plot_remplace_by_dux = { type = realm_characters_plus # All characters in the same realm, plus rivals and relatives of self, parents, children and spouse intrigue_plot = yes murder_plot = yes # Plotter scope potential = { OR = { has_landed_title = e_roman_occident has_landed_title = e_roman_orient has_landed_title = e_roman } NOT = { trait = incapable } } # Target allow trigger for when players target a specific character in the GUI player_allow = { wealth = 400 } # Target character scope allow = { is_vassal_or_below = yes NOT = { trait = dux } primary_title = { tier = count } } chance = { factor = 30 modifier = { factor = 0.1 FROM = { pacifist = yes } } modifier = { factor = 5 FROM = { trait = brave } } } success = { is_alive = no # Pour ne pas bloquer les complots du personnage num_of_titles = 0 # Ca veut dire que le script a réussit } abort = { always = no } abort_effect = { } effect = { } }
character_event = { id = RI.16 desc = "RI_16_desc" picture = GFX_evt_council trigger = { has_plot = plot_remplace_by_dux } mean_time_to_happen = { days = 1 } option = { name = "OK" plot_target_char = { character_event = { id = RI.15 } } }