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  • Pour la Pologne, clairement, il y a eu des phases où de facto elle n'était pas en mesure de s'opposer aux prétentions impériales, et des phases où de jure l'empire estimait qu'il avait toute sa place chez elle. Flemme de développer, Godwin l'ayant déjà fait. La question de la frontière de l'empire à l'est est très souvent floue, surtout au Xe ou au XIe. En tout cas, des tributs ont bien été versés, effectivement ; même si la Pologne a réussi assez vite à se dégager de l'emprise germanique en allant du côté du pape.
    Juste : chez les Hongrois, il y a, en complément de la Banderia, des réformes qui sont faites sous Sigismond, avec la mise en place de milices paysannes plus importantes a priori que ce que l'on ne pensait jusqu'à ces dernières années (Militia Portalis, si je dis pas de conneries). Ca faisait d'ailleurs râler les nobles, vu que le pouvoir royal n'hésitait pas à lever des milices sans leur accord, en jouant aussi sur les cordons de la bourse, même si bien entendu, la cavalerie demeurait la grande force du royaume.


    • La militia portalis est le titre du bâtiment de rang 8 qui accompagne l'armée noire J'ai mêlé les deux, puisque de toute façon, la militia portalis est aussi utilisé par Corvin.


      • Très bien, plus rien à dire, alors !


        • Meilleur oeuvre hongroise


          • Bon mon Faras tu as fini de trainer avec les barbares? Reviens modder les ayyarum!!!!


            • > Demande d'arrêter de modder des barbares
              > Demande de modder les sarasins

              Pick one


              • Hum d'ailleurs j'y pense mais n'hésitez pas à m'envoyer les trucs que Faras à fait à traduire, vu que j'ai énormément de temps libre, ce sera fait comme ça .


                • Valyrian_Knight01 : Il faut que je pense à t'envoyer le fichier bêta, mais il faut que je me relise avant pour les fôtes, toussa.

                  Hop, les Croates, fait avec difficulté (et il manque le dernier palier) :


                  • Merci d'avance, d'autant que j'ai moi même des fautes d'anglais assez énormes à corriger , je m'en suis rendu compte en prenant des screens.

                    Bref , à part ça :

                    Hello guys ! We are back for a new RIRSEI Dev Diary !

                    Today, we will focus on a major change added by this mod on an extremely important set of events of the Middle Ages which have been totally left over by the vanilla : the Investiture Controversy.
                    (Also excuse the errors of translation and the grammatical mistakes in the screens, they will be taken care of ASAP)

                    To a newcommer, the Investiture Controversy is a relatively minor set of events of the Middle Ages, especially at the time of such massive events like Crusades or the Viking Age or the Reconquista . But what was really the Investiture Controversy ?

                    You see, back in the 11th century and prior, the Papal power was relatively weak . The Church was often subservient to the various states, and even the Pope was merely symbolc in his role of Leader of Christendom. In fact, he was often subservient to the Emperor (who thinks of himself as the Roman Emperor, the Rex Mundi, the Ruler of the World, as we saw in the first dev Diary). The Popes were even sometimes directly named by the Emperors if needed .

                    Thus, the power of the Pope was weak, and often the various monarchs (especially the Emperor) named the bishops in their realm , granting them their investiture as priests. It allowed to name loyal (since their power came from the monarch) subjects at the head of vast swathes of land , rather than the unreliable feudal vassals.

                    However, by the 10th century, things changed. The Popes strenghtened their power on their Church . A time of reformation has come, and soon the Pope will be a major player in European politics.

                    In the mod, this time of reformation is announced by event :


                    From this point on, the Pope will launch a struggle against the Emperor to outlaw the nomination of bishops by the temporal lords (the so called Investiture Controversy) . But this is merely a pretext. Actually, the Investiture Controversy was a pretext to launch a much more important fight, the struggle between the Church and the State .

                    You see, the Papal chancellery has fabricated an apocryphal document by the 10th century, the so called "Donation of Constantine" . This fake (but extremely well done) document claims that Constantine Ist (the most revered Emperor in the Middle Ages) gave the Imperial power to the Pope in the West, while he himself ruled from Constantinople in the East . By using this document, the Pope claimed that he was the equal, or even superior in dignity than the Emperor (the supreme temporal ruler). He claimed that in the name of God , all christian monarchs shall be subservient to him.

                    Thus, the Investiture Controversy was a battle between the temporal head of Christendom, the Emperor, and its spiritual head, the Pope , both claiming to rule Christendom in the name of God and they were superior to each other .

                    In the mod, after a certain amount of time , an event will fire, exiging that the Emperor concede the victory to the Pope in this conflict.




                    You can choose to oppose him and become excommunicated, or accept and thus losing the struggle .

                    For the Emperor to win, he must not cede to the exigences of the Pope for 45 years while being excommunicated , which is no small feat , I an assure you . But if he wins, he will get many bonuses, and his authority over Christendom will become unchallenged . But I will let you discover this yourself

                    If the Emperor cede in a way or another, the Papacy win the Investiture Controversy (as it did historically). The Empire is severly weakened, and the Pope has won the first round of the conflict between Church and State .


                    If the Pope win, catholic monarchs can "swear fealty" to him, become his ""vassals"" , giving them several bonuses but also somewhat restraining them on some matters. But I will let you discover the downsides of this trait.



                    But the struggle between the Church and the State does not end here . The Investiture Controversy was the first step. The Pope will quietly continue to build his theocracy over the catholic Kingdoms - until it is too late.


                    But a powerful catholic ruler can decide otherwise and oppose the papal agenda !


                    However, if none of the catholic Kingdoms were strong enough to resist, the Papacy definitely win the struggle between the Church and the State. He vassalise all the Kings who has the trait "vassal of Saint Peter" and has now a free casus belli on all the independant christians to unite Christendom under his banneer.

                    In the end , there are several different endings for this struggle - Imperial victory, Papal victory and stalemate. This struggle can definitely change european politics by strenghtening considerably the power of the Pope or the Emperor, but it can also secure the independance of the catholic monarchs towards both .

                    That is all for today ! Have a nice week !

                    Credits : Faras, mod leader
                    Mouchi & Mat, slav... collaborators
                    And many other, who helped in a way or another.


                    • Voilà :

                      Envoyé par Valyrian_Knight01 Voir le message
                      Merci d'avance, d'autant que j'ai moi même des fautes d'anglais assez énormes à corriger , je m'en suis rendu compte en prenant des screens.

                      Bref , à part ça :

                      Hello guys ! We are back for a new RIRSEI Dev Diary !

                      Today, we will focus on a major change added by this mod on an extremely important set of events of the Middle Ages which have been totally left over by the vanilla : the Investiture Controversy.
                      (Also excuse the errors of translation and the grammatical mistakes in the screens, they will be taken care of ASAP)

                      To a newcommer, the Investiture Controversy is a relatively minor set of events of the Middle Ages, especially at the time of such massive events like Crusades or the Viking Age or the Reconquista . But what was really the Investiture Controversy ?

                      You see, back in the 11th century and prior, the Papal power was relatively weak . The Church was often subservient to the various states, and even the Pope was merely symbolc in his role of Leader of Christendom. In fact, he was often subservient to the Emperor (who thinks of himself as the Roman Emperor, the Monarcha Mundi, the Ruler of the World, as we saw in the first dev Diary). The Popes were even sometimes directly named by the Emperors if needed .

                      Thus, the power of the Pope was weak, and often the various monarchs (especially the Emperor) named the bishops in their realm , granting them their investiture as priests. It allowed to name loyal (since their power came from the monarch) subjects at the head of vast swathes of land , rather than the unreliable feudal vassals.

                      However, by the 11th century (même si ca commence un peu avant), things changed. The Popes strenghtened their power on their Church . A time of reformation has come, and soon the Pope will be a major player in European politics.

                      In the mod, this time of reformation is announced by event :


                      From this point on, the Pope will launch a struggle against the Emperor to outlaw the nomination of bishops by the temporal lords (the so called Investiture Controversy) . But this is merely a pretext. Actually, the Investiture Controversy was a pretext to launch a much more important fight, the struggle between the Church and the State .

                      You see, the Papal chancellery has fabricated an apocryphal document by the 10th century, the so called "Donation of Constantine" . This fake (but extremely well done) document claims that Constantine Ist (the most revered Emperor in the Middle Ages) gave the Imperial power to the Pope in the West, while he himself ruled from Constantinople in the East . By using this document, the Pope claimed that he was the equal, or even superior in dignity than the Emperor (the supreme temporal ruler). He claimed that in the name of God , all christian monarchs shall be subservient to him.

                      Thus, the Investiture Controversy was a battle between the temporal head of Christendom, the Emperor, and its spiritual head, the Pope , both claiming to rule Christendom in the name of God and they were superior to each other .

                      In the mod, after a certain amount of time , an event will fire, exiging that the Emperor concede the victory to the Pope in this conflict.




                      You can choose to oppose him and become excommunicated, or accept and thus losing the struggle. (et même au-delà, le Pape déliant de leur serment de vassalité les sujets de l'Empereur, représenté par un malus supplémentaire de relation. Les grands vassaux vont en profiter du mieux qu'ils peuvent)

                      For the Emperor to win, he must not cede to the exigences of the Pope for 45 years while being excommunicated , which is no small feat , I an assure you . But if he wins, he will get many bonuses, and his authority over Christendom will become unchallenged . But I will let you discover this yourself

                      If the Emperor cede in a way or another, the Papacy win the Investiture Controversy (as it did historically). The Empire is severly weakened, and the Pope has won the first round of the conflict between Church and State .


                      If the Pope win, catholic monarchs can "swear fealty" to him, become his ""vassals"" , giving them several bonuses but also somewhat restraining them on some matters. But I will let you discover the downsides of this trait.



                      But the struggle between the Church and the State does not end here . The Investiture Controversy was the first step. The Pope will quietly continue to build his theocracy over the catholic Kingdoms - until it is too late.


                      But a powerful catholic ruler can decide otherwise and oppose the papal agenda !


                      However, if none of the catholic Kingdoms were strong enough to resist, the Papacy definitely win the struggle between the Church and the State. He vassalise all the Kings who has the trait "vassal of Saint Peter" and has now a free casus belli on all the independant christians to unite Christendom under his banner.

                      In the end , there are several different endings for this struggle - Imperial victory, Papal victory and stalemate. This struggle can definitely change european politics by strenghtening considerably the power of the Pope or the Emperor, but it can also secure the independance of the catholic monarchs towards both .

                      That is all for today ! Have a nice week !

                      Credits : Faras, mod leader
                      Mouchi & Mat, slav... collaborators
                      And many other, who helped in a way or another.


                      • D'ailleurs, en parlant de traduction, quelqu'un a gardé les traductions des duchés et royaumes que nous avions faites ?
                        Dernière modification par RoyaumeDeSuede, 01-07-2017, 10h33.


                        • Merci !

                          D'ailleurs j'ai remarqué deux trois trucs en jouant au mod :

                          - Les seigneurs musulmans qui détiennent un titre en dehors du Dar al Islam De Jure (ex : en Inde) ont comme titre "Sultan" de la vanilla et non pas "Amîr" .
                          - Les seigneurs arabes convertis au catholicisme sont toujours nommé "Amîr" (bon j'imagine que c'est dû au fait que ce soit un titre lié à la culture, mais voilà)
                          - Le titre de Rex Totius Hispaniae , lorsque crée, fait prendre leur indépendance à tous les vassaux :c
                          - Le script Autokrator ne marche pas :c

                          Aussi, pour plus tard :

                          - Nerf les troupes d'évent , notamment des païens (qui peuvent faire pop 5000 troupes de nulle part )
                          - Virer les compagnies mercenaires vassales musulmanes (Parce que les voir sortir 8000 vassaux mercenaires c'est pas cool :c )
                          - Nerf les révoltes de paysans et religieuses. Parce qu'ils sont sympa de spawn à 7500 par comté pourri en Irlande, mais c'est pas très historique

                          Pour l'équilibrage :

                          Les Républiques marchandes ne vont-elles pas être un peu cheatés ? Avec les villes chrétiennes qui peuvent faire pop trouzemille troupes , n'est ce pas finalement extrêmement avantageux de détenir uniquement des villes comme capitale et possessions ? (Bon après j'imagine que c'est contrebalancé par le fait que les Républiques ne peuvent pas augmenter leur centralisation et donc ont peu de domaine )

                          Les Républiques marchandes ont accès à un bâtiment spécial nommé "manoir" (ou "Family Palace" en anglais) . C'est un bâtiment qui n'est pas sur la map, qui ressemble à un domaine ( http://www.ckiiwiki.com/Family_palace ).

                          Le truc, c'est qu'une fois upgradé, il peut donné quelque chose comme 1000-1500 soldats (y compris cavalerie lourde, etc) . Vu que tu fais une refonte du système militaire, ne faudrait il pas également changer les effets de ces bâtiments ? (quitte à les remplacer par, je sais pas, des bonus sur la taille de l'escorte ou je ne sais quoi )

                          C'est tout pour l'instant, les autres script ont l'air de relativement bien marcher


                          • Plop , je reviens pour dire que j'ai reçu un message d'un type qui est étudiant en histoire qui veux bien aider pour le mod. Il dit que si tu veux , il peux fouiner à la bibliothèque universitaire pour trouver ses trucs sur l'Éthiopie (par exemple , c'est ce que je lui ai suggéré ), et que son frère peut aider pour l'Inde. Ça pourrait être utile . Tu veux que je lui dise un truc particulier ? Il peut toujours rechercher deux trois trucs pendant que tu finis le système militaire des Balkans


                            • Valyrian_Knight01 :
                              Oui, ne t'inquiète pas et merci, j'ai déjà noté les scripts qui ne marchent pas pour les corriger après (y'en a un ou deux autres en plus en fait...). Et oui, je vais devoir virer les bâtiments qui donnent des soldats (allez sauf peut-être quelques fanti) pour les manoirs des républiques. Les République sont fortes (et riche = des mercos), mais elles manquent de cavalerie lourde.
                              Pour le second point, tu peux le remercier pour l'attention portée à mon mod, mais encore une fois, j'aime faire les choses petit-à-petit, en suivant mon rythme et mon plan de modding. Lorsque je viendrais à l'Ethiopie, je verrais. Par contre l'Inde, j'ai toujours l'intention de l'oblitérer.


                              • Bonjour,

                                Je ne parviens pas à jouer au mod. Chaque fois, je coche bien la case pour jouer uniquement à ce mod, puis... plus rien. Sur Steam, le jeu passe de "jeu lancé" à plus rien, comme si ça avait quitté. Est-ce que ce bug vous dit quelque chose ?
                                Merci !

