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Lecteur de Sun Tzu
04-09-2011, 13h37
Imperial Glory était génial pour ça.
C'est le seul jeu où j'ai vu une faction avec -190 de relation avec moi me proposer une alliance défensive parce que notre voisin commun était surpuissant.
Militaire saisonnier
08-09-2011, 18h42
Sur desura si on le précomande on obtient une copie de HOI3. Je prense craquer pour ce jeu car Shogun trop minimaliste sur la diplomatie.
PS : J'ai craqué lol
Dernière modification par
08-09-2011, 18h47
Père fondateur
Lecteur de Sun Tzu
10-09-2011, 10h13
La démo est disponible
Téléchargement en cours pour ma part
Dernière modification par
10-09-2011, 14h07
Artiste compris
Fan de Clausewitz
10-09-2011, 11h40
Oui ainsi qu'un nouveau journal et une vidéo :
NEW YORK, September 6, 2011 –
Paradox Interactive have today released a walkthrough video for their internally developed game Sengoku, a Grand Strategy title for the PC set in 15th century Feudal Japan, set to release on September 13th.
The five-minute Sengoku Developer Walkthrough video gives players a thorough introduction into the gameplay intricacies and nuances of Sengoku, explaining all of the key elements and aspects of the game.
Sengoku is set to release on all major digital download portals on September 13th as well as retail for a suggested retail price of 29,99 USD.
About Sengoku
A strategy game with a difference, the focus of Sengoku is on the rich cast of characters. Take control of a clan leader, or subordinate, and rise to prominence in your attempt to become an all-powerful Shogun. Fight to unite the land of the Rising Sun under your iron fist through a combination of deal making, deploying samurai and unleashing shadowy Ninja.
A noter que si vous prenez le jeu via Gamersgate vous obtenez HoI III en bonus (si précommande) :
Et le dernier journal concernant Ikko Ikki
"Ikko-ikki were mobs of peasant farmers, Buddhist monks, Shinto priests and local nobles, who rose up against samurai rule in 15th to 16th century Japan. 1488 brought the first major organized uprising, when they overthrew the samurai rulers of Kaga Province, and took control of it for themselves. This represented the first time in Japanese history that a group of commoners ruled a province.
Towards the end of the 16th century, however, their growing numbers and strength caught the attention and concern of the great samurai leaders of the time. Tokugawa Ieyasu defeated the Ikko-ikki of Mikawa in the Battle of Azukizaka in 1564...
...and the stronghold Hongan-ji came under siege from the forces of Oda Nobunaga in 1576, but managed to hold out for eleven years, making this the longest siege in Japanese history. At the time of the surrender, the entire temple complex was set aflame. According to some sources, this was done from within, to deny Nobunaga any true material gains from having defeated the Ikko-ikki."
From the Wikipedia article on
So how then is all of this represented within the game
? After 1480 Ikko-ikki revolts may happen in in provinces with high revolt risk or that belongs to rulers who are at war or have very low honor. Unlike normal rebels the Ikko-ikki will spawn in much greater number and be a bit harder to beat in battle. But what really sets them apart is what happens if they manage to siege down and take control over a kori (province). The Ikko-ikki might decide to make the kori a stronghold, which means that they will build up the infrastructure, especially the castle, making it much harder to recapture from them. And if you think that this will be a handy way to improve one of your koris before taking it back, forget it. Because just like Nobunaga, you will see all their improvements go up in flames when you defeat them...
A stronghold will also start to add more troops over time, which means the longer you wait to deal with them, the stronger they will get. The Ikko-ikkis establishing a stronghold also means trouble for neighboring koris, as the Stronghold will try to spread its influence and take political control over the whole kuni (a number of provinces under a daimyo title) by spawning new rebellions around them. So before you laugh too hard about your annoying neighbor getting a visit from 15,000 angry Ikko-ikki rebels, make sure you don't owe any kori in the same kuni... And to make things worse, once western influence has spread to a kori controlled by the Ikko-ikki they will build gun manufactories and start to arm themselves with arquebuses...
There is no formal requirement to beat down these Ikko-ikki risings to be able to claim the Shogun title, but personally I wouldn't be able to call myself Shogun with pride unless this rebel scum has been dealt with!
This is the last developer diary for
as the game is released now on
Tuesday the 13th
. I hope you have enjoyed reading them as much as we have enjoyed writing them. Stay tuned though as we might do some shorter feature-of-the-day posts in the coming days.
Dernière modification par
10-09-2011, 11h45
Militaire saisonnier
10-09-2011, 12h26
Il est vraiment sympatoche je dois dire
hâte de le recevoir abusé le nombre de clan quand même.
Artiste compris
Fan de Clausewitz
13-09-2011, 21h15
Sengoku, le nouveau jeu de Paradox de grande stratégie sur le japon féodal est enfin disponible en version digitale !
Pour l'occasion une nouvelle vidéo vient d'être rendue publique par le développeur :
29,95€ sur
(le moins avantageux) en téléchargement.
17,91£ sur
en boite + prix de livraison depuis l'Angleterre.
Tout en sachant que la version boite est disponible à partir du 16 septembre mais qu'elle contient un livret de 80 pages sur le fonctionnement du jeu et qu'elle rapporte de l'argent à MB
Et sinon un manuel en ligne en pdf à visionner :
Militaire saisonnier
13-09-2011, 21h38
arf déja acheter j'aurai aimé la version boite
Artiste compris
Fan de Clausewitz
13-09-2011, 21h46
Au premiers tests c'est un jeu pas trop buggé à sa sortie, là dessus c'est un bon point pour Paradox.
Ensuite contrairement à un Europa Universalis par exemple là tu gères le développement d'un personnage, donc plus proche d'un CK dans le japon finalement.
Et pas de possibilité de commerce en revanche
Militaire saisonnier
13-09-2011, 22h52
nan mais il est vachement difficile surtout la diplomatie car si tu gère mal Bam ! indépendance de tout les coté (j'ai eu sa avec les shimazu, mon frère à fait sécession et la moitier de mon teritoire s'en va ! )
Stratège du dimanche
16-09-2011, 01h39
Petit test, par le bon vieux Leviath40 :
Pas un habitué des Paradox, ceci dit. Mais en voyant tous les jeux qu'il pratique, je me pose une question... Existe-t-il une source commune pour des communautés comme les nôtres qui se concentrent sur ces types de jeux ? Notre panel est quand même assez bigarré, pourtant j'ai l'impression de retrouver les mêmes préférences ailleurs sur le Net.
Dernière modification par
16-09-2011, 01h43
Artiste compris
Fan de Clausewitz
16-09-2011, 13h51
Après TWS2 et Sengoku sont centrés sur la même époque et le même lieu, ça doit jouer.
Artiste compris
Fan de Clausewitz
23-09-2011, 21h16
Un nouveau journal de développement, indiquant ce qu'ils comptent faire avec Sengoku la sortie passée est disponible :
Sengoku - Development Diary #16 - Post Release II
Welcome back, to another update, in the second week of Sengoku, for more information on what we are doing for the 1.02 patch. The Sengoku team has been rather busy last week, looking at what needs to be fixed and what needs to be enhanced.
Its great to see so many people enjoying the game, and its motivating for the team to hear polite and constructive input on how to improve it further. We guess that with another week of development on this, and we can deploy the patch to QA to make it ready for release.
First of all, one of the major comments on Sengoku has been that it felt a bit shallow on events, and that you wanted more interaction with your characters. So far, we've added in two event-series, with the first one focusing on more things happening with the Portugese and the Dutch as they arrive in the Land of the Rising Sun. Some provinces will get tradeposts in them, giving you certain benefits, while causing some relation strains with others. The second event series is about how you raise your sons. You will now be able to pick the education direction of your sons at the age of 10, and then they will end up with an education trait at the age of 16. During that time period, they may get some events that may boost their abilities in that path.
Secondly, we looked into the mod forum, to see what kind of ideas the community has, and one of the things we've implemented so far is the impassable mountains. I have to personally admit that it was a true *facepalm* moment when I saw the thread and though, "why didn't we think of it?". Then again, our community is great and there are a lot of ideas that you come up with. This concept is something which will increase the playability of the game, with provinces becoming chokepoints, and was not hard to implement. We also changed how borders are drawn, so that the impassable areas are more visible.
Thirdly, we realise that for an update, you need to get improvements from the AI. This week the coders have spent some time on making sure that the AI has become much better at plotting, to band together and take down the big threats. So the mid and endgame should be a tad bit more of a challenge.
Also, when patching, its not just adding and improving features, its also about changing design, when the customers are united in disliking how a feature works. One thing we've noticed you disliked a lot, is the cancellations of projects when a Master dies. In 1.2 this will no longer happen, but will just stall until you get a new master assigned to the project.
Finally, when making a patch, its about fixing any bugs reported that is reproducable. Three of them that stand out in the changelogs, and I wish to highlight here are the following.. The long load times when resigning and reloading, characters getting the same ambition multiple times in their life and the thing that slayed too many characters before the age of 40. All of these ugly bugs have been slayed and eradicated from the Sengoku codebase. Of course other bugs have been fixed as well
We still have a few major things planned for the 1.02 patch, and hope to tell you more about it in next weeks update. Please remember that we will never announce anything for a patch that has not been fully implemented or fixed yet.
Keep playing Sengoku, get your friends to buy it, and give us constructive feedback here, and we'll keep on updating and polishing the game to even greater heights.
Source :
Rêveur serein
Expert Stratège
26-09-2011, 18h04
J'ai regardé la vidéo de leviath et en effet c'est vraiment du CK au japon. On retrouve les mêmes mécanismes en plus des mécanismes d'europa (mais c'est CK qui domine à ce que j'en vois).
Bref, ça présage du bon pour CK que j'attend avec impatience (le japon... bof bof).
Artiste compris
Fan de Clausewitz
05-10-2011, 18h59
Le patch 1.2 est arrivé :
C'est un gros patch j'ai l'impression (qui chez certains développeurs serait passé en "DLC" /mauvaise foi off)
For those of you that have Steam, it has updated automatically, and for those not on steam, use the "update" button in the launcher.
================================================== ==================
= Changes to 1.01 to 1.02
================================================== ==================
* New Features
- Added Impassable Mountains, with borders around them on the map.
- Implemented a new starting point, a 1551 startup.
- Added possibility to transfer vassals.
- Added in possibility of determening education for your sons as they start becoming of age, which is as they reach the age of 10. At age 16 they will get their education trait, while there are possible events happening during their growing up
- Added another event series for tradeposts from Portugese and Dutch, and the interaction with them.
* AI
- Added spendable_money trigger for AI chance caclulations
- AI can replace councillors who're much worse than the best candidate
- AI can disband ronin armies when economy is bad
- AI now more keen on using undermine honor ninja mission to get more backers for plots
- The AI can now occasionally go above demesne limit if it still can keep rr down
- AI tries to hold title promises
- AI better to make peace when it needs to declare war on someone else
- AI transfers vassals
- AI chance now calculated correctly
- AI better at deciding to start civil war
- AI better at taking decisions
- AI plot tweaks
- Ai can invite civil war opponents to join their clan
- AI is now better at inviting others to join a clan.
- AI Less likely to form clan when weak
* Gamebalance
- The spouse bonus is based on the best stat among all your living wifes
- Grant title only valid for direct vassals or own courtiers
- Revoke title only valid for direct vassals or own courtiers
- A character can never get the same ambition twice
- Added subjugated opinion modifier for newly subjugated clans
- External ploters are more careful when joining an internal plot that is weak
- Tweaked death checks, characters that survive the infant years should have a higher chance of reaching their 40-ies
- When councillors stop working on a construction, it will stall until someone picks it up or a new construction is started in the province
- Buildings constructions are removed from a province when conquered
- Councillors can spawn sons who take over their position when they die
- Getting 100% of all provinces results in shogunate victory
- Internal backers consider neighbors more when plotting
- Possible to raise levy when defending in a siege
- Vassals may get an event that will make them ask for a title from their clan leader
- Rebalanced the whole western spread event series
- Declare war honor balancing
- Grant title honor balancing for big clans
- Made some traits event more likely to occur at different game years
- Masters of court now return when a building is finished, instead of the day after
- All clans will receive honor monthly
- You no longer pay extra from joining a plot if you start moving troops directly after replying
- Scripted in starting armies for a number of clans
- Moved the capital of Koga to Ishikawa
- Western influence spread slower to those already at war
- Portuguese traders more likely to trade firearms to those at peace
* Interface Improvements
- There is now a Legacy graphics mode that use less memory and only shader model 2 shaders, so that those with lesser machines can run the game as well. This can be set in the settings file with "legacy = yes" instead of "legacy=no".
- It's now possible to change language from the options menu
- Added new accept icon to diplomacy offer
- Added accept icon to marriage finder
- Added accept icon to plot invite finder
- Added reply tooltip to marriage finder
- Added size and strength info on vassals in dynastic view
- The score bar tooltip now shows who is trying to become shogun and when he'll succede
- Top list now more accurate when sorting
- Made all active alerts clickable
- Added new alert when a child in the court has no spouse
- Added a back button in dynastic view, shortcut is "p". The previous characters list resets on hide
- Added tooltip for back button in dynastic view
- Will remember 100 characters backwards in the dynastic view
- Added Grant title from province view
- Selection view provides info on who is son/daughter/heir and job titles
- Replaced "sort by clan" in marriage finder with "sort by tier"
- Back button in dynastic view will remember scrollbar alignment, chosen tab, sort order
- Marriage finder will only show those who might accept
- Mod name is now displayed in version label
************************************************** ********
* UserModding
************************************************** ********
- Implemented system for effects on global scope in history files.
- You can now do "event effects" in the province history.
- Added 'number_of_vassals = x' trigger.
- Added a 'construction = yes/no' trigger for province scope.
- Game now supports starting at different dates.
- Added building construction trigger
- Its now possible to script historical rebels in the province history.
* Bugfixes
- Defeated clans spawn ronin properly
- Fixed war target check in AI accept plot
- Fixed marriage reply inside your own court
- Fixed demesne size trigger
- Fixed Sagami province name typo
- Fixed bug that caused AI to try to hire ninja for invalid missions
- Fixed No difficulty meter if clan is large
- Fixed Disband units button has disband levies tooltip
- Fixed migration bug when moving courtiers to and from crowded courts
- Fixed Wrong "game over" message when loading post-shogunate savegame
- The shogun claim date is now properly saved
- Fixed Grant title. You can press "Execute" without having selected a title
- Fixed Long Load Times
- Fixed Characters shown twice in Marriage Finder
- Fixed Armies. Renaming armies does now work
- Fixed map screenshots
- Fixed bug Form Clan. You can choose any character and form clan.
- Fixed bug Kokujin. Despite having a son, I don't have an heir
- Fixed bug Armies. Troops arriving before scheduled
- Scoring provinces no longer count prov 0
- When going back in time, game is reset properly
- Fixed detach error in military view
- Opposite traits will be correctly added from effects
- Fixed bug Clicking on the "?" button crashes the game
- Fixed bug "NoCharacter" wins the game
- Fixed Merging troops makes armies teleport to a new location
- Difficulty settings now works
- Fixed off-centered flags
- Fixed a missing ] in EVTTOOLTIP10503
- Fixed garrison reset in provinces after load
- Fixed so the opinion values update in domain view
- Fixed all broken titles/characters for 1551 start
- Fixed Conquer Bug, vassals no longer transfers to new owner when a daimyo title gets conquered
- Fixed Expose plot does not cause the plotters to lose honor
- Fixed Province without owner
- Fixed Empty Province/Dead Rulers
- Fixed Changed army names are changed back after reselection
- Fixed Relations Modifier Not Using Wife's Bonuses
- Fixed Arranging marriage for heirs shows the heirs multiple times in the list
- Fixed "Wrong army name is displayed if other armies are in the province"
- Setting "All dynasty Members" in the outliner should no longer disable all messages
- Now an event will trigger for liege/vassal when vassal/liege relation changes by event 10015, 10016 and 10017
- Fixed Spanish hint texts are missing
- Fixed Kick & Ban buttons
- Fixed Event 10016 error
- Fixed Localisation mistakes (found in the Sengoku regular forum Bug Reports)
- Fixed Building shinto shrine Event happens in a province that already has a shrine
- Fixed a bug that caused the wrong army to be calculated as the main army (resulted in problems with retinue recruitment)
- Shows the correct error message in retinue recruitment view
- Fixed sorting by "Fielded" in military view
- All hints will be set to enabled when enabling hints (after a disable)
- Fixed that sometimes the battles between the AI armies were stalling
- Cleaned up some duplicate clans in cultures.txt
- Fixed the remaining broken characters and titles
- Cleaned up the new wars/hostages
- Fixed bug where western event kept firing between liege and vassal
- Fixed wrong name in ninja notification events
Artiste compris
Fan de Clausewitz
07-10-2011, 12h45
Il semblerait qu'un patch 1.3 soit déjà en approche :
Hi guys.
This is a very short development diary, but I just want you to know that the team is busy working on a 1.03 patch, which will be deployed to QA today, with a goal of releasing it next week.
The education events have been fixed, the expose plot costing you honor is fixed, we've added the mountain pass between Kai & Shinano. Our devs have been busy trying to adress all reports so that we get a polished 1.3 out.
There will be no new features for 1.3, as its mostly about fixing the problems you have reported.
Have a great weekend, and enjoy Sengoku!