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  • Indestructible la bête ? Il doit bien y avoir un moyen :\


    • A part par Cave-in (éboulement) je crois pas qu'une bestiole en acier ou en adamantine peut etre tuée.
      (Et ptet au magma ?)


      • Attention, spoiler (tiré du wiki):
        Material Composition
        Water, Grime, Filth, Salt, Steam, Smoke : Incredibly fragile. Unless paired with a dangerous attack method, these should not be a threat at all.
        Fire: While very fragile, fire is incredibly !!fun!!. This type of forgotten beast will usually stay at the edge of the map and may burn large parts of the cavern when it first enters. Engagement should be avoided if it does not path to your fortress (and into a trap) as it could cause casualties with fire spread, contact, and fireballs (passive ability). Dropping an unarmed goblin or 2 or a ceiling on top of it should kill it as it will die as easily as any other gas beast.
        Flesh: Most forgotten beasts are fleshy. It's about the standard level of threat for a forgotten beast.
        Rock or Mineral: Tough, but nowhere near unbeatable. Metallic weapons should do the trick.
        Glass or Gem: Dangerous. You may want to eschew melee combat, unless you've got sufficiently good weapons and dwarves.
        Non-weapon grade metal: Not so hot for an inorganic FB. Shouldn't be much of a threat.
        Copper/Silver: Eh, it should be beatable if you've got a halfway decent military and weapons.
        Iron: It's quite possibly more dangerous than a bronze colossus, so be on your guard. Do not send anything against it that has less than steel weapons. Magma does nothing against these.
        Steel: That is official, the RNG hates you. These can be beaten only with cunning traps (magma won't do anything) or adamantine weapons.
        Adamantine: Run away. Seriously. Or use a cunning trap. But a forgotten beast made from adamantine is the absolute worst you can expect. You can kill it with cave-ins, obsidian encasing, but not much more.

        Body Shape
        Quadruped, Humanoid: about the average for FB's. Try and use cutting weapons to cripple them.
        Insect, Spider : Obnoxious because of the large amounts of redundant limbs.
        Blob : Possibly the worst body shape to fight. Has only a blunt push attack, which at a FB's size is deadly. Cannot be defeated by any instant kill blow (such as decapitation/bisection). Most blobs made of stone and metal will make your life miserable. Fleshy blobs can only be killed via blood loss.

        Walking: Normal movement.
        Flying: More dangerous than walking, for obvious mobility reasons. Be sure you only have one entry for your caverns.

        Special attack
        None: Consider yourself lucky. But beware, some beasts have passive abilities in addition to this, like fire balls for a beast composed of fire, or webs for a spider-based beast.
        Poisonous bite/sting: Not dangerous by FB standards.
        Solid glob spit/Liquid blob spit : Generally not dangerous, unless you forgot shields and shield use on your military for some reason.
        Fire breath: Unthreatening if you have shields and decent shield skill. Can start cavern fires, so be careful.
        Toxic blood/toxic vapor breath/toxic gas breath: Threat depends of the syndrome's effects. Can be harmless or kill your entire military. You may want to sacrifice something for seeing what the FB's extract does.
        Web spitter: Webs are incredibly deadly in melee, but do not help much in range. It will slaughter your whole melee squad with incredible ease, but not your ranged squad as long as the ranged squad is out of reach. Engage it with marksdwarves or kill it with a cunning trap.
        Deadly dust: Possibly the most fun attack a FB can come with. Deadly dust acts like cave-in dust, plus syndromes. It can be used against the beast if the material the FB is made of is weak (like flesh) and/or it has articulations or organs to be damaged, considering it will use the deadly dust and harm itself, however if it is strong enough it will be immune to his own deadly dust. Deadly dust is generally a very effective defense against melee and marksdwarves, but is a liability if the FB is fleshy and not a blob.


        • Suite à un siège moyen, il me reste 5 nains et 14 enfants
          La cause: je ne savais pas que les trolls pouvaient casser les grilles, ce qui a réduit ma technique de défense à néan, et en plus il n'y a pas moyen d'ordonner à ses nains de s'approcher des ennemis, même lorsqu'il y a un mur entre. C'est très embêtant quand on veut préparer des pièges.

          Bon, je vais fermer définitevement ma porte, je ne survivrai pas à une attaque supplémentaire.


          • 100% de mes nains sont à l'hôpital... si seulement je pouvais nommer médecin un des enfants!


            • une grille ?


              • Oui, Floor/Wall Grate. Je m'en sers pour boucher des couloirs ou des escaliers, et je les relie à des leviers.

                Bon, j'ai cheaté, via Dwarf Therapist: maintenant, je peux gérer les enfants comme des nains adultes. J'en ai un qui soigne les vieux, deux qui réparent les pièges et les autres nettoient et enterrent les morts


                • Et encore un siège... qu'ai-je donc fait au bon Dieu Amrok?


                  • Ce jeu me fait de plus en plus envie

                    Reste les graphismes absolument incompréhensibles!


                    • Il y a des packs graphiques pour remédier à ça

                      @Tutu : bah c'est pas vraiment de la triche rp parlant. Tous les nains adultes sont blessés, il est logique que les enfants en prennent soin et effectuent quelques tâches.


                      • Mais c'est bizarre, je leur donne des tâches, ils les font quand ils en ont envie, pas tout le temps...

                        Par contre, ça me fait remarquer que les enfants peuvent déjà avoir des skills légendaires


                        • 'y a du bug là dessous non ?


                          • Bououououu!!!!!

                            Bon, les attaques de gobelins toutes les 10 minutes, ça va, c'est gérable. Mais les Dead Walk tous les quarts d'heure, c'est plus embêtant. La dernière en date compte 129 corps elfes.
                            Mais je suis heureux, j'ai enfin eu des migrants (ça faisait 3 ans qu'aucun n'avait osé venir ), portant ma population à 24 adultes... dont 4 sont morts lors de la dernière embuscade...


                            • Si quelqu'un me guide pas à pas, je m'y met (Salaud de Turambar !)


                              • Et voilà: http://justeunnain.blogspot.fr/2011/...-partie-1.html

                                Tu n'as plus d'excuses

