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  • [Mod] CK2 +


    L'objectif de CK2+ est de créer une expérience plus large, plus profonde, plus difficile et plus équilibrée sur Crusader Kings 2 sans pour autant s'éloigner trop du jeu de base et toucher aux modificateurs et évènements déterminants. Le but de ce mod n'est pas l'exactitude historique (bien qu'elle soit préservée lorsque cela ne nuit pas trop au gameplay), mais plutôt l'enrichissement de cette grande intrigue médiévale que reproduit Crusader Kings 2, tout en corrigeant divers bugs par ci par là.


    - Des provinces terrestres et maritimes ont été ajoutées
    - Les compétences martiales et les connaissances sont davantage mises en valeur pour vos dirigeants, puisque la première influencera directement le nombre de troupes que vous pourrez lever et la seconde votre capacité à répandre votre culture et votre religion dans vos provinces.
    - Réduction de la fertilité et de la santé des personnages âgés : les personnages ayant 80 ans n'auront plus d'enfant chaque année lorsqu'ils commanderont leurs armées sur le front, de même qu'ils ne parviendront plus à un âge trop avancé.
    - Nouveau système de tyrannie qui ajoute une raisonnable mais non sans conséquences une pénalité pour l'emprisonnement, le bannissement, l'exécution de personnages et donne une plus grande marge de manoeuvre quand on traitement des traîtres.
    - Nouveau système d'éducation. Les attributs initiaux des enfants influenceront directement la manière dont ils apprendront (par exemple, un enfant ayant de base une bonne compétence martiale gagnera plus facilement des points dans ce domaine pendant son apprentissage), et les apprentis ne bénéficieront plus à terme des même traits et caractéristiques de leur tuteur systématiquement.
    - Les Croisades peuvent déboucher sur des Etats Croisés Indépendants avec un système de trêve particulier leur permettant d'assurer plus facilement leur survie. Ainsi, une croisade sur Jerusalem sera plus fidèle historiquement grâce à la création d'un Royaume de Jérusalem
    - Les guerres civiles sont plus dangereuses : un vassal en guerre contre son suzerain pour le renverser pourra appeler à l'aide aux autres vassaux, ce qui pourra amener à une gigantesque révolte.
    - Opinions des conseillers : plus un conseiller vous appréciera, plus il fera son travail efficacement, de même qu'un conseiller qui ne vous apprécie pas ne vous sera pas très utile...
    - Les Guerres Saintes ont un coût en piété, par conséquent l'expansion dans la péninsule ibérique et au Moyen Orient sera plus difficile. Les Guerres Saintes vers des pays éloignées auront un coût en piété particulièrement élevé et l'IA les évitera autant que possible.
    - Les batailles et les maladies seront plus meurtrières, rendant l'espérance de vie encore plus incertaine, comme c'était le cas historiquement
    - Possibilité de créer davantage d'empires et de royaumes
    - Le système de création de royaume de jure permet à n'importe qui de créer ces derniers, mais certains royaumes porteront un nom directement en relation avec la religion du créateur.
    - Rééquilibrage des batailles, sachant que la compétence martiale sera un facteur important
    - Plus de mercenaires dans les Ordres Sacrés
    - Plus de cultures
    - Il est plus difficile mais plus gratifiant d'augmenter l'autorité de la couronne
    - La puissance militaire des plus grandes puissances (Saint Empire, France...) a été rééquilibrée grâce à des modifications au niveau du recrutement et des lois
    - De nouveaux complots et ambitions ont été ajoutés
    - Les femmes de votre dynastie peuvent tenir des postes au Conseil sous les lois Cognatiques ou Agnatico-cognatiques.
    - Divers rééquilibrages ont été effectués pour améliorer l'expérience de jeu
    - Traduction du mod en français et en allemand

    Travaux en cours :

    - Un système de traitement des prisonniers plus nuancé : un comte ne devrait plus être capable d'exécuter le fils d'un roi
    - Des guerres civiles plus dynamiques : les vassaux qui ne vous aiment pas seront plus virulents envers vous, de même que ceux qui vous aiment vous apporteront plus facilement leur soutien.
    - Les vassaux avec lesquels vous êtes lié par un mariage seront plus loyaux envers vous.
    - Encore plus d'ambitions et de complots
    - Ajout de davantage d'évènements pour les personnages.

    Mods inclus :

    - Better looking characters
    - All the Way to Timbuktu
    - Syren's Nicknames mod
    - Family Relations mod
    - Beter Rebels Mod
    - Council Shuffling mod
    - HRE revised coronation mod
    - Offer you Can't refuse
    - Culturally different cities

    Compatibilité avec les sauvegardes
    - CK2Plus n'est pas compatible avec les sauvegardes du jeu de base.
    - La version actuelle est compatible avec les sauvegardes issues des version 1.15 et supérieure du mod.

    Compatibilité avec les extensions :

    - Le mod est entièrement compatible avec The Sword of Islam

    Dernière modification par Rem, 26-01-2013, 20h30.

  • #2
    Il me semble que la version 1.6 n'est compatible qu'avec la 1.6 ...


    • #3
      Ca fait un moment que j'ai rédigé cette présentation et elle ne doit plus être à jour effectivement...je vais regarder ça !

      EDIT : Lien mis à jour
      Dernière modification par Rem, 13-08-2012, 20h32.


      • #4
        Une traduction existe qui devrait être intégrer prochainement dans le mod et pour les impatients : http://forum.reseau-js.com/topic/844...ons-seigneurs/

        J'ai testé et les quelques difficultés ajoutés sont pas mal


        • #5
          Le topic aurait besoin d'être mis à jour. Il existe une version 1.29.


          • #6
            Merci pour l'info Madurk, je m'en occuperai dès que possible


            • #7
              elle vient même de passer en 1.29.2 hier : ck2plus.adjacentminds.com/CK2Plus-1.29.2.zip

              changelog en anglais depuis la 1.26.5 :

              - Fixed a problem with the Mongols that was making their scripted armies vanish.
              - Rebels will no longer declare independence immediately upon taking control of a province, but rather after several months of uncontested control of it.
              - Fixed a bug that was causing the new plot icons not to appear.

              - Fixed a bug that was breaking many of the new plots.

              - CK2+ now has its own user folder in My Documents (since they seem to work without nuking your message settings now).
              - The Kingdoms of Saxony, Bavaria and Frisia are now de jure HRE.
              - You can no longer create, usurp, or be granted Duchy and above level titles during war, to prevent various bugs and AI problems.
              - Merged the Kingdom of Muscowy into Novgorod and Kiev.
              - Added the de jure Duchy of Latium.
              - Merged Ancona and Spoleto into Spoleto.
              - Added the titular duchy-tier Republics of Bologna, San Marino and Ancona.
              - Increased prestige requirements for raising crown authority.
              - You now need high CA to freely revoke infidels.
              - An independent player bordering the Il-Khanate or Golden Horde will now be given the chance to swear fealty and pay tribute to the Mongols rather than being invaded. This option only occurs once, and only before the Horde in question settles (converts religion).
              - Fixed a bug that caused persistent crashes when starting a game after 1244.
              - Significantly tweaked the de jure borders of Byzantium and surrounding territories. Wallachia, Epirus and Trebizond are now de jure Kingdoms, while Thessalonica is a titular Kingdom only createable by Catholics, similar to Cyprus.
              - Characters with a small demesne (less than 4 holdings) will now get a tax bonus (50% at 1 demesne, 25% at 2 and 10% at 3), to encourage the creation of more counts and make single-province counts more fun to play.
              - Loyalists and Rebels in a civil war are now distinguished by the 'Loyalist' and 'Rebel' traits, which will be properly transfered to their heir if they die during the civil war.
              - AI vassals may now attempt a bid for independence if the realm is already in a civil war they are not a part of.
              - You can now press Kingdom De Jure claims on behalf of vassals (as long as their Kingdom has Medium or higher CA).
              - You can now declare De Jure claims for Duchies that you either control all the counties in, or whose (Medium or higher CA) King or Empire title you hold.
              - Added six new plots: Discredit Councillor, Embezzle from Liege, Instigate Revolt, Kidnap Character, Fabricate Claims of Treason and Accuse of Heresy.
              - Added some additional checks that should hopefully prevent cultural melting pots from spreading where they shouldn't.
              - Added a workaround for characters with estates not getting income. They will now get a yearly sum of money equal to their estates income.
              - Fixed a bug where a character who had murdered another character through plot would be unable to ever do so again because of a flag that did not clear.
              - Fixed a bug where a vassal demanding a title to stay loyal would revolt even if given the title.
              - Fixed a bug where revolters would almost never declare independence at the end of a civil war because of some logic problems.
              - Rebel titles will no longer make use of the dynastic title naming system.
              - Fixed a bug where a marshal's ability to suppress revolts was inversely proportional to his skill.
              - Cleaned up the landed CoA folder, getting rid of many off-center flags and reducing the overall size of the mod considerably.
              - Shifted de jure borders of Abyssinia to prevent some undesirable usurpations.
              - Fixed a bug where a pagan ruler converting through the missionary events would not also convert their children.
              - Fixed an exploit where a player supporter of the rebel side in a civil war could avoid punishment by switching lieges mid-war. Even if you do switch lieges, you will now still be imprisoned with a revoke reason upon the defeat of the rebels.
              - The defending side in a civil war will now get more prestige for winning than they would for defeating a regular revolt.
              - Increased decadence gain from random events.
              - Fixed a bug that caused the rebel leader in a civil to sometimes get a big prestige hit.
              - It is now easier for vassals to rally support for a civil war in a large realm.
              - Opinion of liege now matters more when determining whether to join the rebel side in a civil war, and opinion of rebel leader a bit less.
              - Added some AI tweaks that should hopefully make the AI more willing to take on foes their own size.
              - Crusades/Jihads are now called by the liege of the head of religion, if the head of religion is a vassal (the head of religion's piety is still used in determening when a Jihad can be called).
              - Reduced base income from temple and city holdings.
              - Decreased impact of tax levels on opinion for city and temple vassals.
              - Burgundy is now a de jure part of the HRE.
              - Waging Duchy Conquests on other Muslims will now increase decadence.
              - Only independent Muslims and Pagans are now allowed to wage Duchy Conquests.
              - Vassals who are engaged in their own wars can no longer pick sides in a civil war, to prevent some issues related to vassals in a civil war joining in a higher level civil war.
              - Enabled Ethiopian and Nubian mercenaries for all non-Muslim faiths (so Semien can hire mercs).

              - Fixed a major bug where any character in the game could get events for possessed characters.
              - Rulers who are part of the rebel side in a civil war can no longer declare their own wars until the civil war is resolved.

              - Fixed a major bug with civil wars that was causing vassals who pledged their support to the rebels early on not to join the war.

              - Fixed a bug that was massively inflating AI loan sizes on higher difficulties.
              - The AI will now take loans to create King titles, to encourage their more frequent creation.
              - Fixed a bug where you would be unable to declare a sanctioned holy war unless you had enough piety for an unsanctione one.
              - Fixed several minor bugs with civil wars.
              - Eased up on AI requirements to switch out of Seniority since it is a difficulty enough law to switch out of even for a player.
              - Added decisions to convert to your capital's culture and religion (for players only).
              - De Jure Emperors will now lose their Emperor title if their realm size drops below 50 (compared to 75 for titular Emperors).

              - Fixed various bugs with civil wars where defeated rebels would not be properly imprisoned or end up as a vassal of the wrong liege.
              - Fixed a bug where vassals who declared independence after a civil war would incorrectly be given tax privileges.

              - Reduced frequency of second wives asking to be first wife.
              - Reduced the alarming frequency of Muslim wives stabbing each other to death (I don't think life in the harem was quite this violent historically).
              - Fixed a bug that was making the Mongol scripted armies disappear prematurely.
              - Implemented a brand new civil war system. When a vassal revolts against their liege, he or she will now attempt to rally support for a civil war among the other vassals. If at least 33% of the liege's other vassals (measured in controlled provinces) support the rebellion, then a civil war begins. In a civil war, the leading rebel (original attacker) takes on a special rebel title of equivalent rank to his or her liege, and vassalizes all other rebels, allowing the revolters to fight as a unified realm. Vassals in the civil war who do not side with the rebels can either support their liege (allowing him or her to draw more troops from them), stay neutral, or demand titles they have de jure claims on in exchange for their support. Civil wars break down into two categories: Wars to depose (depose liege, war against tyranny and revolt against rule) and succession wars against liege. In a successful civil war to depose, the liege will be overthrown and most of his or her titles divided among the rebels according to de jure pretensions. In a successful succession civil war, the pretender will take all primary (or King and above) level titles from the old liege. Either way, a successful civil war also allows non-dejure vassals and vassals under very low crown authority to break away and declare independence. Finally, at the end of a civil war, regardless of which side won, the winner(s) will be expected to reward their supporters at the expense of themselves and the neutrals and losers, and all vassals supporting the losing side will be imprisoned by the winning side with valid reasons to revoke - so be careful about picking sides!
              - If a player dies with tyranny, their heir will now inherit all but 10 levels of said tyranny (so if the dead character had 20 tyranny, his heir will get 10 on taking the throne).
              - Reduced the duration of the bubonic plague, as some players were reporting apocalyptic-level outbreaks.
              - Increased salaries from offices and honorary titles. A single-province count that is councillor to an emperor will now almost double his income (note that office incomes still won't show up in your budget screen - this is a vanilla bug).
              - You must now have the piety on hand to wage an Unsanctioned Holy War or Duchy Conquest (100/250 and 200/500 respectively).
              - Moved African Pagans into their own religion group.
              - Changed Abyssinia's territories to more closely match the actual Zagwe territories in 1066.
              - Added the Kingdom of Semien (Beta Israel), a Jewish Kingdom controlling the Gondar region in 1066.
              - It is now possible to revoke titles at autonomous vassals. I tried to find a way to make it possible only for vassals revoking their own vassals, but this is not doable and being unable to revoke makes autonomous vassals extremely undesirable even if you are a vassal which is just plain odd.
              - Creating a Kingdom or Empire now costs a little bit of piety (to make the creation requirements less confusing).
              - Orthodox AI is now much more reluctant to wage holy wars, to reduce ahistorical Russian blobbing into Finland and Byzantine blobbing into Romania.
              - Pressing De Jure claims on a Holy Order of your religion now costs 500 piety.
              - The AI will now avoid pressing De Jure claims on Holy Orders of their own religion.
              - Integrated the ARKO pack and Patrum Scuta mods, both of which greatly improve both the regular and dynastic CoAs.
              - Characters who are imprisoned by their liege will now have their honorary title revoked.
              - Landless characters can now hold estates that give them small amounts of revenue and prestige, represented through character modifiers. Estates range from minor (1) to large (5) with each level giving more income and prestige. You can grant estates to characters at the cost of 50 gold per 'level'. Additionally, courtiers with money and no prospect to inherit titles will spend their own money to purchase estates. On a character's death, their estates are divided among their sons. Characters who gain a landed title will sell off their estates, and banished characters lose all their estates. Characters who are granted estates will like you more, and landless relatives are less likely to ask for or plot to get a landed title if they have been given estates. Characters with estates are given the special title 'Lord'.
              - Added an objective for landless characters to get estates or increase the size existing estates.
              - Reduced the base chance of the AI joining revolts since they are now more dangerous due to AI use of mercenaries.
              - The AI should no longer be able to spawn mercenaries outside of its own realm.
              - Tweaked genetics code to reduce the frequency of Genius, Quick, Slow and Imbecile.
              - Rulers are no longer able to seduce themselves with the lover event chain.

              - Fixed a major bug that was preventing the AI from using Holy War and Duchy Conquest correctly.
              - Tweaked independence wars to make De Jure status more important in determining whether vassals will seek independence.
              - Tweaked civil wars so that when a liege's titles are divided among his vasals, another civil war should not immediately occur as he tries to take them back.

              - The AI now uses its own system for hiring mercenaries, and will make liberal use of them at the start of wars it cannot be sure to win, instead of hiring them after its armies have already been destroyed. The AI pays reduced maintenance for these mercenaries (because it does not use the regular mercenary system) but double the hiring cost to balance it out.
              - Landless relatives are now more likely to plot against you if you are Muslim.
              - Reworked decadence. It is now almost purely event-driven, with landed/unlanded relatives having no effect. Additionally, dynasty members who are vassals of other members of their dynasty will have no effect on decadence at all - good or bad. Bad traits and long periods of peace will increase decadence, while religious observance, good traits and participating in combat will decrease it. The overall effects of decadence on tax and morale were also reduced, to make it less of a factor.
              - A titular Emperor whose realm drops below 75 holdings in size will now lose all their titular empire titles. Certain titles such as the Papacy, Mongol titles and the Latin Empire are exempt from this, as are Emperors who are in the midst of civil war (as this can temporarily reduce realm size).
              - Difficulty setting now heavily affects the player's chance of discovering plots and the chance of vassals joining a revolt against them, for players who want more or less challenge from their vassals.
              - Changed the requirements for creating an empire. Instead of requiring a set number of provinces, empires now require a certain Realm Size (number of holdings in realm, shown next to your demesne limit and score). Most empires require a Realm Size of 100 to create.
              - Independence wars now work much like other revolts, with a ruler fighting an independence war calling in all other vassals to their war and all revolters becoming independent if the war succeeds. Non-De Jure vassals or vassals not of their liege's culture/religion are more likely to join an independence revolt, and De Jure vassals will tend to stay with a liege they do not greatly despise. The special 'escalating' nature of independence wars was removed, as this mechanic makes it obsolete.
              - If a ruler is deposed and their realm is already at autonomous vassals (or they are a Duke or lower), their primary-level titles will now be divided among their vassals according to De Jure pretensions, with the most participating revolter getting first pick. Muslims and Pagans who are deposed will ALWAYS have their titles divided this way.
              - Removed the special Muslim/Pagan realm destruction mechanic when deposed at autonomous vassals (they will have their titles divided up instead, as outlined above).
              - The AI is now less likely to join a player revolt to depose their liege (to make it harder for players to revolt purely to divide up their liege's titles).
              - Children with a very high stat in their chosen education (12+) are now more likely to pick up a good trait.
              - Added some tweaks that should hopefully make the AI a bit better at picking tutors for their kids.
              - The level of a guardian's education trait no longer matters in itself on how well their ward takes to the education, although it is still advantageous to have for instance a Midas Touched tutor because their high stewardship skill will rub off on the ward.
              - Added a fix that should prevent Republics from ending up with wrong-religion group rulers because of wonky Open Elective mechanics.
              - Added Principality of Wales as a titular Duchy for any character that controls Gwynedd and at least two Duchies (or a Kingdom or Empire).
              - Religious authority changes from head of religion are now less deterministic - authority can weaken even under a strong head or strengthen under a weak one, although the diplomacy, piety and learning of the head of religion plays a large role. Overall authority should trend more towards 50 rather than the extreme ends of the spectrum.
              - Tweaked Finni-Ugric ruler cultures to better match the culture of their provinces.
              - AI rulers should now be more willing to join military plots of other AI rulers.
              - Tweaked Duchy borders in the HRE.
              - Added the province of Lolland in Sjaelland to give Denmark a boost and make it so you can't usurp Denmark with just Skåne.
              - Reduced frequency of epidemics, to balance for their increased lethality.
              - Epidemics will now reduce the size of levies you can raise in a province afflicted by one.
              - Further reduced the chance of assassination plots being leaked by backers.

              - It is now possible for the Pope to call a Crusade against Orthodox Constantinople under rare and very specific circumstances. For this to happen, the Pope must have a suitable personality (greedy, cynical or nuts) and there must be a history of failed Crusades against heathens in the past (yes, I realize this is not how the Fourth Crusade happened but the Fourth Crusade is impossible to properly simulate).
              - Jihads now once again work like Crusades, but with two differences: The AI is sharply limited in where it will call a Jihad (preferring using them against neighbours or as a countermeasure against Crusader states) and the top contributor will always hold on to the lands taken in a Jihad, rather than creating a new independent state.
              - You can no longer vassalize holy orders, to prevent various bugs and exploits related to it.
              - High Crown Authority is now required to Pogrom Jews settled in your vassals' cities.
              - Reduced income from Pogroms.
              - All decisions on the intrigue screen should now have proper icons.
              - Decadence will no longer reduce vassal loyalty, and high decadence is no longer a death sentence for a Muslim state (although it is still very undesirable).
              - If you fail a plot to fabricate a claim, you now have to wait 5 years before you can attempt it again.
              - One less level of dishonorable will now be inherited by your heir (so if you had 2 levels of dishonorable, your heir will get level 1 Dynastic Stain).
              - Dishonorable/Dynastic Stain will now go away slowly over time, at the rate of one level per twenty years.
              - A failed Crusade will now result in all attacking participants losing piety and prestige.
              - Added some sanity checks that should make it impossible for a plot victim to get dishonorable as a result of an attempt on their life.
              - The Immortal trait can now be inherited by children.
              - Increased the opinion malus for demanding a character convert religion.
              - Split Rus into the Kingdoms of Kiev, Muscowy and Novgorod.
              - Russian Kings are now called Grand Princes.
              - Russian Dukes are now called Princes.
              - The ruler of Kiev now starts with the Kingdom of Kiev.
              - Added Welsh and Cornish empires.
              - Added Mizrehim culture for Persian and Middle Eastern jews.
              - Fixed a bug that was preventing cultural conversion from working correctly.


              • #8
                Version 1.30.2 dispo.


                • #9
                  La 1.30.2 est compatible avec la 1.07b j'imagine


                  • #10
                    Y a une traduction française du mod ?


                    • #11
                      Les petits gars de chez jeux-stratégie ont fini une traduction. Vous pouvez la télécharger ici


                      • #12
                        Bonjour, en effet ck2+ est entièrement traduit en français, nul besoin de télécharger la traduction séparément, elle est directement incluse dans le mod.


                        • #13
                          Je sais, mais chez JS ils se sont attardé sur les détails. Histoire que tout sonne parfaitement


                          • #14
                            Je fait partie des traducteurs de JeuxStrategie et je m'occupe d’intégrer la traduction dans le mod


                            • #15
                              Et bien voilà un petit nouveau qui direct se prend un point de rep .

                              Bienvenue sur Mundus Bellicus, toi qui n'arrives pas les mains vides
                              Dernière modification par elrond petit pas tapons, 22-12-2012, 12h15.

