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  • Vela :

    Envoyé par Valyrian_Knight01 Voir le message

    Hello guys ! Welcome to a new RIRSEI Dev Diary ! Today, we will talk again of the rework of the military system, with a special focus on the Western Slavic system , namely the Bohemians, the Polish, and the Pomeranian, as they follow similar patterns of military evolution.

    First, most of the Slavic people , when they are tribal, have a specific set of upgradable military building :



    As you can see, even if the tribal structure allows for numerous soldiers, this is mainly light infantry, which will be trashed by any western feudal army during the melee phase of a battle . This is why you want to become feudalised as soon as possible, which will probably means become christian, as reforming a pagan religion has been deemed unhistorical by the mod leader, which is a death sentence in this mod :-3.

    When feudalised, you have access to a new , more sophisticated system, the famous Druzyna, [ouais enfin, t'as aussi accès à la Druzyna en tribal (regarde la deuxième image), c'est juste qu'en étant féodalisé, c'est plus développé et structuré] as you can see for the Czech there :


    However, this system only lasts a limited amount of time. You see, with the feudal mutation (which we talked about in the former DD, I can only advise you to check it. And the others, while you are at it), the Druzyna gradually lost its place, the Druzhinniki becoming Knights, and the nobility taking a bigger place locally , with the instauration of the servage and all.

    This why, when the "Feudal mutation" event fire (which happens whenever someone builds the "Servitum Debitum " building , which is avalaible with some variations to most of the Christian world) , all buildings are replaced by a variation of this building (here, the Czech one ) :


    However, if you manage to strenghten your grasp on your holdings, will be able to reform the military system of your country. Historically, one of the main motivations to struggle against the power of the nobility was because of the military and financial limitations imposed by the power of the aristocracy (when they aren't paying taxes, how do you raise an army ? With your 20 square kilometers of royal demesne ? ). This is especially true for Bohemia, where the nobility was extremely powerful, because few great families held much of the power, instead of a western-like breakdown of the power, where there were vassal's vassal's of a vassal all over the place and nobody knew exactly whose vassal you were.

    This is why a strong authority is needed to upgrade this building to its next level of the building, even if it is still rewarding [Alors là peut-être un petit point pour expliquer la petite touche uchronique nécessaire pour les pays qui n'ont pas vraiment développé petit-à-petit une centralisation monarchique du pouvoir. Ici, la Maiestas Carolina correspond à une réforme de Charles V, avec le but d'accroître son emprise sur le royaume de Bohême. Elle fut toutefois vivement combattue par la noblesse avant de "disparaître" par oubli volontaire. Ici ce bâtiment correspond à cette réforme si elle se serait maintenue] :


    In the end, if you managed to weaken the nobility enough, you can construct the final level of the building, which means the ultimate military reform of Bohemia, which will hurt badly your ennemies :
    [Pareil ici, légère uchronie, en faisant en sorte que cette milice "nationale" correspond à celle des Hussites]


    The Polish lords have a similar military evolution , but they have a stronger emphasis on heavy cavalry than their Czech cousins, until the last building of their military tree which simulate a deep restructuration of the Polish military. They also have the particularity to keep their system of Druzhina for a longer period of time, simply because true feudalisation was longer to happen in Poland, beginning well in the 12th century actually . This is why , rather than the feudal mutation system as explained in the last DD , the upgrade from the Druzhinniki to the Milites is done by simply upgrading the building and not by firing an event





    The Pomeranian people also have a similar military system. Which is to say, almost identical to the Polish one (sauf le premier bâtiment, et leur druzina est à pied, non monté comme les tchèques et les polaks). Here are some screens :

    [Oups, j'ai oublié de mettre Dux eu pluriel :c ]

    Like for the westerners, the cities of the Slavic peoples (Sauf si païen, ils ont leurs grads. Tu l'as normalement dans la dernière version non ?] will follow the Charte system, that I expanded in the last DD if it interests you (even if it is being reworked [Roooh, j'ai à peine mis un event pour l'IA et pour que cela soit plus réactif pour le joueur, c'est pas vraiment de la modification en profondeur] ). The cities will grant you access to a numerous (even if not elite) infantry inexchange for a cost in prestige

    [Tu as oublié un point essentiel : Les structures ecclesiastiques (chez les Slaves et les Scandinaves) commencent toujours par le Servitum Debitum (ou le Ius Militareor), car venant souvent d'Allemagne, voire de France, les Clercs ont importés le système féodal dans leur domaine (vraiment très tôt), et ils ont ensuite grandement influencés le reste de la société militaire] Si tu veux prendre un screen, prend plutôt une Eglise tchèque, par je viens juste de corriger la polonaise

    But in the end, keep in mind the system is eligible for change as the developpement goes on. Have a nice day !

    Faras, mod leader

    Mouchi and Mat, slav...collaborators

    Lord_Zaitan, entitled alpha tester

    Frizt Vicari ,for his artworks

    And many others, who helped in a way or another


    • Très bien , je vais voir ça .

      Au fait Faras, je voulais te demander, est ce que je peux refaire un post général du mod sur Paradoxplaza ? Parce que j'aimerais bien pouvoir l'éditer pour y mettre le lien des DDs pour que ce soit plus facile à trouver pour le random qui jetterai un oeil , sauf que l'ancien thread, bah je peux pas l'éditer pour des raisons assez évidentes que c'est pas moi qui l'ai posté


      • Valyrian_Knight01 :
        Heuuuuuuuuuuum. Le souci c'est qu'il y a déjà un thread. Je doute que les modos soient d'accord. Je pense pas que c'est bonne idée. Par contre, je pense que quand j'aurais fini la réforme des systèmes militaires, j'irais la-bas pour tout réactualiser et remettre en ordre.


        • Comme tu veux, après ça va pas être pratique vu qu'à chaque fois que je post un DD je vais te demander de mettre le lien en première page en éditant le c premier post (parce que c'est mieux pour la visibilité d'avoir le lien de tous les DD en première par , ça évite aux gens intéressés par le mod d'avoir à chercher trois heures pour les trouver :-3 )


          • Faras, pour le problème des apostrophes flottantes, tu as essayé d'utiliser des apostrophes courbes ?


            • Bombur : Ah pas bête, je vais tester, merci.


              • Bon Faras, ce ne sera que Qasr pour le palais, j'ai bien trouvé le terme "hisn" mais c'est seulement utilisé pour les palais sassanides! Sinon si tu veux faire le poète grenadin tu peux utiliser "qawa'id" qui veut dire "fondement"

                pour le pays rural deux choses: pour pays tu as soit "dar" comme je te l'ai dit, soit "watan" qui penche néanmoins vers le foyer, et version moderne la patrie. Par contre pour le rural plusieurs choses, soit "imara" pour le développement agricole et la culture du sol, soit "i'timar" qu lie l'agriculture avec civilisation et accroissement démographique.

                A toi de voir, bien sur on est dans un univers khaldunien, c'est les concepts qui prennent le dessus sur le vocabulaire, mais I'timar me parait bien.


                • supermenteur : merci Qalawûn !


                  • De rien Ibn al Khatib


                    • Valyrian_Knight01 Tu trouveras le fichier pour la traduction de la version bêta ici.


                      • Ah , merci , même si je pars sans mon PC pendant 3 semaine, donc ça va pas faire trop de traduction là :-3


                        • Plop

                          Hello guys ! Welcome to a new RIRSEI Dev Diary ! Today we will get deeper in the rabbit hole of the rework of the military system of RIRSEI, with a special focus on the Byzantine army .

                          I strongly recommand you to read at least the Third Dev Diary ( Byzantine Politics ) , which links is in comments below, because the military system of Byzantium is strongly tied to its political system, so if you want to better understand what I am talking about , you will need some knowledge of what I am talking about (duh).

                          So anyway, let's now talk of the army. As always, beware the walls of text . But you should read it , it is very interesting. If you don't read it , you aren't a true fan of Rome anyway >:-3


                          There are two possible branches of military evolution. I talked in the 3rd DD of the Themata / Pronoia dichotomy. The Themata were a military administration where the Doux was named by the central administration of Constantinople, which could revoke or redistribute the Theme freely. In game term, with this Crown laws, you essentially have the Imperial government type from CK2+/HIP. Before the rework of the military system, this was only a law with political consequences, but now , this has also military consequences.

                          The Themata system was basically this : the state gave a bit of public land to a stratiotai, a peasant-soldier, who was in exchange eligible for military service . It allowed for a numerous, well motivated heavy infantry, with a good equippement and training and a large tax base as well (d'ailleurs Faras faudrait pas mettre un bonus de revenu quand tu upgrade les Themata et empêche ainsi la concentration de terres ? ). However, this was mostly a defensive army, not very purposed for offensive operations.


                          However , this system has flaws. Namely , a peasant that doesn't have lands will no longer be eligible for military service. Other problemes includes the fact that some stratiotai (peasant-soldiers ) concentrate too much land compared to what they are supposed to have. This means less lands for other stratiotai, which means less stratiotai, IE less soldiers and less money.

                          A powerful Emperor can however pass laws to regulate this situation . An Emperor with High Crown authority will thus be able to build the upgrade of the building


                          However , there are still loopholes in this system. The aristocracy tends to illegaly buys lands from theses stratiotai , with the same results as before : less soldiers and money. Not only that , but it remains a defensive army , not something very usefull in your planned reconquest of the Empire.

                          However, an Emperor whose power became unlimited, an Emperor with a firm grasp on his state , an Emperor who went beyond the petty struggles of the aristocracy, this Emperor who became an Autocrat (having the trait "Autokrator" , IE absolute crown authority ) , this man can reform the military system (and by extension, the society ) of Byzantium, crushing the aristocracy and reforming the old thematic system in an offensive peasant army , in pseudo-Roman Legions if you want.



                          The Thematic system is not the only way the Byzantine military can evolve.

                          The Pronoia became widespread under the Komnenoi Emperors , as the old Thematic system was crumbling under the pressure of the Turks. Alexios Komnenos gave large swathes of lands to the nobility in exchange for an extensive military and financial support. But even if the Pronoia was supposed to be non hereditary and revokable at the Emperor's whim, they very quickly became what was basically feudal demesnes.

                          The Pronoia is thus a feudalisation of Byzantium, with a strong diminution of the number of stratiotai , while the nobles come to war with their household as Cataphract heavy cavalry.

                          It is noteworthy that the "Pronoia" crown law basically means that you get the traditionnal feudal government form : no free revocations, hereditary succession for Duchies, etc.


                          You can build the upgrade of this building with far less requirement than the Thematic one , but that means an increasingly greater feudalisation of the Byzantine society.



                          Constantinople gets a few news buildings. First , the Tagmatas.

                          The Tagmatas are the permanent armies of Constantinople, they are the ones that deals with offensive and mobile warfare. To represent this , this upgradable building gives you a massive amount of retinue size :





                          The Noumera is basically the garrison of Constantinople. I let you discover the specifics yourself :


                          Cities & Churches

                          Now , let's talk about another aspect of Byzantium, the cities and Churches.

                          The cities are now given a new building to represent their characteristics. They have a badly equipped and relatively useless force of police that deals with the city defense, but they make very bad soldiers. They are rarely called to war, but the city itself is richer than its Western counterparts, giving you more money :


                          The cities can however developp a set of better soldiers to let them join offensive campaigns for the Politeia of the Romans , but at the cost of some financial prosperity for the city :


                          About the Church . Contrarily to the Western ones , the Byzantine religious guides are not required to fulfill a military service to their lords. That means the Churches will not give you troops, but they will give you more money and , as they serve as strongholds in time of war, they will give you a fortification bonus :


                          Army of Italy

                          The Byzantines have a specific building for Italian cities , the army of Italy (Exercitus Italiae ) . I will let you discover this here , but it is quite neat :


                          That is all for now. Have a nice day !


                          • Plop²

                            Envoyé par Valyrian_Knight01 Voir le message

                            Hello guys ! Welcome to a new RIRSEI Dev Diary ! Today we will get deeper in the rabbit hole of the rework of the military system of RIRSEI, with a special focus on the Byzantine army .

                            I strongly recommand you to read at least the Third Dev Diary ( Byzantine Politics ) , which links is in comments below, because the military system of Byzantium is strongly tied to its political system, so if you want to better understand what I am talking about , you will need some knowledge of what I am talking about (duh).

                            So anyway, let's now talk of the army. As always, beware the walls of text . But you should read it , it is very interesting. If you don't read it , you aren't a true fan of Rome anyway >:-3


                            There are two possible branches of military evolution. I talked in the 3rd DD of the Themata / Pronoia dichotomy. The Themata were a military administration where the Doux was named by the central administration of Constantinople, which could revoke or redistribute the Theme freely. In game term, with this Crown laws, you essentially have the Imperial government type from CK2+/HIP. Before the rework of the military system, this was only a law with political consequences, but now , this has also military consequences.

                            The Themata system was basically this : the state gave a bit of public land to a stratiotai, a peasant-soldier, who was in exchange eligible for military service . It allowed for a numerous, well motivated heavy infantry, with a good equipement and training and a large tax base as well (d'ailleurs Faras faudrait pas mettre un bonus de revenu quand tu upgrade les Themata et empêche ainsi la concentration de terres ? Voui, c'est vrai qu'un petit bonus ne serait pas superflu ). However, this was mostly a defensive army, not very purposed for offensive operations. (comme d'hab rappelle que le nombre de troupes est sujet à modification)


                            However , this system has flaws. Namely , a peasant that doesn't have lands will no longer be eligible for military service. Other problemes includes the fact that some stratiotai (peasant-soldiers ) concentrate too much land compared to what they are supposed to have. This means less lands for other stratiotai, which means less stratiotai, IE less soldiers and less money.

                            A powerful Emperor can however pass laws to regulate this situation . An Emperor with High Crown authority will thus be able to build the upgrade of the building (l'Adoreia est une mesure histolol)


                            However , there are still loopholes in this system. The aristocracy tends to illegaly buys lands from theses stratiotai, with the same results as before : less soldiers and money. Not only that, but it remains a defensive army , not something very usefull in your planned reconquest of the Empire.

                            However, an Emperor whose power became unlimited, an Emperor with a firm grasp on his state , an Emperor who went beyond the petty struggles of the aristocracy, this Emperor who became an Autocrat (having the trait "Autokrator" , IE absolute crown authority ) , this man can reform the military system (and by extension, the society ) of Byzantium, crushing the aristocracy and reforming the old thematic system in an offensive peasant army , in pseudo-Roman Legions if you want. [ Alors là, il va falloir développer et préciser, parce que je sens venir les accusations d'anachronisme. Premier point, par "pseudo-légions romaines", j'entends au terme social et opérationnel, pas en termes d'équipement. Deuxième point, cet bâtiment/réforme est uchronique mais basée sur une vraie proposition et réflexion, celle de Gémisthe Pléthon, philosophe byzantin de la fin du XVème siècle. Il avait proposé un projet pour la Morée, une sorte de République de Platon mi-spartiate, mi-romaine. Malgré son influence, sa réforme fut gentiment refusée, surtout au vu des conséquences sociales du bousin. En gros ce bâtiment serait une réforme de Gémisthe Pléthon qui aurait marché]



                            The Thematic system is not the only way the Byzantine military can evolve.

                            The Pronoia became widespread under the Komnenoi Emperors, as the old Thematic system was crumbling under the pressure of the Turks. Alexios Komnenos gave large swathes of lands to the nobility in exchange for an extensive military and financial support. But even if the Pronoia was supposed to be non hereditary and revokable at the Emperor's whim, they very quickly (plutôt au fil du temps) became what was basically feudal demesnes.

                            The Pronoia is thus a feudalisation of Byzantium, with a strong diminution of the number of stratiotai , while the nobles come to war with their household as Cataphract heavy cavalry.

                            It is noteworthy that the "Pronoia" crown law basically means that you get the traditional feudal government form : no free revocations, hereditary succession for Duchies, etc.


                            You can build the upgrade of this building with far less requirement than the Thematic one , but that means an increasingly greater feudalisation of the Byzantine society.



                            Constantinople gets a few news buildings. First , the Tagmata (c'est déjà au pluriel).

                            The Tagmata are the permanent armies of Constantinople, they are the ones that deals with offensive and mobile warfare. To represent this, this upgradable building gives you a massive amount of retinue size :





                            The Noumera is basically the garrison of Constantinople. I let you discover the specifics yourself :


                            Cities & Churches

                            Now , let's talk about another aspect of Byzantium, the cities and Churches.

                            The cities are now given a new building to represent their characteristics. They have a badly equipped and relatively useless force of police that deals with the city defense, but they make very bad soldiers. They are rarely called to war, but the city itself is richer than its Western counterparts, giving you more money :


                            The cities can however developp a set of better soldiers to let them join offensive campaigns for the Politeia of the Romans , but at the cost of some financial prosperity for the city :


                            About the Church . Contrarily to the Western ones , the Byzantine religious guides are not required to fulfill a military service to their lords. That means the Churches will not give you troops, but they will give you more money and , as they serve as strongholds in time of war, they will give you a fortification bonus :


                            Army of Italy

                            The Byzantines have a specific building for Italian cities , the army of Italy (Exercitus Italiae ) . I will let you discover this here , but it is quite neat :


                            (Normalement, dans la dernière version que je t'ai donné, Byzance à des grosses compagnies de mercenaires réservées (en plus des mercenaires "normaux", nombreux dans la région), comme les Alains, les Pharnagoi, des Franco-Normands, etc.)

                            That is all for now. Have a nice day !


                            • Les musulmans sont presque complet au niveau des bâtiments :


                              • Du coup on tape dans du combien de soldats pour Cordoue par exemple ?

