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  • Benoît
    a répondu
    DD sur way of life, le premier et le dernier.

    Cette extension se concentre non pas sur une nouvelle période ou région, mais l'approfondissement des ambitions personnelles et comment manipuler les relations avec les autres personnages. Nous voulons également que les joueurs déterminent jusqu'à un certain point la direction que prendra leur personnage sans les bloquer dans un coin du jeu.
    Ces réflexions nous amènent au niveau mécanisme de focus. Quand vous commencez le jeu, vous pouvez choisir un focus pour votre personnage qui va affecter le type d'événements qui vont vous impacter et leur fréquence en plus de débloquer certaines décisions et actions que vous pouvez avoir avec d'autres personnages.

    Il y a également des bonus directs en fonction de votre focus, chacun étant lié à un attribut (deux pour chaque attribut) et le bonus commun est une augmentation de ces attributs.

    Famille - engagez vous avec votre famille et soyez certain qu'ils se débrouillent
    Beuverie - vous permet d'inviter des personnes à des fêtes, idéal pour se faire de nouveaux amis et prendre du bon temps
    Guerre - S'intéresser à la guerre, vous autorise les duels et d'autres choses
    Chasseur - Ouvre de nouveaux événements de chasse et est un maintenant un pré requis pour certaines décisions de chasse
    Gouvernance - Administrer votre royaume, gérer l'administration.
    Commerce - Négociez avec les maires, fondez des routes de commerce, construisez des choses.
    Intrigue - Vous permet d'espionnez les personnes, libérer des prisonniers, calomnier des gens ou les enlever.
    Séduction - Choisissez votre cible et faites la votre.
    Etudes - Choisissez la recherche
    Théologie - Requises pour les pèlerinages, vous offre de nouveaux événements religieux, y compris pour les pagans et affecte la fréquence des événements religieux

    Certains focus vous demandent de remplir des conditions pour les prendre. Vous ne pouvez choisir la séduction si vous êtes célibataire ou la chasse si vous êtes Jain.

    Seuls les dirigeants peuvent avoir des focus (ainsi que l'IA dirigeante). Après 5 ans, vous pouvez choisir un autre focus si vous le désirez mais notez que certaines chaînes d'événements les plus longues peuvent être interrompues si vous le faites.

    De nouvelles choses gratuites arrivent également.
    Tout d'abord la diplomatie et d'autres actions qui affectent directement les autres personnages sont accessibles par un click droit que le portrait de la personne.
    Les moddeurs seront heureux de savoir que nous avons ajoutés de puissants scripts qu'ils peuvent utiliser.

    Une autre nouvelle option pour les mods comprend la possibie de sauvegarder les cibles d'événements dans un champ déterminé comme un personnage, une province ou un titre.

    Sortie du DLC le 16, le patch note complet arrive vendredi.
    Dernière modification par Benoît, 10-12-2014, 16h39.

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  • Chrisrex
    a répondu
    Séduire le Pape ? j'en connais qui vont ce ruer sur ce défi ;P

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  • Avatar de « Invité »
    Invité a répondu
    Séduire le pape? Où est ce qu'on signe pour l'acheter '

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  • Le-Nain
    a répondu
    Trop bien ça !

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  • Benoît
    a répondu
    L'information indispensable: "With this DLC, you can try to seduce the Pope."

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  • Kent
    a répondu
    Ouais enfin SOI, Old Gods c'était 13e, la c'est 9e et on est très loin du contenu de ces gros DLC quand même. Enfin je pense, après c'est peut être des events de fous, mais reconnaissez par exemple que les décisions: "participer à une partie de chasse" & "organiser une fête" à la fin on le fait plus.

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  • ElPadrino
    a répondu
    Les évents, les moddeurs le font bénévolement.

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  • Thorgen
    a répondu
    Pour avoir une centaine d'event en plus et encore plus de RP pas tant que ça

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  • Kent
    a répondu

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  • Benoît
    a répondu
    Prix de 8€ confirmé.

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  • Benoît
    a répondu

    New diplomatic interactions – Dispatch foes by challenging them to duels, choose who to seduce, break up with lovers, spy on people, free prisonors from captivity, and more are now available to players.

    Set a Focus - Give your rulers a “way of life” by assigning them a Focus that will give an immediate boost to their skills and help shape the course of their development through events and decisions – new and old. There are ten different Focuses available to your characters:

    • Rulership – Be a better king!
    • Business – Gold is good
    • Hunting – Kill the beast!
    • War – What’s yours is mine
    • Family – the most important thing, right?
    • Carousing - ahem
    • Seduction – double ahem
    • Intrigue – sneaky, sneak
    • Scholarship – We love to learn
    • Theology – Do it for the big guy upstair

    New events – Hundreds of new events have been added into Way of Life, alongside 20 new event images, which tie in directly to a character’s Focus. Specific events can be triggered only if a character is assigned a corresponding Focus.
    Dernière modification par Benoît, 09-12-2014, 17h47.

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  • Thorgen
    a répondu
    A enfin Paradox exauce mon souhait avec l'arrivé de nouveaux event

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  • Benoît
    a répondu
    Rem l'avait déjà dit dans l'autre sujet mais je me permets de centraliser ici en mettant le changelog temporaire:

    - Reduced the amount of money the pope gets from bishops ( from 40% of tax to 10% of tax for Popes, 20% to 5% for Anti-Popes )
    - Added a whole event system for husbands to find out if their wife/concubine has been unfaithful (after "Doubt besets me...")
    - Multithreaded startup of the game
    - Fixed crash caused by destroyed settlements by Viking looters
    - Fixed probable OOS
    - Fixed crash when missing certain Unit Pack DLC's
    - Fixed memory leak when calculating subunits monthly cost.

    - Winning and losing wars now tends to give more nicknames
    - Decadence Revolts: Boosted troop strengths
    - Decadence Revolts: Vassals more likely to go independent
    - Decadence Revolts: the revolt winner no longer gets any claims on vassals that go independent
    - Expanded on the Lunatic gained event (6020). Now more common, and with different texts depending on your situation
    - Fixed an issue with gavelkind where, if your primary kingdom or empire was titular, it could cause strangeness
    - Fixed a bug with the 'holy_war' acquisition method not showing up in title history
    - Added some missing acquisition types to the CBs
    - Fixed a bug with elective gavelkind in empires with secondary kingdoms where your de facto capital and kingdom did not go to your primary heir
    - Winning claim wars on the liege (or when a liege folds to a claimant demand) will no longer incorrectly try to even out the de jure kingdom borders
    - Optimized and fixed many bugs in the health events
    - Fixed broken dynasty 8601 "de Cantabria"
    - Fixed a bug in Charlemagne event CM.1076 preventing Charlemagne from getting a claim on whoever shelters Carloman's wife and children
    - Fixed a bug in event 63100 causing issues when vassals change liege on succession due to being over the vassal limit
    - Fixed a rare bug where landless title courts could contain random characters with no culture or religion
    - Corrected some event border colors
    - Tooltips on dead characters now list their primary tier titles
    - Spouses now always only have personal opinions of each other
    - All non-Muslims can now legitimize bastards
    - All religions can now divorce their spouse if there is currently no religious head
    - Added divorce reasons to character opinions and to the divorce interactions
    - Tweaked the main bastard conception and lover gained events (450 and 456)
    - Optimized the lookup of database files
    - History province files will now only be loaded if they have correct name. The name need to be put in to the map definition file.
    - The character screen no longer shows the score of the player.
    - The character screen now shows how many troops that character can raise.
    - It is now possible to cancel your own plot in your character screen.
    - Demesne size and vassal limit is now visible in the character screen.
    - The loading screen for the most recent dlc is now always shown first when loading the game.
    - Tengri no longer get pagan homeland attrition penalty against other pagans.
    - Reformed Zunists no longer have pagan defensive homeland attrition.
    - Fixed CTD when resigning from games.
    - Fixed broken options in events which used the religion = christian trigger.
    - Fixed bug where the cost of vassal mercenaries were not calculated properly.
    - Fixed bug where ironman saves became broken when creating a new save after loading an old one.
    - AI will now prefer using CB's without piety and prestige costs.
    - Fixed bug where elective gavelkind in some cases stole provinces from other realms on succession.
    - Fixed crash when trying to host a save stored in a sub-directory.
    - Viceroyalties can no longer be granted to characters outside your realm.
    - Fixed crash when finishing constructions in settlements without a holder.
    - Fixed issue where both tribal settlement conversion decisions were avaliable for republics.
    - The decisions for forming the kingdom of Leon and Hungary is no longer allowed if the required kingdoms are viceroyalties.
    - Fixed bug where the king-tier crown was used for all characters in the lobby regardless of their tier.
    - Viceroys becoming unlanded will now hand back their viceroy title to their liege.
    - Wars and truces are now visible in the character view.
    - Fixed bug where the Assassin Resurface-event did not activate the title.
    - Decadence tooltip now uses a consistent amount of decimals.
    - Opening the chronicle now pauses the game if not in multiplayer.
    - Fixed bug where Empires could be granted as viceroyalties (but did not do anything).
    - Fixed bug where the family of Carloman sometimes fled to a revolt.
    - Clarified the negative effects for tribal job troops if not used in the job action tooltip.
    - Fixed bug where provinces where unselectable after resigning and starting a new game if that province was selected before resigning.
    - Fixed issue where De Jure Region modifiers were clamped with Owner Martial Skill in the levy tooltip.
    - Fixed history bug where character 30829 (Simone Drengot) had the wrong father.
    - Fixed broken allow-trigger in landed_titles.
    - Added missing message type GRANT_VICE_ROYALTY_INTERACTION_ACCEPT
    - Fixed bug where prepared invasion troops were not properly dismissed when the invader died before declaring war.
    - Duchy of Thessalonika is no longer set to be a viceroyalty when held by Latin Empire.
    - Tweaked the stats of some early Norse characters.
    - Isle of Man is now its own de jure duchy.
    - Tweaks to Manx title names.
    - Taking the "Become Kshatriya Caste" decision now also gives the Kshatriya caste trait to to any unlanded spouses or children in the ruler's court.
    - Muslim rulers now correctly get a negative opinion against Byzantine emperor who renounces iconoclasm.
    - Saxon Wars event can no longer trigger for non-feudal rulers.
    - Added target list for great holy wars for reformed Zunists.
    - Tweaked triggers for unlocking crusades and jihads (France and North Africa).
    - Tweaked the chances for some ruler nicknames.
    - Fixed the names for Church of Zun and West African Church (was wrong format).
    - Fixed a bug where a coincillor could sometimes complain to liege about herself.
    - Fixed the localisation for the Seljuk Turks title.
    - Melitene province in Armenia is now properly considered mountainous terrain.
    - Fixed a crash when selecting a lowborn theocracy at startup.

    - Tweaked release from prison and execution logic
    - Added AI choice scripts to the bastard is born event (301)

    - Added a new insult and compliment system based on strings scripted into the traits. Used in texts with [GetFromRootInsult], [GetRootFromFromCompliment], etc
    - Added 'modifier' fields to effects 'random_list' and 'random'
    - The 'is_married' trigger can now take a target as well as a bool (like 'is_lover' and 'is_consort')
    - Added many new nicknames
    - Added possibility to set a specific discoverer to the 'reveal_plot' effect (reveal_plot = ROOT, etc)
    - Added trigger 'plot_is_known_by'
    - Added event effect 'usurp_title_plus_barony_if_unlanded_and_vassals_n o_adj'
    - Added trigger 'any_opinion_modifier_target'
    - Added effects 'random_opinion_modifier_target' and 'any_opinion_modifier_target'
    - Added combat rating modifier with triggers 'combat_rating' and 'combat_rating_diff'
    - Added fromfromfromfrom scope targets
    - Added optional 'as_if_liege' parameter to opinion triggers
    - Added triggers 'personal_opinion', 'reverse_personal_opinion', 'personal_opinion_diff' and 'reverse_personal_opinion_diff'
    (These do not take state diplomacy, laws or any other such state concerns into account)
    - Added 'capital' console command
    - Added event effect 'log'
    - Added trigger 'has_polygamy'
    - Added trigger 'has_concubinage'
    - Character modifier descriptions now support text variables
    - Added is_holy_site trigger
    - Fixed a bug with effect scope any_allied_character
    - Fixed a bug with effect scope random_allied_character
    - All any-triggers now support the use of count = x
    - Added variables to titles
    - All variable trigger and effects now work with title variables
    - Variables can be displayed with localization system
    - Variable triggers and effects can compare variables between types of scopes (country/province)
    - Fixed problems with the variable triggers check_variable and is_variable_equal
    - Added cal_true_if trigger
    - Added set_title_flag effect
    - Added clr_title_flag effect
    - Added has_title_flag trigger
    - Added had_title_flag trigger
    - Added save_event_target_as effect
    - Added save_global_event_target_as effect
    - Added clear_event_target effect
    - Added clear_global_event_target effect
    - Added clear_global_event_targets effect
    - Added support for weighted cultural names
    - Added support for weighted regnal names
    - Added an on_startup on action
    - Exported MAX_CROWN_LAW_CHANGES to defines
    - Added support for localized nicknames
    - Added effects convert_to_temple and convert_to_tribal
    - Renamed effects convert_to_feudal and convert_to_republic to convert_to_castle and convert_to_city
    - set_allow_free_duchy_revokation no longer only works for viceroyalties when Charlemagne is enabled
    - Added a set_allow_free_vice_royalty_revokation effect
    - Fixed bug where the any_independent_ruler and random_independent_ruler could target revolts.
    - Added ignores_defensive_attrition effect for religions, used for religions that do not have defensive attrition but will still not get the penalty towards such religions.

    - Made converter province mapping up to date with EU4 patch 1.8
    - Fixed missing cultures for converter
    - Buffed Jerusalem ideas
    - Tweaked Aztec and Incan ideas
    - Rebalanced hashashin, jerusalem, jewish, kinghts templar and roman ideas to accomodate new values in eu4
    - Version compliance with eu4 1.8 patch in the generated mod file
    - Gave cathar, fraticelli and waldensian new modifiers to their religion if you have SoA.
    - Tech groups should now be up to date with EU4 patch 1.8
    - Fixed crash bug when converting a game that has custom titles
    - Fixed now so converter mod's no longer changes checksum
    - Switched so Miaphysite is not dependent on SoA to become coptic
    - Added Karling ideas

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  • Benoît
    a répondu
    Way of life sortira le 16th décembre 2014, entre 5 et 8€ (7.99 livres).

    Nouveaux mécanismes:
    Le Focus (a "way of life") vous octroi une augmentation immédiate de caractéristique et détermine le type d'événements qui peuvent apparaître (il en existe 10: Gouvernance, commerce, chasse, guerre, famille, beuverie, séduction, intrigue, théologie et les études)
    Une centaine de nouveaux événements et de nouvelles images.
    De nouvelles interactions diplomatiques (Duel, séduction, bannir au monastère, romptre avec son amant, etc)
    Link: http://www.greenmangaming.com/s/fr/e...-life/#item-s7
    Dernière modification par Benoît, 09-12-2014, 10h21.

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  • Benoît
    a répondu

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