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  • #91

    En fait les mecs sont en train de bosser la dessus, de plus il y a un éditeur sur le prototype du coup y a des mecs qui ont déjà fait beaucoup plus intéressant.

    Donc là ce n'est juste qu'une carte de base avec la possibilité d'avoir des cartes beaucoup plus grandes dans le jeu définitif je l'espère :



    • #92
      Autant Minecraft est peut être "laid" mais c'est dû à son style graphique cubique, autant là je trouve le truc foutrement moche et c'est pas le style graphique qui veut ça.

      En tout cas, sur cette image, on se sent moins à l'étroit


      • #93
        Franchement je trouve ce jeu très joli, ce n'est pas tellement le nombre de pixels qui compte pour rendre un jeu joli, c'est plutôt la touche des gars de Sauropod, la manière dont les choses sont dessinées qui compte pour moi, et franchement moi ça me convient, très épuré mais très parlant en même temps.

        Ils sont pas mignons ?

        Bref, sur ces considérations secondaires j'ai fait un tour sur leur blog pour voir où il en sont, bon rien de vraiment intéressant concernant les mécanismes du jeu, c'est principalement des infos sur le multijoueur et des choses plus mineures. En revanche ils indiquent mettre en place un mode de jeu survie qui peut être très intéressant je pense


        • #94
          D'accord avec toi sur la beauté d'un jeu, mais celui là j'aime pas trop (mais ça changera peut être avec le temps, on en est pas encore à la version finale). En revanche tes petits golems de pierres, eux, sont mignons !


          • #95
            Comme déjà dit, même s'il n'est pas spécialement beau, je ne le trouve pas moche, mais plutôt mignon. Je ne dirais pas que les graphismes sont un bon point pour le jeu, mais ils sont loin d'en être un mauvais. Après, je n'ai vu que des screenshots, j'attends de voir en jouant.

            Et de toute façon, autant ce jeu m'intéresse, autant je reste très sceptique. Il est hélas fort possible qu'ils se plantent et que ce jeu soit une merde... et j'espère vraiment que ce ne sera pas le cas.


            • #96
              Nouvelle entrée dans le journal :

              Pas grand chose d'important si ce n'est qu'ils se sont remis au boulot, qu'il fait aussi très chaud chez eux.

              Et un plantage assez marrant :


              • #97
                Un récapitulatif de l'année passée : http://www.sauropodstudio.com/kickst...t-anniversary/

                Avec tout plein de nouvelles infos pour le mois d'août.


                • #98
                  Le carnet de la semaine : http://www.sauropodstudio.com/dev-di...one-more-week/

                  We don’t have much time left before Castle Story goes up on Steam Early Access, and I can assure you that things are moving fast here.


                  This week we started up our internal testing with the alpha team we put together a few months back. First, they had to test the build in creative mode, testing out a few new features. We found a few bugs that were fortunately very easy to fix, and some others where we had to dig a little.
                  For example, we fixed one of the most annoying bugs from when you’re trying to build your castle. The Bricktron would have an exceptional memory when it came to destroying bricks. So, if you wanted to put a new brick down, they would always destroy it again as soon as it was set down.
                  We’ve also added a system that will show the paths of blocked Bricktrons. While a nice fix for an annoying issue, it was also rather demanding of the engine. So, we moved this feature into debug mode, so it will be off by default.
                  We’ve also thrown some fixes at the graphical side of the game. We’ve added the new crystal in, and also fixed some broken lighting. It’s now possible for the day/night cycle to run properly without causing too much of a problem.
                  Of course, this is just a short list of the things that we’ve been fixing with the feedback from the alpha team. They also dug into survival mode for the first time, even though it was a little tricky to launch the game mode since the new menu isn’t in yet. Fortunately, the new menu is almost complete, and they should get a glimpse of it this weekend.

                  We’ve added some voice sounds to the Bricktrons, and FX is currently working on a bunch of additional ones to be implemented soon’ish. He’s also tweaking the sounds of the bows. Here is a little example of what he’s gotten accomplished so far. Please note that this is a work in progress, and that the sounds won’t be constant. But, for the purpose of testing it out and showing what’s been done, we had to make them really yappy.

                  We’ve finally fully implemented the new explosion shader into the game. There’s a lot of detail in it, and the results are really neat! We use it in a lot of different situations, such as when the crystal or a barrel explodes. It’s always fun to watch in action.

                  We don’t really do screenshots of the game in action all that often. But, since I had to test the new builds out, we came up with a couple screen shots of the game in it’s current state.


                  We added a new little feature to the explosive barrels this week. Now, when they explode, they leave some objects behind. It also did something a little unexpected, which resulted in our bug of the week.


                  • #99

                    Dispo en accès anticipé sur Steam à 18,99


                    • Un message assez intéressant sur Steam sur les effets secondaires d'un Kickstarter trop réussi :

                      I speak as a moderator on the forums and someone that speaks to the devs, but not as a dev myself - I should just put that out there now.

                      Yes, there has been a recent push, and this was, it seems, partly brought about by people on the forums compaining about the delays.

                      But I just want to put out there, and this is not really what the devs have direct said but how the situation seems to me - more money does not = a quicker game development.

                      Now, in a large studio where there are dozens of devs and getting double the money = getting more devs to make the game go faster/better, then yes, more money can mean faster development because more people are added to the product.

                      However in this instance, with a small indie studio, they did not want to expand their team to 30 people (from the original 2 and one part-time/volunteer). The game was their creation and just bloating out the team would dilute the game. Furthurmore, they would have spend months just hiring more staff, orgnaising themselves as a dev house (instead of 2 guys who were at university together) etc. Honestly, I think we still wouldn't have a finished game in that case anyway.

                      However, what did happen was that they asked for $80k, which would have paid the bills for a few months, paid for a few dev tools they needed, and alllowed them to implement some more mechanics and polish and bug fixing. Honestly, it was an optimistic timeline even for what was originally planned, but only by a couple of months. But then something else happened - they made $700k.

                      Now there were two route that the development could have gone down. They could have made the originally planned, $80k value game and then just kept the other $620k in profit. Or they could make a $700k game which, I'm sure you can understand, would take much, much longer, especially since they weren't planning on a huge team. They have expanded to 6 people, but still progress is not at rocket speed. These are not a super experience team, the two core developers are actually fresh out of university I think.

                      Furhturmore, they have run into huge problems they didn't anticipate, probably through a combination of the changing scope of the game, and frankly, a lack of experience. They got all the dev tools to make the game a lot easier and better, but all their old hand-written code from scratch was not really compatable or didn't work properly with the new stuff, and they have pretty much recoded the game from scratch over the last year, rather than just finishing off the jumbled code mess that it was in during the kickstarter. As you might appreciate, this means not much front-end improvement and changes.

                      Now, I was a kickstarter backer, its how I first got really involved with the game (having seen about it a few months before the KS and reading the blog but thats it). I too would love to have a game by now. But I for one am much happier waiting for another year to get a finished, awesome game, than recieving a rushed, limited scope game 6 months ago.


                      • Le jeu est super sympa !!!
                        Les contrôles ne sont pas évidents, mais construire sont château est formidable.


                        • Même avis que Turigors. C'est pas très intuitif, il faut un temps d'adaptation, mais une fois pris en main c'est vraiment très fun !


                          • Il est jouable (stabilité, bugs, gameplay actuel) ? Les principales fonctions sont intégrées ? La construction oui mais quid de la partie défense ? Quelles sont les limites actuelles (gameplay encore basique, contenu limité, etc.) ?


                            • Je n'est pas vue de bug pour l'instant, mais les villageois mette du temps a comprendre les taches.
                              Le gameplay est encore basique il est en beta


                              • Mon ordi est excessivement lent en mode survie, vous aussi ?

