Je crée ce topic pour permettre à Mundus de remettre la main sur ce sympathique mod d'invasion Zombie en 1836.
Alors que s'annonce l'époque Victorienne, un mal étrange plus ancien encore que l'Hommes se réveille. Les gens contaminés meurent, puis se relèvent. Ils ne reconnaissent plus leurs proches, leurs amis, leurs familles. Ils sont assoiffés de sang et de chaire. Ils ne sentent pas la douleur.
Préparez-vous, car les morts-vivants arrivent. Saurez-vous sauvegarder vos États? Saurez-vous sauver votre peuple?
Pour ceux qui ont une machine de guerre, la version POD est meilleure que celle de 3.03 pour les mécaniques, mais semble créer moins de wasteland à coloniser. Par contre, pour les deux versions: Ca rame à mort entre 1840 et 184X.
Si ça vous fait plaisir, et que vous cherchez d'autres mods, je peux créer d'autres topics dans ce genre. Survivez bien!
Page originale:
ZomgK3tchup (and Friends!) Proudly Presents
A Victoria 2 Modification
A Victoria 2 Modification
For Heart of Darkness AND Pop Demand ModAre you ready for the zombie apocalypse? Are you this guy? Probably not. So how do you think you can lead your 19th century colonial empire through the apocalypse? Sometime in 1836, there was an outbreak of the mythical Solomon Virus – a highly infectious disease that turns its victims into mindless zombies! These zombies began their horrific assault on human civilization, and you and your people were the only thing standing between them and the extinction of the human race. What? You don't remember that? Maybe it's because you haven't played APOCALYPSE 1836!
Okay, enough cheesiness. Onto the good stuff.
- A new rebel type, Zombie.
- A new government type, State of Emergency.
- Event chain to simulate the spread of the zombie apocalypse.
- Event chain to simulate your ultimate victory… or downfall.
- Immigrants prefer democracies, even if they're in a state of emergency.
- Immigrants are half as likely to go to a country that has zombie outbreaks.
- Immigrants are three times as likely to go to a county that has suppressed plague outbreaks.
- Once you defeat the zombie hordes, you can choose to life the state of emergency or declare yourself absolute monarch/dictator of your country.
- If every nation falls, the zombies will starve and leave you to pick up the shattered remains of civilization.
Zombies WILL swarm your provinces. Once occupation is complete, the zombie plague will spread and more will rise. When a nation falls, the zombies will cross the border and attack its neighbors. To combat these creatures, it’s best to bottleneck or isolate them and then lay siege in large numbers. Never attack if their hordes are larger than your armies, and never, ever, let them take your capital.
State of Emergency
A state of emergency will suspend your nation’s elections and allow you to appoint a political party. Also, certain decisions and events will be unavailable until the state of emergency has been lifted. Be warned, once you declare a state of emergency, you cannot lift it until your home provinces have been liberated.
Spreading the Solomon Virus…
The Solomon Virus will spread under the following circumstances.
• It will spread from province to province...
• Between neighboring nations...
• Between the Old and New World.
NEW! The zombie plague will spread from China to Japan, Denmark to Iceland, France to Madagascar, the United Kingdom to Oceania, and the United States to the Caribbean.
There are some countries, such as Hawaii and Sokoto that will remain zombie-free because of their lack of neighbors and general isolationism.
Fight for Survival
Losing the apocalypse means the ultimate collapse of civilization. This will occur if almost every country in the world loses its capital to the zombies. Likewise, the traditional Great Powers have special events to simulate the fall of their once mighty empires.
Special Thanks to...
The Age of Colonialism Team whose events were an invaluable reference.
The Vicky II Wiki and OHGamer who complied a list of commands, effects, and scopes.
The Zombie Survival Wiki which I used as a base for flavor material.
Slan, whose HOI3 mod was my inspiration for this.
And especially, Rylock who answered all my random coding questions.