potential = { is_subject = no has_dlc = "we definitely haven't named this yet" NOT = { has_reform = pirate_republic_reform } NOT = { has_reform = merchant_republic } NOT = { has_reform = dutch_republic } NOT = { has_reform = colonial_government } NOT = { has_reform = shogunate } NOT = { has_reform = elective_monarchy } NOT = { has_reform = celestial_empire } NOT = { has_reform = daimyo } NOT = { has_reform = revolutionary_republic_reform } NOT = { has_reform = revolutionary_empire_reform } NOT = { has_reform = american_republic } NOT = { has_reform = trading_city } NOT = { has_reform = free_city } NOT = { has_reform = federal_republic } NOT = { has_reform = veche_republic } NOT = { has_reform = merchants_reform } NOT = { has_reform = venice_merchants_reform } NOT = { tag = PAP } # just no is_emperor = no OR = { government = monarchy government = republic } NOT = { num_of_cities = 7 } NOT = { any_owned_province = { NOT = { AND = { has_port = yes OR = { region = maghreb_region province_is_on_an_island = yes } } } } } } allow = { stability = 2 navy_size_percentage = 0.9 NOT = { num_of_subjects = 1 } home_trade_node = { privateer_power = { country = ROOT share = 10 } } is_bankrupt = no is_at_war = no }
barbary_pirate_ideas = { start = { galley_power = 0.2 privateer_efficiency = 0.2 } bonus = { republican_tradition = 0.5 legitimacy = 1 } trigger = { has_reform = pirate_republic_reform OR = { culture_group = maghrebi tag = TET } } free = yes barbary_slave_trade = { trade_efficiency = 0.1 } galley_slaves = { global_sailors_modifier = 0.25 galley_cost = -0.2 } vengeful_refugees = { own_coast_naval_combat_bonus = 1 } mazmorras = { diplomatic_reputation = 1 } barbary_fortified_strongholds = { defensiveness = 0.2 } heirs_of_al_andalus = { unjustified_demands = -0.25 } barbary_board_of_captains = { pr_captains_influence = 0.1 possible_mil_policy = 1 } } pirate_ideas = { start = { navy_tradition = 1 free_leader_pool = 1 } bonus = { unjustified_demands = -0.25 } trigger = { has_reform = pirate_republic_reform } free = yes pirates_religious_apathy = { no_religion_penalty = yes } pirates_plunder = { loot_amount = 0.25 } pirates_bucanneers_ideas = { infantry_cost = -0.1 } pirates_sail_in_consort = { global_naval_engagement_modifier = 0.2 } pirates_elected_quartermasters = { global_unrest = -2 naval_morale = 0.1 } pirate_bays = { own_coast_naval_combat_bonus = 1 } pirate_life_of_liberty = { rebel_support_efficiency = 0.25 sailors_recovery_speed = 0.1 } } galley_slaves:0 "Galley Slaves" galley_slaves_desc:0 "Not all of the slaves we capture are sold in the East; many are fated to serve on the galleys, ensuring a ready supply of seamen to row our ships." vengeful_refugees:0 "Vengeful Refugees" vengeful_refugees_desc:0 "As both Muslims and Moriscos are expelled by the Christians of Iberia, refugees flee to the Maghreb. These refugees are none too pleased about being displaced, and eagerly accept the opportunity to profit from their downfall." mazmorras:0 "Mazmorras" mazmorras_desc:0 "Christian princes tell grim tales about our dungeons, the dreaded Mazmorras. Here we keep our most valuable captives, those with wealthy family members with the money to pay for their safe return. The conditions typical in the Mazmorras ensure that ransoms are paid swiftly." barbary_slave_trade:0 "The Barbary Slave Trade" barbary_slave_trade_desc:0 "Raiding is an especially profitable occupation for the pirates of the Barbary Coast due to the high price that Christian slaves can fetch in Turkish and Arabian markets." barbary_fortified_strongholds:0 "Fortified Pirate Strongholds" barbary_fortified_strongholds_desc:0 "A pirate stronghold must be fortified against attack from both land and sea. We must constuct defenses for our cities to repel invaders." heirs_of_al_andalus:0 "Heirs of Al-Andalus" heirs_of_al_andalus_desc:0 "Among those fleeing the Reconquista in Spain are the former Princes and Princesses of Al-Andalus, the great Muslim empire that once spanned nearly the whole of Iberia. These nobles are eager to restore their lost realms by any means necessary." barbary_board_of_captains:0 "Board of Captains" barbary_board_of_captains_desc:0 "We must establish a council of our most skilled Captains to guide and regulate piracy and the slave trade in our nation." pirates_plunder:0 "Plunder!" pirates_plunder_desc:0 "The Pirate Republic lives and dies by the amount of plunder we can haul back to our ports. Let's take everything that isn't nailed down! On second thought, let's take everything that is nailed down too. And the nails!" pirates_bucanneers_ideas:0 "Buccaneers" pirates_bucanneers_ideas_desc:0 "We take our recruits from the desperate and the outcast. Self-proclaimed 'civilized' nations routinely enslave those they consider their inferiors and forcibly press their own countrymen into military service. Those who escape the bonds of tyranny find a home in our Republic." pirates_sail_in_consort:0 "Sail in Consort" pirates_sail_in_consort_desc:0 "A single hunter is easily outmaneuvered or outgunned on the open ocean. When we sail in consort we can use our numbers to great tactical advantage." pirates_elected_quartermasters:0 "Elected Quartermasters" pirates_elected_quartermasters_desc:0 "Quartermasters on a pirate ship are elected representatives of the crew. They advocate the crew's needs to the captain and act as counterweight to his often arbitrary authority." pirate_bays:0 "Pirate Bays" pirate_bays_desc:0 "Our coastline is littered with hidden coves and defensible bays that we can use to lure would-be pirate hunters into a deadly ambush." pirate_life_of_liberty:0 "Life of Liberty" pirate_life_of_liberty_desc:0 "The liberties we enjoy as free men are the envy of the peasants, slaves, and conscripts who toil for the profit of their superiors. Our smugglers should begin to distribute propaganda to stoke their resentment in the hopes that they will rise up and join our cause." pirates_religious_apathy:0 "Religious Apathy" pirates_religious_apathy_desc:0 "What does it matter which god the pirates worship? Their souls are likely damned regardless."
portuguese_corps_of_fusiliers = { trigger = { OR = { tag = POR tag = BRZ } } modifier = { movement_speed_onto_off_boat_modifier = -0.66 flagship_landing_penalty = -2 naval_maintenance_flagship_modifier = 0.5 } } integrated_marines = { trigger = { NOT = { tag = POR tag = BRZ } } modifier = { movement_speed_onto_off_boat_modifier = -0.33 naval_maintenance_flagship_modifier = 0.5 } } scandinavian_flag_officers = { trigger = { OR = { tag = DAN tag = NOR tag = SCA } } modifier = { admiral_skill_gain_modifier = 0.03 naval_maintenance_flagship_modifier = 0.5 } } flag_officers = { trigger = { NOT = { tag = DAN tag = NOR tag = SCA } } modifier = { admiral_skill_gain_modifier = 0.01 naval_maintenance_flagship_modifier = 0.5 } } spare_jolly_roger = { trigger = { } modifier = { privateering_efficiency_in_fleet_modifier = 0.25 naval_maintenance_flagship_modifier = 0.5 } } captains_log = { trigger = { } modifier = { naval_tradition_in_fleet_modifier = 1 prestige_from_battles_in_fleet_modifier = 1 naval_maintenance_flagship_modifier = 0.5 } }