  • Fixed a bug where the game would keep trying to spawn a Civil War without any uprising States
  • Fixed a bug where the player as observer without country could still receive notifications
  • Fixed agitator home country tooltip displaying NULL_OBJ
  • Fixed a bug where the Buildings Panel would have clickable buttons under "Potential Buildings", for buildings that cannot be built
  • Fixed notification saying that country was swayed by itself when it was swayed by one of its subject countries
  • Added a long cooldown to the DEI breakup event, so that choosing option c (continue to exist as DEI) will not cause the event to spam endlessly.
  • Fixed the bug when becoming non-independent for two neighboring countries in the same state region didn't allow to set up trade routes
  • Fixed the bug when a low number of convoys due to convoy raiding would not apply to excess convoy calculation
  • Fixed a bug that would cause error log spam when hovering over the acceptance indicator when proposing wargoals to sway a country in a diplomatic play
  • Fixed a localization error in the trigger description for is_unification_candidate
  • Fixed some cases where relations with overlord and top overlord were not being checked when starting diplomatic plays like Conquer State against subjects
  • Fixed issue with Increase Relations Tutorial not triggering
  • Reduced spawn rate of certain African colonial events
  • Fix notification names overflowing in the Message Settings
  • Fixed an OOS due to the construction queue validation erroneously running during cache recalculation
  • Fixed a bug related to fetching the ruler title from the government type in an effect splitting up on_government_type_change into two parts, putting the setting of ruler into a second effect on_post_government_type_change
  • Fixed notification for new Trade Route mistakenly predicting it to "shrink to level -1"
  • Fixed a bug when sometimes rank loss couldn't be stopped by increasing the prestige
  • Fixed a bug when newly released country manpower in barracks wasn't properly updated and country had an empty armies that doesn't refill
  • Fixed the bug when died recruitable characters created field promotions
  • Construction queue duration estimate is now more accurate
  • Subject country name is now correctly displayed in 'join side' diplomatic play notifications
  • Fixed an UX issue that would cause a lone X to appear in tooltips for character interactions that cannot be executed
  • Fixed an issue that could cause tooltips for `add_modifier`, `add_enactment_modifier`, `remove_modifier`, and `remove_modifier` effects from displaying incorrectly when the modifier has an apostrophe in the name
  • Obligation Alert will now display the correct country in all situations
  • Removed repeat economic law stance in anarchist ideology
  • Legitimist monarchs no longer kill each other in rapid succession when generated
  • Limited rate of African colonization event spawn
  • Giovanni Gentile will now advocate for fascism in Italy rather than Siam, and Ernst Röhm is now a protestant
  • Fixed CTD which happen while new state was spawned after another state had been removed
  • Fixed a bug when "Oil Rush" effects or similar wouldn't increase employee count in a building
  • Fixed CTD when stateless building tried to access impossible array size
  • Fixed CTD which happen while new state was spawned after another state had been removed
  • Map interactions involving HQ's will no longer contain duplicate UI entries
  • Diplomatic Action map interactions no longer allow clicking on invalid interactions
  • Changing shader quality to low should no longer cause rendering of the map to display in water.
  • Fixed OOS related to Player Data
  • Added entries for some missing modifier localization
  • Infante Alfonso Carlos, Duke of San Jaime will no longer spawn as a Legitimist ruler before 1931 (VotP)
  • Fixed crash when switching the graphics settings in the main menu after returning to it from the game
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the Alaska Purchase from firing if the USA had a higher GDP than Russia
  • Improved script for Government Petitions Journal Entries so it only looks if the Interest Group is powerful or not
  • Lowered pop needs max supply share for Services and increased weight for Art
  • Fixed issue with unlocalized Sea Node in the Atlantic Ocean
  • The tutorial now explain why you can join a customs union
  • Fixed incorrect text in additional income and additional expenses
  • Declare Interest Tutorial will now select a region for you to declare an interest in instead of looking for available interests
  • Removed potential for duplicate Bismarcks
  • French heirs will now have the proper ideologies
  • Bohemia can now form Czechoslovakia
  • The Belle Époque no longer invalidates erroneously
  • Revolutionary events will no longer occur in unincorporated states
  • Ships should no longer disappear at the edge of the camera view

Quant au patch 1.5 qui sera en beta ouverte dès la fin de la semaine, vous pouvez vous attendre à une refonte des aspects militaires du jeu (du point de vue des mécaniques avec les fronts et unités mais aussi de leur présentation sur la carte), de la diplomatie et de l'économie internationale et nationale (avec potentiellement les investissements étrangers et la création d'entreprises dans vos nations).

Vous pouvez discutez de cet article en cliquant ici !
Auteurs : Max_Art, lachek, PDX_Pelly
Traducteur/Rédacteur : Limse