# Spread of Protestantism province_event = { id = 2002 title = "EVTNAME2002" desc = "EVTDESC2002" picture = RELIGION_eventPicture trigger = { is_religion_enabled = protestant religion = catholic NOT = { religion_years = { protestant = 100 } } NOT = { is_year = 1700 } NOT = { province_id = 118 # Rome owner = { government = papal_government } } } mean_time_to_happen = { months = 1000 # Positive modifiers modifier = { factor = 0.75 owner = { NOT = { adm = 2 } religion = catholic } } modifier = { factor = 0.9 owner = { adm = 5 religion = protestant } } modifier = { factor = 0.1 NOT = { religion_years = { protestant = 12 } } OR = { owner = { has_country_flag = "protestant_reformation" } any_neighbor_province = { owner = { has_country_flag = "protestant_reformation" } } } } modifier = { factor = 0.70 any_neighbor_province = { religion = protestant } } modifier = { factor = 0.75 any_neighbor_province = { religion = protestant culture_group = ROOT } } modifier = { factor = 0.70 NOT = { religion_years = { protestant = 6 } } } modifier = { factor = 0.70 NOT = { religion_years = { protestant = 12 } } } modifier = { factor = 0.75 has_province_modifier = "heresy" } modifier = { factor = 0.75 owner = { religion = catholic protestant = 0 } # Tolerance to protestants } modifier = { factor = 0.8 owner = { religion = protestant has_idea_group = religious_ideas } } modifier = { factor = 0.9 owner = { religion = protestant is_defender_of_faith = yes } } modifier = { factor = 0.9 owner = { has_idea_group = innovativeness_ideas } } modifier = { factor = 0.95 owner = { has_country_modifier = the_statue_in_restraint_of_appeals } } # Negative modifiers modifier = { factor = 1.25 religion_years = { protestant = 6 } } modifier = { factor = 1.5 religion_years = { protestant = 12 } } modifier = { factor = 2.0 religion_years = { protestant = 20 } } modifier = { factor = 1.5 religion_years = { protestant = 30 } } modifier = { factor = 1.5 religion_years = { protestant = 40 } } modifier = { factor = 2.0 religion_years = { protestant = 50 } } modifier = { factor = 4 religion_years = { protestant = 75 } } modifier = { factor = 3 owner = { NOT = { religion = protestant } has_idea_group = religious_ideas } } modifier = { factor = 5 owner = { NOT = { religion = protestant } is_defender_of_faith = yes } } modifier = { factor = 2.0 owner = { NOT = { religion = protestant } government = theocratic_government } } modifier = { factor = 2.0 NOT = { owner = { religion_group = christian } } } modifier = { factor = 4.0 owner = { government = papal_government } } modifier = { factor = 4.0 owner = { religion = reformed } } modifier = { factor = 1.1 owner = { num_of_cardinals = 1 } } modifier = { factor = 1.1 owner = { num_of_cardinals = 2 } } modifier = { factor = 1.1 owner = { num_of_cardinals = 3 } } modifier = { factor = 4.0 is_overseas = yes } modifier = { factor = 6.0 owner = { religion = catholic } OR = { culture_group = latin culture_group = iberian } } modifier = { factor = 6.0 owner = { has_country_modifier = counter_reformation } } } option = { name = "EVTOPTA2002" change_religion = protestant add_permanent_province_modifier = { name = "religious_zeal_at_conv" duration = 9000 } } } # Spread of Protestantism 02 province_event = { id = 2003 title = "EVTNAME2002" desc = "EVTDESC2002" picture = RELIGION_eventPicture trigger = { is_religion_enabled = protestant religion = orthodox NOT = { religion_years = { protestant = 100 } } NOT = { is_year = 1700 } any_neighbor_province = { religion = protestant } } mean_time_to_happen = { months = 1200 # Positive modifiers modifier = { factor = 0.2 NOT = { religion_years = { protestant = 12 } } OR = { owner = { has_country_flag = "protestant_reformation" } any_neighbor_province = { owner = { has_country_flag = "protestant_reformation" } } } } modifier = { factor = 0.75 NOT = { religion_years = { protestant = 5 } } } modifier = { factor = 0.75 NOT = { religion_years = { protestant = 10 } } } modifier = { factor = 0.75 has_province_modifier = "heresy" } modifier = { factor = 0.75 owner = { protestant = 0 } # Tolerance to protestants } modifier = { factor = 0.8 owner = { religion = protestant has_idea_group = religious_ideas } } modifier = { factor = 0.8 owner = { religion = protestant is_defender_of_faith = yes } } # Negative modifiers modifier = { factor = 1.4 religion_years = { protestant = 12 } } modifier = { factor = 1.4 religion_years = { protestant = 20 } } modifier = { factor = 1.4 religion_years = { protestant = 30 } } modifier = { factor = 1.4 religion_years = { protestant = 40 } } modifier = { factor = 2 religion_years = { protestant = 50 } } modifier = { factor = 4 religion_years = { protestant = 75 } } modifier = { factor = 2 owner = { NOT = { religion = protestant } has_idea_group = religious_ideas } } modifier = { factor = 2 owner = { NOT = { religion = protestant } is_defender_of_faith = yes } } modifier = { factor = 2.0 owner = { NOT = { religion = protestant } government = theocratic_government } } modifier = { factor = 4.0 owner = { religion = reformed } } modifier = { factor = 6.0 owner = { has_country_modifier = counter_reformation } } } option = { name = "EVTOPTA2002" change_religion = protestant add_permanent_province_modifier = { name = "religious_zeal_at_conv" duration = 9000 } } }