character_event = { id = RIRSEBYZ.111117 desc = "EVTDESC_RIRSEBYZ_111117" picture = "GFX_evt_theme_aristo" is_triggered_only = yes option = { name = "EVTOPTA_RIRSEBYZ_111117" FROM = { any_demesne_title = { limit = { tier = duke kingdom = { de_jure_liege = e_byzantium } } gain_title = ROOT } } } option = { name = "Bah ! C'était un bon administrateur loyal et juste, son héritier dynastique conviendra parfaitement." FROM = { opinion = { who = ROOT modifier = opinion_granted_duchy } } } }
dejure_duchy_claim = { name = CB_NAME_DEJURECLAIM war_name = WAR_NAME_DEJURECLAIM sprite = 16 truce_days = 3650 hostile_against_others = yes is_permanent = yes check_all_titles = yes # if permanent, setting this to true will check against all of someones titles, including vassal held titles press_claim = yes can_ask_to_join_war = no can_use_title = { tier = duke OR = { FROM = { has_landed_title = PREV } holder_scope = { is_liege_or_above = FROM } } OR = { kingdom = { holder = ROOT OR = { has_law = centralization_3 has_law = centralization_4 } } empire = { holder = ROOT OR = { has_law = centralization_3 has_law = centralization_4 } } } NOT = { OR = { ROOT = { has_landed_title = PREV } holder_scope = { is_liege_or_above = ROOT } } } FROM = { OR = { holy_order = no NOT = { religion = ROOT } NOT = { has_dlc = "Sons of Abraham" } } } } is_valid_title = { OR = { FROM = { has_landed_title = PREV } holder_scope = { is_liege_or_above = FROM } } } on_success_title = { if = { limit = { holder_scope = { tier = duke is_patrician = no NOT = { num_of_duke_titles = 2 } } } holder_scope = { set_defacto_liege = ROOT } } if = { limit = { holder_scope = { OR = { higher_tier_than = duke num_of_duke_titles = 2 is_patrician = yes } } } usurp_title_plus_barony_if_unlanded = ROOT any_de_jure_vassal_title = { # take all baronies under the one we're fighting for limit = { has_holder = yes NOT = { de_facto_liege = PREV } holder_scope = { OR = { character = FROM is_liege_or_above = FROM } } } } } any_attacker = { limit = { character = ROOT } participation_scaled_prestige = 100 } any_attacker = { limit = { NOT = { character = ROOT } } hidden_tooltip = { participation_scaled_prestige = 100 } } } on_fail_title = { ROOT = { prestige = -100 } any_defender = { limit = { character = FROM } participation_scaled_prestige = 50 } any_defender = { limit = { NOT = { character = FROM } } hidden_tooltip = { participation_scaled_prestige = 50 } } } on_reverse_demand = { ROOT = { prestige = -200 transfer_scaled_wealth = { to = FROM value = 4.0 } } any_defender = { limit = { character = FROM } participation_scaled_prestige = 100 } any_defender = { limit = { NOT = { character = FROM } } hidden_tooltip = { participation_scaled_prestige = 100 } } } attacker_ai_victory_worth = { factor = -1 # always accept } attacker_ai_defeat_worth = { factor = 100 } defender_ai_victory_worth = { factor = -1 # always accept } defender_ai_defeat_worth = { factor = 100 } }