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  • Je sais pas comment il font pour être désorganisé à 3 mais bon x) .


    • J'ai déjà vu des gens désorganisés tous seuls.


      • V172: Further gameplay spawning tweaks, some immersion and fixes
        November 14th 2014
        Fixed: Clicking on buttons with an open popup in the mainmenu
        Fixed: Deploy fix in artois (deploy is still WIP)
        Improved: Gameplay tweak/spawning. Defender wave time is now also 20 sec like attacking wave. Spawn cluster placement more evenly.
        New: While running in a group there will be automatic battle screams and attack/defend shouts
        Fixed: Remote player twitching (3p and while spectating)
        Removed: Spawn indicater while spectating removed
        Improved: Squads in scorelist sorted on score
        Fixed: FFA scorelist now correctly lists game info instead of frontlines text
        Fixed: Game will no longer remove squads that have a reserved slot for a mainmenu-join
        Known issue: Jumping animation is twitchy
        Known issue: Deploying machine guns is still WIP
        Improved: Grenade ability would throw way too far


        • Dans les tranchées, personne ne vous entendra crier...


          • V173: Camera system improving image stability, create squad ingame
            November 27th 2014
            Reduced Z-fighting and shadow artifacts with a new camera sytem
            You can now create a squad via the scoreboard
            Mouse sensivity is now properly set upon restart
            Scope seethrough fixed also sight is more clear
            When round is nearing end a music will loop
            Graphics quality calibration for new players
            Tab control buttons in ingame menu and main menu
            Added effect for when you are underwater
            After action progress have a sound ticker
            When you switch squad minimap and tags should now be correct
            Fixed matchmaking where you now properly create a squad on least populated side
            Suggested squad button in homepage has full width
            Options scroll bar has filled center
            Added a new french voice
            Quit button fixed(no longer have to press twice)
            Start volume fix
            Melee delay fix
            The lock for melee is improved
            Hold breath no longer shows if unnecesary
            Scoreboard tweak
            Gas mask visibility improved
            Putting on gasmask is faster
            Squad reservation to avoid full game error
            Tree collision fixes for Flanders
            Jump now costs a bit stamina
            Squadname no longer overlaps account button
            Resolution dropdown
            Reduced flickering of some GUI elements
            Fixed the 'Worth it' achievement
            Resolved culling errors


            • Evenement spécial pour noel.


              • Un nouveau système de générateur de bugs aléatoire j’espère!!


                • Envoyé par Benoît Voir le message
                  Ils donnent surtout l'impression de ne pas tester leurs patchs car chaque gros patch doit se voir attribuer deux patchs correctifs pour retirer les bugs et équilibrer l'ensemble.
                  Tester un patch ça coûte surtout beaucoup d'argent et de temps, donc pourquoi se prendre la tête quand tu as des personnes prêtes à le faire et ce gratuitement.


                  • Plus le jeu avance dans le développement, plus je le trouve décevant. Depuis l'ajout des anglo-canadiens, je trouve maintenant le jeu totalement déséquilibré . La quasi totalité des gens prennent britannique avec le très bon fusil Lee-Enfield qui dépassent les fusils français... (bonne précision et chargeur de 10 balles)

                    On se retrouve souvent dans des matchs déséquilibrés ou les gens veulent absolument débloquer la MP 18 alors que les escouades sont interdépendantes.( par exemple 4 escouades StossTrupen face à 4 britanniques) Le Système d'escouade est devenu chelou, on dirait un peu des factions à la Company of Heroes ( Le jeu ou les britanniques sont les seuls à pouvoir construire des tranchés, les autres devaient être soit trop con soit avoir une pénurie de pelles et de pioches !!) ou il y a par exemple que les canadiens qui peuvent lancer du gaz ( Comme si les français n'avait pas su en produire en 14-18...)

                    J'aurais préféré que chaque faction soit à sa place, les Britanniques dans les Flandres et le nord et les français dans les Vosges, ect... A la limite une ou deux maps ou les 2 factions se mélangent.

                    Enfin voilà je trouve que Verdun est devenu du gros n'importe quoi, et depuis je ne sais quel maj c'est quasi impossible de jouer, le Lag est impressionnant.


                    • Même opinion sur l'équilibre entre les escouades, les français sont mauvais en comparaison des anglais, le gaz a été mal implanté et les évolutions actuelles ne sont pas spécialement intéressantes.
                      Et pendant ce temps, les devs continuent de s'intéresser principalement à leur moteur graphique.


                      • Moi ce jeux ma déçu déjà au niveau de l'équilibrage car c'est un peut n'importe quoi et de deux le système d'escouade ne m'a pas convaincu


                        • C'était mieux avant


                          • Envoyé par Archange Voir le message
                            C'était mieux avant
                            je suis tout à fait d'accord avec toi.

                            Il y a aussi un problème avec les MG/FM. Le mode visée du Lewis Gun est mal fait, la tête est collé sur le viseur et on voit rien du tout (Contrairement à la MG O15 et la Chauchat). Ainsi le Lewis gun n'est efficace qu'à courte portée.
                            Il faudrait aussi améliorer la chauchat et nerfer la MG 015. Tout les joueurs alliés jouent avec la MG 08 et j'avoue que ça fait un peu bizarre...
                            Dernière modification par Pavel, 07-01-2015, 16h56.


                            • Players of Verdun, we have some great news!

                              Today we have concluded most of the work of conversion to the brand new unity 5 engine. We are very excited as the new engine is a lot faster and better looking. Unity 5 uses so called "Physically Based Shading" (short: PBR), this means that surfaces are lit and reflect based on actual physical properties. This is most evident in the characters and really makes the all the details really come out more. Overall lighting and shading improvements can also be seen, most notably on the Flanders map. More advanced Screen space ambient occlusion (SSAO) and motion blur are now also noticable and bring the graphics to live. Unity 5 also offers a new way of audio management and this enhances the immersion even further, we hope to expand its use in the future. First reports indicate that the performance has increased dramatically for the participants of the beta branch which we deployed in the past month for the testing.


                              But that is far from all.
                              Besides working on the conversion to the new engine and all effort that went into that, we also continued to upgrade the gameplay. Some major improvements have been implemented in this area:

                              Players will now receive suppression when they are under fire. Their screen becomes fuzzy and desaturated and aiming becomes tougher.

                              Shell shock
                              When an explosion occurs nearby, the screen will be shaking and aiming will be thrown off. In addition the particle FX for grenades and mortars has been greatly improved as well as the audio effect.

                              Weapon sway overhaul
                              Weapons now have more realistic sway with the front sight (the arm that is holding the rifle or gun) now sways as a whole.

                              Private Matches
                              This long awaited and requested feature has now been implemented as well. it is possible to set up a private server (both Frontlines and Rifle deathmatch), with administrators and several commands as well to organize clan matches (such as restarting a round, changing maps).

                              Besides these new features we have also put a massive effort into fixing bugs. Most notably the many connection and matchmaking issues have been addressed. The changelog can be found below, it also includes smaller features such as a brightness/gamma setting and gas lethality increase.

                              While this was a major step forward in the development of the game, we are not 'dun yet and the current build will undoubtedly include some bugs or missing features . We greatly appreciate all the players who have put faith in the project and participate in the the early access program. We would very much like to work with you to prepare the game .


                              • V187: Changelog
                                15 January 2015
                                Unity5 engine upgrade!
                                PBR graphics, the game looks way cooler!
                                Audio improvements
                                Performance: Various notable performance improvements: PhysX, Rendering, better use of multicore
                                Greatly improved shadow distance
                                For more information, see: http://unity3d.com/5
                                Added private matches option to allow clans to set up matches (Both RDM and Frontlines game mode).
                                Added camshake/headbobbing
                                Surpression&Shock effects when a bullet/grenade almost hits you
                                Weapon sway now correct at the front instead of the back
                                Motionblur effect added
                                Fixed not unlockable tier of jaeger and Chausseur squad.
                                "Play Now" much improved matchmaking
                                Aiming sensitivity option saved correctly
                                Fix for users connecting with a high ping
                                Control page scrollable
                                Body drop sounds
                                Contract/brightness/gamma settings
                                Added value label for mouse sens.
                                Fixed reloading/interrupt exploit
                                Added (Debug) Option to change network traffic amount. Default = 70%, Setting it to 100% can reduce laggy movements of other players. Set it to 30% if you experience disconnects.
                                Added an option to enable CRC check after a disconnection, will help on bad connections.
                                Fixes players getting stuck forever when a spawnrequest failed
                                Network stability improved and more logging
                                Fix for "Gameserver did not add local player"
                                Various graphics improved
                                Artillery FX & sounds improved
                                Tweaked postfx: SSAO, HDR, Anti aliasing
                                Sound culling improved
                                Fixed: MG animation stood still while sprinting
                                Gas more deadly

