SPA_ideas = { start = { land_morale = 0.15 global_colonial_growth = 25 } bonus = { discipline = 0.05 } trigger = { tag = SPA } free = yes #will be added at load. devout_catholisism = { papal_influence = 2 } inter_caetera = { idea_claim_colonies = yes colonists = 1 } gold_fleet = { global_tariffs = 0.15 global_prov_trade_power_modifier = 0.1 } spanish_armada = { heavy_ship_cost = -0.1 leader_naval_manuever = 1 } spa_casa_de_contracion = { envoy_travel_time = -0.33 } spa_cortes = { free_adm_policy = 1 } siglo_de_oro = { prestige = 1 } }
CAS_ideas = { start = { land_morale = 0.15 missionaries = 1 } bonus = { artillery_fire = 1 } trigger = { tag = CAS } free = yes #will be added at load. the_reconquista = { army_tradition_decay = -0.01 } spanish_inquisition = { global_missionary_strength = 0.02 } cabildos = { production_efficiency = 0.1 } inter_caetera = { idea_claim_colonies = yes colonists = 1 } infantas = { diplomatic_reputation = 1 heir_chance = 0.33 } salamanca_scholars = { global_institution_spread = 0.1 } nueva_planta = { yearly_absolutism = 0.1 } }
MOR_ideas = { start = { may_perform_slave_raid = yes naval_forcelimit_modifier = 0.25 } bonus = { hostile_attrition = 1 } trigger = { tag = MOR } free = yes mor_powerful_viziers = { same_culture_advisor_cost = -0.2 } mor_marabouts = { idea_cost = -0.1 monthly_piety = -0.001 } trans_saharan_trade = { trade_efficiency = 0.1 caravan_power = 0.2 } mor_fleet = { galley_power = 0.2 } mor_pirate_republics = { privateer_efficiency = 0.15 } mor_slave_soldiers = { land_maintenance_modifier = -0.05 cavalry_power = 0.1 } mor_curb_power_of_the_tribes = { global_autonomy = -0.05 } }
TUN_ideas = { start = { may_perform_slave_raid = yes galley_power = 0.2 } bonus = { naval_forcelimit_modifier = 0.25 } trigger = { tag = TUN } free = yes tun_catalan_guard = { mercenary_discipline = 0.05 infantry_power = 0.05 } dual_diplomacy = { diplomatic_upkeep = 1 } corsairs = { navy_tradition = 1 privateer_efficiency = 0.10 } tun_attract_foreign_pirates = { global_sailors_modifier = 0.25 } tun_board_of_captains = { leader_naval_fire = 1 } tun_export_monopolies = { global_own_trade_power = 0.2 trade_efficiency = 0.05 } tun_caliphate = { tolerance_own = 1 monthly_piety = 0.001 } }
ADU_ideas = { start = { land_morale = 0.15 global_ship_trade_power = 0.25 } bonus = { global_trade_goods_size_modifier = 0.1 } trigger = { tag = ADU } free = yes #will be added at load. adu_stand_against_the_reconquista = { fire_damage_received = -0.15 } adu_taifa_adminstration = { vassal_forcelimit_bonus = 1 } adu_ahl_uhl_dhimma = { tolerance_heathen = 3 } adu_legacy_of_ibn_arabi = { monthly_piety = -0.001 idea_cost = -0.1 } adu_jund_settlements = { global_manpower_modifier = 0.15 core_creation = -0.15 } adu_expeditionary_sentiment = { colonists = 1 } adu_al_awasim = { defensiveness = 0.1 rival_border_fort_maintenance = -0.25 } }
SPA_ideas = { start = { land_morale = 0.15 artillery_fire = 1 } bonus = { discipline = 0.05 } trigger = { tag = SPA } free = yes #will be added at load. devout_catholisism = { papal_influence = 2 } inter_caetera = { idea_claim_colonies = yes colonists = 1 } gold_fleet = { naval_forcelimit = 0.25 } spanish_armada = { heavy_ship_power = 0.1 leader_naval_manuever = 1 } spa_casa_de_contracion = { envoy_travel_time = -0.33 global_tariffs = 0.15 } spa_cortes = { possible_dip_policy = 1 } siglo_de_oro = { prestige = 1 } } CAS_ideas = { start = { land_morale = 0.15 missionaries = 1 } bonus = { global_colonial_growth = 25 } trigger = { tag = CAS } free = yes #will be added at load. the_reconquista = { army_tradition_decay = -0.01 } spanish_inquisition = { global_missionary_strength = 0.02 } cabildos = { production_efficiency = 0.1 } inter_caetera = { idea_claim_colonies = yes colonists = 1 } infantas = { diplomatic_reputation = 1 heir_chance = 0.33 } salamanca_scholars = { global_institution_spread = 0.1 } nueva_planta = { global_autonomy = -0.05 } }
Aragon: Ambition changed to +1 artillery fire Navarra: End of the Fueros idea changed to -25% Autonomy Change Cooldown Berbers: Hostile Core Creation Cost tradition changed to -25% Naval Attrition
TEX_ideas = { start = { fire_damage_received = -0.1 no_religion_penalty = yes } bonus = { land_morale = 0.15 } trigger = { tag = TEX } free = yes lone_star_state = { prestige = 1 } tex_revolution = { fire_damage = 0.1 } cotton_plantations = { trade_goods_size_modifier = 0.1 } vaqueros = { land_attrition = -0.1 movement_speed = 0.15 } tex_native_frontiers = { army_tradition_decay = -0.01 } tejanos = { stability_cost_modifier = -0.15 } adelsverin = { development_cost = -0.1 } }