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Stratège du dimanche
18-11-2021, 15h15
Si ça peut te rassurer il n'a pas l'air d'être en charge de gros projets et morceaux du développement de Victoria 3
Tout au plus il présente depuis le début des teasers pour des traits régionaux en majorité.
D'ailleurs aujourd'hui c'est jeudi et jeudi c'est le carnet pardi ! (désolé
) Sur ce (très) mauvais jeu de mots je vous présente le très long et premier carnet de développement avec les premières images des nouvelles fonctionnalités et mécaniques entourant la partie martiale du jeu selon les nouveaux concepts évoqués la dernière fois. Vous pouvez le retrouver en cliquant
. Pour une première mise en bouche, la mécanique des fronts militaires sont exposés en détail, de la façon dont ils sont crées et fonctionnement avec les généraux, les bataillons, de comment votre armée se mobilise, s'entretient et ainsi de suite. Je vous laisse découvrir tout ça par vous même ! Tout à l'heure, le carnet de cette semaine sera publié et portera sur les amiraux et le fonctionnement de la marine dans le jeu. Je rajouterai une annexe à ce post au moment voulu !
Enfin, comme tous les mois, les développeurs en charge de Victoria 3 ont publié une vidéo de synthèse des derniers carnets du mois avec des images exclusives (à retrouver sur le forum Paradox
) que vous pouvez visionnez ci-dessous :
Sur ce, bonne journée à toutes et tous, bonne lecture et bon visionnage
Edit : le forum Paradox connait quelques difficultés techniques, je posterai le lien vers le carnet dès que tout sera rétabli...
Edit² : Et voici le fameux
vingt-quatrième carnet portant l'amirauté et la marine
! On se retrouve bientôt pour sa traduction
Dernière modification par
19-11-2021, 10h50
Eplucheur de patates
22-11-2021, 11h43
Est-ce qu'il y a des infos sur le jeu sur Linux ?
Sera à adapter ou déjà prêt.
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Stratège du dimanche
25-11-2021, 22h11
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Est-ce qu'il y a des infos sur le jeu sur Linux ?
Sera à adapter ou déjà prêt.
Je ne m'y connais pas très bien en technique des systèmes Linux mais sur la page Steam il est mentionné une comptabilité "SteamOS + Linux" ! A voir ce que tu peux en faire
En attendant, votre humble serviteur est quelque peu malade ces derniers jours expliquant son retard pour la traduction du dernier carnet - que je devrai sortir ce week-end si tout va bien ! Néanmoins, ne perdons pas le fil des sorties de carnet car voici le
vingt-cinquième carnet et quatrième portant sur la refonte de la guerre
- et le dernier pour l'instant. Celui-ci intitulé "Le prix de la guerre" explore le coût sur votre économie, société et surtout votre population lorsqu'un conflit éclate entre plusieurs nations. La façon dont la guerre est simulée dans Victoria 3 cherche à représenter donc non seulement les effets sur le court terme mais aussi sur le long terme - ne pensez pas vous en sortir aussi facilement. D'autres domaines sont aussi évoqués et la guerre n'a pas que des aspects négatifs sur votre nation - certains éléments peuvent même en profiter. Cela reste à vous de voir lors de la lecture de ce carnet - en anglais pour les courageux et en français pour les patients
A très bientôt !
Eplucheur de patates
27-11-2021, 13h53
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Je ne m'y connais pas très bien en technique des systèmes Linux mais sur la page Steam il est mentionné une comptabilité "SteamOS + Linux" ! A voir ce que tu peux en faire
En attendant, votre humble serviteur est quelque peu malade ces derniers jours expliquant son retard pour la traduction du dernier carnet - que je devrai sortir ce week-end si tout va bien ! Néanmoins, ne perdons pas le fil des sorties de carnet car voici le
vingt-cinquième carnet et quatrième portant sur la refonte de la guerre
- et le dernier pour l'instant. Celui-ci intitulé "Le prix de la guerre" explore le coût sur votre économie, société et surtout votre population lorsqu'un conflit éclate entre plusieurs nations. La façon dont la guerre est simulée dans Victoria 3 cherche à représenter donc non seulement les effets sur le court terme mais aussi sur le long terme - ne pensez pas vous en sortir aussi facilement. D'autres domaines sont aussi évoqués et la guerre n'a pas que des aspects négatifs sur votre nation - certains éléments peuvent même en profiter. Cela reste à vous de voir lors de la lecture de ce carnet - en anglais pour les courageux et en français pour les patients
A très bientôt !
Merci bien, je vais donc voir. Victoria 2 ne posait effectivement pas de problèmes, mais les extensions beaucoup moins évident.
Stratège de cuisine
30-11-2021, 14h00
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Que pensez-vous de ces orientations pour le militaire dans Victoria 3? C’est un gros changement par rapport aux autres jeux du studio. Ils vont bien plus loin que la simple option d’automatiser certains éléments.
Une bonne idée cette refonte du militaire.
Je n'aimais pas trop jouer la Russie avec ses millier d'hommes à déplacer. D'où souvent mon choix sur la Prusse : petit pays, bonne qualité.
Hâte de voir ce qu'ils vont nous proposer pour la marine. Un autre pays que je n'ai jamais testé par peur de la gestion des navires : Le Royaume-Uni
Traducteur à latence
Stratège du dimanche
30-11-2021, 15h17
qui va être content - au moins lui
- Groogy quitte le studio de Paradox (pour Ubisoft Stockholm double-
) : A cette occasion, il partage des
teasers exceptionnels
sur son compte Twitter pour son départ, que voici ci-dessous : Quatre républiques soviétiques d'Australie fondées au cours d'une partie, où les ouvriers ont établi des conseils ouvriers et bénéficient des dividendes des entreprises et usines dans lesquelles ils travaillent !
Au sujet des derniers carnets sur la refonte du militaire (à savoir sur la marine puis le coût de la guerre), je vais avoir quelques difficultés pour les publier cette semaine ayant quelques difficultés pour trouver le temps de traduire entièrement chacun - même si cela progresse ne vous inquiétez pas
. On se retrouve donc très bientôt pour ces nouveaux carnets ainsi que celui de cette semaine qui portera sur les négociations de paix !
Chien fidèèèle
Tacticien de bibliothèque
30-11-2021, 17h52
Excellente nouvelle!
Paradox Noob
Tacticien du dimanche
30-11-2021, 20h10
tu veux un coup de main pour les traductions ?
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Stratège du dimanche
02-12-2021, 22h46
Comme annoncé précédemment, je publierai les deux précédents carnets prochainement mais pas pour l'instant en raison d'une semaine chargée de mon côté - Alas ! Poor worker
Mais je continue néanmoins mon travail de suivi et vous partage la sortie du
nouveau carnet de Victoria 3
qui offre une conclusion aux deux précédentes séries développant respectivement le développement et les mécaniques entourant la diplomatie et la guerre en touchant un sujet qui rejoint les deux : la paix. Comme mécaniques introduites dans ce carnet, on retrouve le soutien à la guerre (Coucou Hoi4) et deux méthodes de de faire la paix : en capitulant ou en négociant... Le carnet prévu pour la semaine prochaine devrait susciter votre intérêt puisqu'après avoir couvert les parties économiques, politiques, diplomatiques et martiales du jeu, le prochain carnet introduira la partie technologique du jeu !
Et merci
pour ta proposition, mais je préfère prendre en charge les traductions tout seul, j'ai mes petites habitudes
Par ailleurs, la page steam du jeu a été mise à jour et introduit de nouvelles images - en haute définition messieurs-dames ! -de la dernière version de développement. Je vous les partage ici pour votre confort et pour pouvoir en discuter. Je dois dire de mon côté qu'elles me rendent assez enthousiasme (la carte est plus fournie et détaillés [Je meurs pour les petites
anglais de la 4e image ou les trains ou chariots au Japon dans la 6e image] et on peut voir que l'interface bénéficie pleinement des innovations en termes d'ergonomie des précédents jeux Paradox et ce, autant graphiquement que factuellement ; on peut aussi observer concrètement les dernière mécaniques présentés en condition "quasi-réelle" - j'adore aussi les petits détails qui n'ont pas été présentés ou évoqués par les développeurs). Vous pouvez trouver lesdites images ci-dessous et je vous dit à bientôt pour la suite
Dernière modification par
15-12-2021, 16h00
Vétéran roublard
05-12-2021, 03h12
Je veux jouer
Dernière modification par
05-12-2021, 15h30
Vétéran roublard
05-12-2021, 15h28
Le screen de l'empire ottoman pour les indications qu'il apporte au concept des révolutions(région rebelle, armée rebelle, groupe d'intérêt). Mais le pourcentage est censé être une sorte de "timer" au bout duquel se déclenche une révolution ? Ou un rapport de force au bout duquel la révolution est possible ?
Normal que l'Éthiopie soit autant fracturé ? J'ai l'impression qu'il y a plus d'état que dans VIC 2 ?
Traducteur à latence
Stratège du dimanche
07-12-2021, 15h48
Victoria 3 - FAQ des développeurs - 7 décembre 2021
Coucou les amies et amis ! Je me suis inscrit sur la newsletter de Victoria 3 qui permet d'avoir accès à la FAQ avec les développeurs sur le Discord de Victoria 3 qui commence bientôt ! Est ce que certains d'entre vous aurez des questions ou des précisions à vouloir poser ou développer ? Bonne journée à tous !
Edit : Ça vient de commerce, je mettrais à jour ce post afin de mettre les retours les plus pertinents ! (Je ferai le tri au fur et à mesure
. Au final je pense que je vais plutôt mettre en gras les plus intéressantes !)
Edit2: La FAQ prendra fin à 18h ! Même si des questions peuvent encore être posées, il est peu probable qu'elles parviennent aux développeurs.
Edit3 : L'événement FAQ est terminé ! Je vais mettre en forme prochainement le post pour que cela soit plus lisible (avec des couleurs et des images en plus pour vos mirettes
Les réponses
Devs présents : Martin "Wiz" Anward, Mikael "Lachek" Andersson, Micheal "Ofaloaf" K-C, Daniel Tolman, Johan "KaiserJohan" Jons, Paul Depre, Aron Nisbel
: Noir : divers, mineur ;
Rouge : Important, Nouvelle info.
Vert :
Orange : Futur carnet/développement, précisions
Bleu: Meta, Développement interne
Violet : Modding, Setup, personnalisations
Q : Are there plans for joke nations like Jan Mayen?
R: Of course, we have Belgium! And perhaps some others that are more hidden
What are your current plans for achievements?
Achievements for release are actually already planned out! We've tried to focus on having a bunch of different challenges, not just 'conquer X' (though there's certainly achievements like that too). We'll of course keep adding achievements after release, as well!
Will some cultures have areas they specialise in? For example Nepali could be better soldiers while Norwegians could be better fishermen
The main problem I have with that is the unfortunate implications of saying people are just
better at one thing or another- a Norwegian who moves to central Iowa isn't going to be a terribly good fisherman, and a Nepali who has never experienced war in his or her lifetime isn't going to have much experience at combat.
What was the hardest change you had to do to the usual grand strategy games "formula"
Definitely the change to more strategic warfare! It's something we've had to redesign, rework and iterate on numerous times during the course of development (hence why it's currently not in as finished a state as the rest of the mechanics).
We have seen the ability to play democratic (socialist) council republics, is it also possible to play as a Proletarian Dictatorship?
Absolutely. The Council Republic law can be combined with most other laws, including everything from Autocracy to Anarchy
what is the most common degree held by team members working on v3, history, game development, game design, computer science or something else
If I had to guess its most likely some form of computer science and or game development for those who were able to go to school for such. We also have quite a few individuals who have the non-standard degrees in various forms of sciences, history, language, and me - the token economist. Never done a survey among the studio though, might be an interesting thing to do. The results will not be in a pie chart, that I can assure you.
What are the effects of war to infrastructure. Is it possible for some buildings/railways etc. to get damaged?
War doesn't damage buildings (including railways) directly, but it does inflict Devastation which impact how the existing buildings function. After the war, this Devastation will dissipate gradually as the country rebuilds. We did it this way to ensure players wouldn't need to keep track of everything that'd been destroyed during the war to rebuild it manually, and it also creates a better "record" of how badly a state has been affected so it's apparent where the most amount of damage has been inflicted.
How will multiplayer be skill based in Victoria 3 when the micro system now is gone? For exemple can a minor nation win against a major power if they are skilled enough?
A player just needs to utilize different talents in multiplayer- like people skills and a real ability to negotiate.
Can oppressed cultures try and attempt to revolt against their oppressors
Oppressed cultures can seek to revolt and create their own national identity but they can also seek migration depending on the situation.
Can we form nations, like Scandinavia?
Yes, it will be possible both to form larger nations and to release and play as a smaller nation. We'll get into more detail on this in a future dev diary!
Will nations automatically turn socialist/communist once they get trade unions IG into power? like in Victoria 2 where russia suddenly becomes the soviet union, or do the trade unions have to pass specific laws to get there?
Trade Unions aren't inherently communist, and communism isn't isn't inherent to Trade Unions! And it's not just a matter of being in government; you have to actually pass communist laws to be a communist country.
What is your favourite bug?
Every pop in the world wearing aprons. Also honorable mentions to babies with beards!
Any interesting new modding capability compared to CK3 planned/that you can share?
A major addition is the ability to mod AI strategies that govern all sorts of AI behavior like which specific land it wants to conquer (if any), which goods and buildings it wants to focus on, which politics it favors and so on. There'll be a dev diary on this at a later point!
Will we see models of trains move around the railways on the map? Will they go 'choo choo' if we zoom in close enough? The latter question is very important to me.
The trains do indeed travel around on the map and go choo choo! In fact, the trains even go chugga chugga.
What has been, or do you expect to be, the most fun and engaging aspect of playing multiplayer as opposed to singleplayer?
Diplomatic Plays with Human opponents will be fun!
How will you integrate real historical flavor (decisions, events, music, artwork) and options for alternate historical events/timelines?
(Note : C'était plus ou moins la question que j'avais posé, expliquant pourquoi la mienne a été rejetée
We have an event about Karl Marx writing the Communist Manifesto. But maybe Marx is a child or dead by this point, or maybe socialism first emerged in Borneo; in which case someone else will write the Communist Manifesto.
how steep do you expect the learning curve for this game to be? relatively easy for a non-GSG player to pick up, like CK3, or more towards Vic2 level?
It is hard to judge what the learning curve for this game will be, because there are multiple types of players - I do expect that this game will be one of the more difficult learning curves to someone not accustomed to Paradox style games. It should be more approachable to someone who is familiar with Paradox games due to our works on tooltips and tutorials, it should be easily understandable to those who consider themselves experts of Victoria 2. Our goal is to to make this game as approachable as possible without making it any less detailed - a hard ask but its possible to set large-scale actions and policies and get by, but then there is also the further economic detail and min/maxing you can partake of if you wish.
Do each government type get a unique flag? Will we see the glorious Makhnovshchina flag in Victoria III?
Keep an eye on upcoming dev diaries!
How does the government form affect how laws pass? Does an Absolute Monarchy like Prussia have a easier way to pass unpopular laws by many interest groups than a Constitutional Monarchy like Great Britain?
More authoritarian laws will help you pass laws faster; so an autocratic monarchy that suppresses opposition interest groups can pass laws quickly and with less resistance than a democracy with a strong opposition. Of course, that has its own downsides.
will the african continent be better detailed? in the last vic2 borders followed alongst colonial lines which didnt make sense and gave them a sense of only existing as filler states.
R: Since Victoria 3 has the concept of Decentralized Nations, we're able to model a large number of such countries on for example the African continent. The only "empty space" in Africa is now inhospitable, impassable regions like the deep Sahara, all other parts have countries, resources, and Pops. The borders is another matter - because V3 has fixed state region borders (although the states
a state region can be mutable), we've had to draw those lines somewhere, and to ensure it's
to end up with a historical map we have in some cases had to draw the line along colonial borders.
I saw one of those loading screen quotes by the devs, would there be any way to see those in the release version of the game
...I hope not , they are rather silly X)
What kind of mod are y'all most excited about seeing after launch?
I'd love to see some steampunk mods!
Are there any mechanics youre not fully fleshing out, awaiting feedback from the larger player base/QA?
There are plenty of things not solid - all to various levels. That's part of the reason we do dev diaries and feedback sessions, hold UR tests, and let QA tinker on the regular. Some more structural mechanics are locked in, but we are always looking to and reacting to your feedback. If we do not act upon it right away its usually because doing such is risk based on the timeline and then we look for when we can address it in the future. In future dev diaries you may in fact see such changes detailed.
Can democracies influence what interest groups are in their governments?
Yes! As a Democracy you will be able to Reform your Government by adding and removing Parties and Interest Groups. However, Government constellations will vary on how Legitimate they are.
What is the feature you are most excited about personally and to see what players will do with?
Definitely Diplomatic Plays! I want to see what kind of crazy upsets players manage to pull through clever diplomacy, and also what unintended consequences they end up with. Not to mention the multiplayer shenanigans...
[Are there any fun or challenging nations that the devs like playing? and if challenging, who would you say is the hardest start?]
The tiny nations like Krakow are obviously gonna be quite a challenge. Amongst the medium-sized nations I found Denmark interesting because they lack alot of raw resources and have to end up being very trade-heavy. I also like Greece as it was my go-to V2 nation!
Q: How many nations will actually be playable at launch? Will there possibly be more playabla nations in coming DLC's?
R: All of them except for Decentralized nations! And I expect we'll also be making map revisions in the future that will add more countries to the map
Is it possible to have an autocratic monarchy where the monarch is just a figurehead and actual power rests with someone else?
Its possible to have an autocratic monarchy where the monarch is part of an IG that is not part of the ruling interest groups, you will have an challenge in making that government viewed as legitimate amongst the people but its not impossible.
Q: I
s war support calculated for each war individually, or all wars a country is involved in? For ex, Say I am Austria fighting Russia for Poland, and things aren't going great and I am at +50% war support - If Italy then declares on me for Venice, do I start at +50% war support in that war, or +100% war support?
War Support is calculated individually per war, though doing badly in one war can definitely result in your War Support going down faster in another, as factors such as your population being starving and miserable as a result of one war impacts the other.
[Will the customs of pops' model related to pops' standard of living?]
Higher wealth pops will look fancier if that's what you meant
How many distinct government types or ideologies are in the game so far?
A government is made up from the laws of the country, and there's so many potential combinations of laws out there, I'm not actually sure how many distinct sorts of government are possible at the moment.
What is the most interesting aspect/consequence of something you've already talked about that you were not able to place onto a dev diary?
I don't actually recall if we've discussed Urbanization in detail yet, but one aspect I find fascinating is how building up your industrial states automatically create a parallel service industry which booms if the Pops' Wealth increases but fails if it doesn't, so creating an exploitative, extractive industrial sector will decrease the price of the industrial output goods in the market but not benefit any sector of Pops in that state.
Will it be possible to release countries that are part of bigger countries (for example Austria-Hungary releasing/creating czech lands) and then switch and play as them?
It is possible as a player to forgo the mandate of a larger multi-ethnic empire and retire to the safe and comforting rule of a small newly established independent nation, or subsequent subject polity under the hands of the AI. (In short - you can create/release/play as)
Will it be possible for Austria to unify Germany?
yes, but only if they don't become Austria-Hungary!
How easy will it be to transition to Victoria 3 from other Paradox Games? Are there any similar features/mechanics?
V2 would obviously be most similiar in terms of mechanics but any PDS fan should feel right at home
It's no doubt a complex game but we've put alot of effort into making it easier to get into
Can you list some formable nations?
Sure! There's Italy, and Germany, and Ethiopia, and Yugoslavia...
Can interest groups be banned in authoritarian countries?
More authoritarian countries have an easier time influencing their IGs to irrelevance. That being said its not as easy as simple to "ban" an IG - if they have the clout they will attempt to fight back instead of heading off meekly into irrelevance.
Q: With Diplomatic Plays in mind, how are you planning to handle "event wars", i.e. wars that would likely be the result of an event or event chain? Examples being Commodore Perry's Expedition, The British demands that led to the Opium war or the Ems Dispatch? Will these types of historical events be "instant wars" that skip diplo plays, or will they start unique diplo plays of a sort?
We handle these in two principal ways: Either largely through AI-guided mechanics (in the case of Perry's expedition, there's a Diplomatic Play to force a country to Open Market, and Japan being forced to open its market is one of the ways the Meiji restoration can start) or through events that fire if it makes sense for them to fire (Taiping is such an example, you're not guaranteed to have a Taiping rebellion but there is an 'event chain' for it if the conditions are there)
Q: would we be able to control the country's war doctrine and by that control how our generals approach war? ( not talking about microing the generals but more the general strategy they will take
R: The approach we've taken so far is that the player is in charge of which Generals to hire (from a limited pool), promote, and retire - and the Traits those Generals have will affect how they approach war in various ways. You can also customize how your army behaves through some tech and Production Methods, and determine the broad composition of your army via the Army Model laws. Aside from that, some sort of overall, country-wide doctrine that affect how your wars progress is not currently in the plan but also not ruled out for the future if we want to add even more agency, it's something we think would fit well with our approach.
Q: What aspect of the game are the devs most exciting for and which mechanics do you think will become mainstays to pdx games in the future?
R: Give-and-Take peacedeals is a big moment for PDS games
will there be a negative impact for having a large empire
You have to pay for administrating it, not to mention that large empires tend to come with a bunch of minority cultures and religions that have outrageous ideas about 'self-determination'
Will we be able to customise or improve the quality of our ships? (Aside from unlocking new ones)
We're not planning any sort of "ship builder" no, but you can customize your Flotillas in broad strokes using settings in your Naval Bases and switch what class of ships you're building in your Shipyards.
Do building owners always live in the same state as the building, even in far-flung empires?
Yes. Unfortunately buildings in V3 do not have a flexible WFH policy
What is the smallest province, population wise that you will represent at game start? - as in being able to function within the game. A lot of small Islands and colonies comes to mind.
Giving specifics here is hard because all numbers are subject to change before release and feasibility of X colony and that is something we look into. There are certainly some colonial subject in game that have a small population and function with some employment but you will actively have to court migrants to go any further.
Q: Can Pops start political movements to ban goods, like prohibition of alcohol?
R: The Political Movement system is only used for Laws, and the banning of certain goods is not something we model using Laws in the game. Having said that, there are certainly events relating to your populations' feelings on certain goods, like Alcohol and Opium.
Q: Will the "Scramble for Africa" be represented in the game in some way at release?
R: yes!
Q: Will Natural Disasters and manmade disasters be a thing in the game? Will we also have animated events instead of just paintings?
I'm struggling to think of any events that aren't in some way a "disaster" for one Pop or another - there are lots of disasters, natural and otherwise! As for the event system overall, we will discuss this more in an upcoming dev diary so no further details on that right now.
Will there be special nations and tags, just for imported long play games (like Byzantium and Aztecs)?
We are not intending create special nations and tags for all of the possible conversion carryovers, because it could be so many... That being said we have added a few eastereggs here and there.
Forming Germany has been mentioned as a Diplomatic Play. Are there conditions for this play to be started or could any German state start it on day one, albeit with no guarantee of succeeding?
There are conditions! Some nations need a certain tech (such as Nationalism) to form them (and to launch a play to form them, if one exists), and Germany is one such nation.
Will there be a dev diary regarding rebels and civil wars?
R: Yes
Q: Will there be assasinations in the game, that might result in an earlier change of head of state for the country? There had been multiple attempts on both Kaiser Wilhelm and Queen Victoria
We definitely have political assassination events!
Will navies have some use during peacetime instead of getting stuck in port? Can we use them to do gunboat diplomacy or to safeaguard trade routes?
In the current build of the game navies are only used in peacetime for generating substantial amounts of Prestige and act as a soft deterrent in Diplomatic Plays, but we're experimenting with some peacetime uses similar to what you're discussing - we'd really like to see a peacetime use of your navy in-game!
Will every major political decision require some sort of political approval or will there be unilateral choices like releasing nations in hoi4/eu4 or passing laws in Stellaris?
Not everything requires approval and consensus but that doesn't mean it isn't without consequence.
Will there be a tutorial like in CK3? Vic 3 will be the first game in the Vic Series I'm playing, so a tutorial like in CK3 would be a huge help and much appreciated!
Yes! We're working hard on the Tutorial and the format will have similarities to CK3, but we're of course aiming to improve on it and have made many of our own changes to fit it more to our game and take it further. One change we've been aiming for is that you will be able to play the tutorial as any country, but we're not going into any specific details on that yet! As a UX designer, the Tutorial is close to my UX heart since it is one of the most important features especially for a new player's experience. Hopefully, our Tutorial will make the game very enjoyable even for anyone without an economics degree.
Can you voluntarily embrace communism or fascism or so on, instead of delibertedly losing a rebellion?
Absolutely. All laws can be enacted if you can keep supporting IG's in power long enough to pass them!
Will the Great Game and, for example, the lead-up to the First Sino-Japanese War (or, rather, any proxy conflicts) be represented somehow?
We don't have any specific references to these events in the current build of the game - maybe in the future - but the Great Game itself (of course) was a major inspiration for the Diplomatic Play and Interest systems.
Will there be some way to peacefully resolve diplomatic plays by offering a compromise?
At the moment there is only backing down, I'm considering negotiated solutions along the same principles as peace deals but it's more complicated because of factors such as the limited timer nature of plays compared to wars - so we'll see.
[Will there be dev streams close to release? I can honestly say the Johan and Da9L streams for Hoi4 really got me invested in HOI4 and was great marketing
Yes, we are certainly going to stream the game, but it's a bit too early to talk about it now
Are you able to directly change laws in your puppet states?
You cannot dictate which Laws your subjects should have, but in those cases where we have Diplomatic Plays to force someone to change it, the AI is very prone to just giving in to your demands.
Are we going to have game rules we can change before we start a new campaign like we have in other pdx titles?
Yes, game rules are going to be in! For example, there will be a game rule to decide whether you want 'silly' nations like Byzantium and Jan Mayen to be able to appear or not.
will royal diplomacy (royal marriages, PU, royal claims, etc...) play a role in diplomacy
Personal Unions in the game are setup for and are considered legacy effects for their diplomatic implications, but they are not something that can actively be created other than through event.
Will there be World Fairs to show off to others nations?
World Fairs are represented in-game as events and decisions, with greater payoffs for countries at the bleeding edge of technological progress.
It has been previously said that anything you can achieve through war can be achieved through diplomacy. Can countries be vassilized/sattelited through diplomatic means? Will a diplomatic powerhouse be a valid strategy and how are you approaching that?
Yes, there's actually several different ways for a country to become a subject through diplomacy (both from plays and actions)
Are there historical event chains in game to portray certain historical events that can't be shown by organic mechanics?
We'll be talking about the vision for content in a future dev diary, but very broadly I can say that content should emerge when the historical conditions make sense. Some of that will be country-specific.
Is there a system that that have been reworked more than once already?
Yes, in fact most of the game has been reworked at least once, some more than others (like specifics of the markets or warfare). Its an expectation of game development that as we progress through the game we gather feedback internally and change things to adjust to that. As answered earlier sometimes we prepare time to address feedback from a dev diary and or focused testing session. Its actually rarer to find something we did once and considered it perfect from the start.
With 3D characters, do you intend for their clothing to evolve over time? E.g. clothes and uniforms in 1836, 1870, 1900, and 1930 looked very different and it would be nice to see them evolve with time.
For release, unfortunately we won't be able to explore the evolution of fashions over this time period and instead we're just going to aim for clothes which are as broadly suitable as possible, although it would be cool to see clothing change over time and I personally would love to see it in. Modding more clothing for specific circumstances is certainly doable, though.
Can we rename certain buildings such as Universities or Factories, so that for example we can name institutions after characters or historical names, and factories with names resembling corporations?
We're not going to have player-named entities in the game at release - this sounds easy to do but is actually one of those things that adds a surprising amount of complexity! We are however going to look into this post-release, since it can add a lot of flavor to your game.
How will the blimp reward from sighing up to the newsletter be implemented in game?
Airships are one of the many things in the game that makes the map more alive. The one you get for signing up for the newsletter will be making an appearance in place of the standard model from time to time.
(Note: Cela implique que d'autres objets 3D pourront apparaitre sur la carte afin de donner plus de vie à la carte !)
Is colourblindness considered in the design of the UI?
Yes! I can say we have been working towards addressing some color-blindness issues with our game particularly because it is more numbers heavy than others. We've been working on a dynamic setting that should allow for us to expand its coverage and hopefully (don't confirm quote me here) allow for modding as well to help cover all the various possibilities. Maybe we can do a dev diary on it in the future.
What are some of the biggest quality of life changes that are planned or that have been made?
There's a lot, but just to take one example we have implemented prediction functions when you change a production method or expand a building for how profitable the method/building will be. This in itself isn't new, but what is new about it is that the prediction takes into account factors such as how prices are going to change not just from that particular building/method but also from every other building currently in your construction queue, pop goods substitution (so you can see if there is potential for a good to be consumed even if it's not currently consumed) and so on. These predictions are actually also used by the AI to be able to far more accurately plan out its economic decisions than in our other games.
Are able to change to the other side/switch tags if a civil war breaks out?
(Note : Même si cela sera le sujet d'un futur carnet, cela peut nous donner déjà une idée des mécanismes derrière les guerres civiles et révoltes).
Will there be reasons to keep the upper class happy on the cost of the lower and middle class, even though the upper class is just a fraction of your nation’s population?
Absolutely. Firstly, if you're deliberately playing as an autocratic reactionary country, you of course want to favor the old guard power groups. But also, remember that wealth and certain laws boost the political power of pops - and if you try to pass laws that favor the poor, the rich will push back.
Will it be possible to have a import-based economy?
Its feasible to have an import based economy you just need to ensure that your domestic consumption is large enough to sustain the profitability of your industries considering their import expenses. Its just as feasible to rule a fully export based economy or to specialize as the middleman of being the refinery/machining capital of the region (or world!). The issue is that you will have to make sure your supply/buying markets are alright with that arrangement and that their and your pops changing expectations are met in ways that would force them to change their economic structure.
how big a part will religion play in conflict and government? Like how the crimean war started with who protected christians in the ottoman empire
In terms of foreign conflicts, my ambition is that this should depend on AI strategies (which in turn are partially driven by ruler personalities, laws and governing IGs) - some AIs should care a great deal about religion when dealing with other countries and perhaps have an explicit goal to try and free pops of their primary religion, others should not consider it particularly important.
Q: A
lthough events aren’t going to be railroaded, will we still see history play out roughly as we would expect? (As long as the player doesn’t interfere, that is
That depends on your expectations!
We are not taking the approach that there is one "Platonic" way that history played out and if you don't poke at it, it will repeat itself. Rather, historical progression is the emergent consequence of millions of interacting events based on material conditions. What this means in practice is that while a lot of things will progress roughly as you might expect - countries are more likely to fight over shared Homelands, technologically advanced countries are more likely to do well financially, a country with a lot of colonies are likely to dominate the seas and vice versa - there will also be plenty of "butterfly effects" where e.g. a mass migration from China to Argentina will change the power dynamics in South America which might cause the US to reconsider their Interests there, etc. Our aim here is that some events should be
while the remainder should be
, and as few events as possible should feel inconceivable.
Considering how important UI is in all of your games how high of a priority is it in V3?
On a scale of 1 to high prio, I will say very very high prio!
can the war support affect the efficiency of your government and army? or like with a very low war support instead of knocked out of war you have a very high possibility to have rebel like russia in wwi
No, at the moment there is no such effect. It's an interesting idea but it has some potentially severe impacts on balance like having countries crumble when their war support starts getting low, so there's no need for a negotiated peace ever.
How will special army units (like aircraft and tanks) work as opposed to victoria 2?
They work to support Battalions and Flotillas, increasing their attributes and behaviors at the expense of Aeroplanes and Tanks constructed in special War Machines Industries. It's a huge investment but not one you can afford
making if you're competing against others who have it.
everyone asks when is Victoria, but not how are the devs, how are you guys doing, hope all is fine!
I just wanted to tell you that in the dev voicechat where we are answering questions someone said "hey read ID:477" and we collectively went "awwww <3"
Will there be dynamic melting pot cultures? For example in the teaser we could se an afro-carribbean culture and afro-american culture could similar combinations develop for other cultures like Asian-British, Asian-American or Afro-German?
R: We do not have a dynamic melting pot system in place for cultures.
Will colonization for literally unsettled land, like some pacific islands, be different then others forms of colonization?
No, we've really just lumped the actually uninhabited land into decentralized nations as it's honestly not significant enough to justify distinct mechanics for it.
Which types of countries tend to be the most beginner friendly or hostile?
Personally I think Japan is very beginner friendly. But to a great extent how "difficult" a country is largely depends on what your goals are.
can we play as rebels in some events?
Yes, there's a variety of both events and mechanics where you can choose to be the rebels and fight against 'your own' country. To give one example, if the Sepoy Rebellion happens it's possible to switch and fight for Indian freedom.
are there any alt-history formables?
We certainly have some, and we'd like to add more before release. Scandinavia and Gran Colombia are some examples.
How will a transition from a post-napoleonic discreet army movement to WWI full front warfare be modeled in-game? I remember reading in one of the dev diaries that one of the approaches would include the speed with which fronts change, but is there anything else currently planned?
There's a number of different stats that change at different technological tiers that are intended to shape how frontlines moves over time and how the war progresses. We'll get into more details around that once we talk about Battles more in-depth in a dev diary. The most tangible metric is how much territory changes hands when armies are impacted by different technologies, though.
When do big nations like France, Prussia, and Austria actually get in on diplomatic plays? How does the game determine that?
I'm assuming this is about when the AI decides to join a play rather than when it's possible for them to do so. The gist of it is that to join a side, an AI has to either want strongly either to back a side, or be tempted with something that it wants enough (what it wants depends on which AI strategies is governing it at the moment) to overcome both their desire to support the opposing side and their desire to stay neutral. I'll go more into this in AI dev diaries in the future.
how much exactly is the role of characters in victoria 3? For example characters like bismarck who were crucial to their nation's and also the whole world's fate during this era, how would people like him with their ups and downs in their careers be represented?
I would contest that Great Man Theory interpretation of history - it's not
about the bald man with a pointy helmet. Characters can agitate for things, but it's the force of whole groups of peoples with a common interest - interest groups - that give the real push for changes in domestic politics and foreign affairs.
(Note : Personnellement, c'est une vision de l'histoire et du processus événementielle qui m'attire le plus, étant partisan d'une vision fonctionnaliste/structuraliste de l'histoire).
Is it possible to exile leaders of a interest group, and suffer from the consequences of such an action
Exile is a possible outcome of events, and there are consequences for this, yes. We don't have mechanics for exiling IG leaders though, primarily because we think such on-hands character management would make the characters less impactful, and the characters are meant to embody certain patterns of thoughts and not just be troublesome individuals where, if you get rid of them, the ideas go away. The Victoria way of dealing with difficult leaders is primarily to suppress their Interest Group and rob their supporting Pops of power.
Will you be able to micro your subjects industry?
No, subjects get to control their own internal economy. If you want to build in their states, you'll need to annex them.
Hello! Greetings From China, together with our 1045 Internet-friends! I love your games! And will we get dynamic law group slots for modders? It is a headache to adjust the UI for adding a new group of laws.
The game automatically handles any new laws, law groups and similar things that you mod in - no dedicated slots or special shenanigans are required.
What’s a game you were surprisingly influenced by?
I love this question! The most surprising one to me is probably the brilliant "Oxygen Not Included", which I've referenced in design discussions an absolutely stupid number of times for everything ranging from "there has to be a way of digging into the hard stats of the simulation running underneath all the time even if you never interact with it directly" to "passively watching little people work to make your world better is inherently compelling"
Will the Japanese Emperor be handled in a special way before the Meiji restoration?
Japan is ruled by the Shogun at the start of the game. If you restore the Emperor, the Emperor who is restored will be the historical reigning monarch. So that might be Meiji, might be Hirohito. Depends when/if you do the Restoration. Before the Restoration the Emperor is a powerless figurehead, not represented as a character.
how will taxes affect purchasing power and so standard of living? I want to know if i can build a small government for less militancy for less returns(money/soldiers)
Without going into extravagant detail about the various disagreements among the economic schools of the relative effectiveness of taxes on consumption, etc. I’m on a character limit and I cannot digress. In short any money taken by taxes will reduce the purchasing power of the pop and make where their consumption basket is relatively more expensive (out of their remaining income) thus they will have to reprioritize and might possibly consume less. More wealth in their pocket would mean a gradual want of the more quality goods, a nicer standard of living, even something extravagant. But depending on how those taxes are spent - maybe by building industries that stimulate domestic production of the consumed goods you've been importing (thus keeping the relative wealth within your domestic economy) this loss in purchasing power from one strata of society can be overcome by subsidizing the welfare of another. I said I wouldn't go into extravagant detail and here I am with the answer of "it depends"
if you play a bigger nation can you release your self as a smaller nation for example im the usa and im releasing the state of texas or california, or when you colonize a african nation and want to release it
Yes, releasing allows you to 'play as'
what are the most fun nations in the devs opinio?
My favourite nations are Japan and Belgium. They each offer extremely different challenges and possibilities. (Daniel Tolman)
For production methods that have risks of death (dynamite for mines), how significantly (100%, 50%, not at all?) will worker safety laws affect those risks?
All numbers are not final and details of of how much it offsets such can depend upon how much you wish to invest in the institutions that result from passing such laws.
Are there any plans for 'custom nations' in any sort of way, not necessarily eu4-like?
We want to focus on the actual historical nations and content for release, but long-term maybe!
Hello devs, thanks for this q&a. Vic3 has different economic systems and laws that make countries more varied than in Vic2. During your playtests, have you seen the same nation (let's say the USA) play out in very different ways? Could you give an example perhaps? Thanks!
I've seen theocratic USA.
Will there be an observer mode(if you want to just watch the AI)?
Will it be possible for nations to join a war after it has already started like how it happened in ww1?
For release we only intend to have countries able to join wars already in progress if someone's sovereignty is being violated. While this covers some of the WW1 situations of late joiners we realize it doesn't cover everything. At the moment this is a concession we're willing to make to ensure the Diplomatic Play system is impactful, but that doesn't preclude us adding other mechanics to support this in the future if we can do it in a way that doesn't invalidate the focus on pre-war diplomacy.
is there anything preventing you from declaring war on a nation, then just permanently occupying them? (like ticking infamy for refusing to end an already won war)
Yes, I'm going to copy what I wrote in the peace dev diary thread: My current thinking on this is:
1) If the player is occupying their war goals and is able to keep their war support high, eventually the enemy will capitulate and the war will end
2) If the player themselves is prevented from going below 0 war support because they have unassailable war goals and using this to keep the war going forever, the AI should be willing to drop those war goals
3) I'm considering adding it so that a war goal that a country is unable to occupy eventually gets automatically dropped
This would basically mean that it's impossible for wars to go on forever, eventually a resolution of some sort would be forced.
Is it possible to stay competetive as an agricultural focused nation, or will you have to industralize if you want to keep up with the great powers?
What determines staying competitive here may differ from player to player: you can stay as a primarily agricultural based economy and meet the relevant standard of livings for your pops. Of course to expand that past your domestic restrictions without industrializing would require finding markets for such goods, etc. Its a challenge to meet the needs of your pops if they start asking for goods you choose to not produce. Nothing in the economic situation and focus is inherently impossible, it just presents a different set of challenges to you to maintain.
Is it possible that a stronger participant of diplomatic play can take control over it or become war leader if diplomatic play leads to war?
Currently, only if they're the overlord of the main participant, as I don't think players would find it terribly fun to have control seized away from them every time they play a minor, and also it's a lot less important who is war leader with the peace negotiation system we have in Victoria 3. There's a case that could be made for things like Serbia not leading the entente in WW1 but as a general rule we don't want to always wrest control away from minors.
how easy will it be to colonize especially as a non historic colonizer?
It won't always be easy but it is possible.
Are there any reasons why the centralized African countries at game start wouldn't colonize the continent ahead of other countries?
Colonization takes a bit of financial and bureaucratic investment to progress at all, investment that those countries don't start off with and are unlikely to get early on in the game, among other factors.
Will it be possible to intervene economically in other nations? Ie. build/subsidise/expand a factory or mine, change (at own cost) production methods, build infrastructure? Might it even be possible to designate which provice produces which good where multiple are possible, perhaps in the case of a vassal or colony?
There are some ways to intervene economically in other countries, such as subsidizing and taking on debt. We don't currently have a system for building in other countries, it's something I would love to have and definitely think should be in the game sooner or later but it's quite complex to implement so can't promise it for release.
How is the foreign investment system modelled?Will the player be able to block the sale of a product he has a monopoly? Will there be gunboat diplomacy?
At the moment, countries can invest in each other via Bankrolling (which just transfers money - perfect for propping up an ally against a shared enemy, for example) and Take on Debt (which pays off another country's debt if they've taken on more than they can handle, and makes them Obligated to you). This does not cover private investments into specific industries though, that's something we're thinking about - because we don't have the same kind of "sphering" mechanics V2 did, we can't just apply the same sort of mechanics in V3.
how can the military play a role in the politics of the game?
Each commander belongs to an interest group, and their position in the military actually directly provides political strength to their interest group, so any standing military is
going to play a political role in your country.
Will becoming a formable nation be an immediate button click, or will it have to go through a process like laws do?
As long as you meet the preconditions, it is just a button-click to declare yourself a new nation. The key is
meet the preconditions
, this is the stuff that very likely will take a lot of time to do!
Is there advantages to both tall and wide play; like will it be advantages to focus on one big city or building up many different Urban areas?
In short: yes. Playing tall has its advantages and disadvantages as does wide - its more a question of which problems you want to confront. Playing tall can allow for the benefits and throughput of industrialization to be seen faster. Wider means more accessible resources domestically across your economy but multiple urban centres will require an infrastructure network to maintain a connection between them and the movement of goods but a single industrial capital might become dirty overtime and see an increase in mortality.
How moddable will wargoals be? Will it be possible to add wargoals that let you take individual provinces (outside of treaty ports) instead of whole states?
Wargoals are unfortunately like the one thing in the game that is not very moddable right now because of the complex backend logic governing them. It is something that's on my personal to improve list, though, as I think there's a lot of potential for adding interesting modded wargoals.
What are you most excited for in terms of new modding capabilities?
I've seen some absolutely next-level overhauls just focused on replacing buildings, production methods, and goods made by members of the team on their "free project" time, and I think this is where we will see the most amount of modding. Having said that we aim to make nearly everything we put in the game moddable, so undoubtedly we will see new laws, institutions, tech trees, diplomatic actions, subject types, military behaviors, and even AI mods. There's also another major feature we use to support the event system which we'll cover in a dev diary in January, that I am also positive will see some really amazing mods written for it.
In the cost of war dev diary you mentioned Devastation will lead to increased migration and pop mortality. Is it possible for us to get a measure of how many of our people have moved away/died as a result of war? I think it would help us decide when a war is too much, as opposed to just seeing military casualties.
While not impossible (we show migration and population statistics) I do not believe we currently break down this statistic to show what caused the migration and or mortality specifically to a minute detail (because there are so many possible effects + lag effects etc). So you should be able to look at the demographics of your country and see the correlated numbers of such statistics aka "I saw ~200k increase in deaths and I know X number of troops died but how much was from devastation is for you to make educated guesses on.
favorite type of chocolate?
Dark, 85% for when I have a sweet tooth, darker otherwise
Will we be able to zoom out fully and see the whole world?
Yes, and we put a keyboard shortcut in for you to instantly zoom out and then you can click the map + release the shortcut to instantly zoom in there.
Image de la page Steam partagée de nouveau par Lady Deliana
Can we expect more pie charts and graphs in the release state of the game?
We'll have more charts and graphs than you can shake a stick at. We recently rewrote our trends backend system to be able to support a ridiculous amount of data sampling, just so we can give you more charts.
Will we be able to outfit arctic expeditions like the Franklin expedition to find the Northwest Passage?
There are expeditions- hang tight and we'll go into detail about them in the future!
will their be flavor events to spice up gameplay inbetween diplomatic plays?
Yes! They even let me write some of them, somehow. (Michael "Ofaloaf" K-C)
could you make nations with limited natural resources like Greece into industrial powers or is the lack of vital natural resources like iron and coal in the country completely blocking you from doing so?
They will not block you but they will make starting this economic loop more difficult and will require more attention to from you as a player to maintain. You will need to secure these resources from abroad by trade/agreement/colonizing/conquest and maintain them to become the industrial middleman.
Can states be renamed or will there be decisions to change state names to their historical ones, once they've been conquered by another country?
As answered previously, we're not going to have player-named entities at release, but hopefully post-release. However, states are dynamically named based on various factors, and can even have very specific names under certain circumstances. So no more "British British Columbia".
How important will religion be in the game ? Will there be a religion mapmode?
Religion primarily influences Politics by who is discriminated against and also plays a role in the Devout Interest Group being quite strong especially in the beginning of the game. As for your second question, yes, we're aiming for both a nation wide and a global Religion map mode.
If a general has a positive trait, like good with Calvary or Artillery, will the units that have such troops be assigned to them as part of the assignment AI, can a player do so themselves, or is there no way to prioritise special troops to specific fronts/generals?
Not directly, because that may not be the ideal situation for the player anyway (let's say your general joined you 40 years ago and is now your most senior, accomplished guy, but now you have tanks and airplanes yet he refuses to use it because he's "good with horses"). However, since we assign units such that they come from as few buildings as possible, you can do the reverse: see which buildings supply his troops, and reconfigure them to make the kind of Battalions he's most comfortable with.
Will the "Tooltips in Tooltips" system from CK3, make its way into Vicky 3?
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09-12-2021, 10h18
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Groupie de Jomini
07-12-2021, 19h49
Merci Limse!
Chef éplucheur
08-12-2021, 18h36
est ce que lors de la question réponse les dev ont parlé que si tu prenais part à une rébellion soit tu perd la partie, soit tu es réintégrer dans le pays d'avant et tu continu
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09-12-2021, 09h59
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' En revanche, ils ont mentionné un carnet futur qui portera sur le sujet des révoltes/rebellions/guerres civiles - je pense que tu auras davantage de réponses lorsque ce carnet sortira
Edit : Par ailleurs j'ai commencé à rajouter un code couleur pour distinguer la nature des réponses, dites moi ce que vous en pensez et si ça ne pique pas trop les yeux
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09-12-2021, 10h19