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  • [Modding] Codes for modding

    Here is a lit of converted codes from vanilla game.

    Star Wars Faction X3 Faction Name X3 Faction ID/Raw Value
    Rebel Alliance Argon 1
    Boron 2
    Zann Consortium Split 3
    Galactic Empire Paranid 4
    Corporate Sector Teladi 5
    Chiss Xenon 6
    Hutts Kha'ak 7
    BountyHunter/Pirates/Outlaws Pirates 8
    Goner 9
    Unknown 14
    Hapes Consortium Terran 18
    Black Sun Yaki 19

    Explanation : When you intend to add a ship to the Rebel alliance or a planet, use Argon, that will show Alliance in game. If you are using a new id for a faction that is not in this list, post here I will update.

    I hope I'm clear, but I'm not sure.

    I'm still working on these factions :
    - Tion
    - Mon Calamari

    I'm searching for one "mystic" faction (for Goners) and for one peaceful or alliance friendly faction for Boron. This list is for modding purpose, doesn't mean all the factions are in the game !
    Dernière modification par Stilgar, 10-09-2012, 00h27.

  • #2
    Yes, very clear. I liked the ideas you had for various factions, aside from possibly the need for more "good" or neutral factions. Even though we know in real life that a "bad guy" or a "good guy" could drive the same style of car, it seems logically that everyone remembers particular ships to be assosiated with particular "sides" so "bad" factions will have the "bad ships" (ties, etc.) and "good factions" will have "good ships" (x-wings, etc.) If there is only one "good" faction, then most of the ships you will ever see in the game will be Ties and Star Destroyers.

    Different factions might be from different eras and some could see this as a problem, but I think from the standpoint of practicality, perhaps such things might have to be overlooked to make things playable. Like in the video, where there was a Venator included with other modern Star Destroyers… I personally really don’t mind at all that there would be mixtures like that.


    • #3
      Look at this post :

      We have done on the french subforum a list of ships for every faction

