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  • Suite et news ?

    Bonjour à tous,

    Je voulais savoir si Paradox avait annoncé quelque chose pour le prochain DLC ? Sur quoi il travail actuellement, etc.
    D'habitude il y a des news assez régulièrement, à moins que j'ai loupé un truc ?


  • #2
    Ils ont fait des annonces dans le dernier DD oui:
    So what are we up to now?
    We have been wanting to shorten the time between content update for a while and are going to take a serious stab at it now. That means that we are currently working on two things at once in parallel actually. In the pipe we have1.10 ‘Collie as well as 1.11 Barbarossa. That's about as much information as I can give you right now. We are not yet ready to start dev diaries on ‘Collie’ but look forward to it some time after summer vacation. We have some massively awesome stuff planned and I think you are all gonna like it (if people wanna see the roadmap, it was last updated in this dev diary).

