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  • avec le DMUC mon jeu se retrouve mi-anglais mi-fran?ais il existe un moyen de le francis? compl?tement ?


    • pas du tout


      • L'actuelle version, à savoir la 5.5, est-elle pleinement compatible avec la version ETW 1.6 ? Où est-ce que la version 5.6 fera l'adaptation ? (Je n'utilise pas le DMUC, seulement le DM)


        • la prochaine version du darthmod ne sera pas la 5.6... mais la 6.0. Voici ce que l'on pourra y trouver :
          New in DarthMod 6.0:
          -Optimized for 1.6 patch (removed the AI formation pack used by previous version of DarthMod).
          -Corrected Ghoorkas having no shield defense value and deleted Death Head Hussar wrong shield Value (Vanilla bug reported by zowrath).
          -Trade and Fish ports can now raise 4th and 5th rates at higher tiers. Also Naval Hospital can now raise 1st rate, over 1st rate and some other ships except the steam ships which can only be created in Steam DryDocks. Result: AI and Human player can raise much powerful fleets with varied composure and not spam too many trade ships, sloops, brigs etc.
          -Increased upkeep costs of Native Americans so that they can not support big armies but they are still cheap to be raised quickly.
          -Melee units upkeep costs increased, the same done with special units of Maratha + unit recruit limits enabled (for example Sikh troops) so that Maratha cannot overrun easily with quality armies their neighbours.
          -Bargir infantry not so powerful as before (They have the numbers to compensate). Mughal and Persian musketeers combat skills increased (they were low). This is another trick to weaken the Maratha.
          -New models and textures for The Ottoman's Nizam-I-Cedit units (Provided fully by zowrath).
          -Camel gunners abilities increased: They can dismount as Dragoons, fire from horse back, their abilities are enhanced, making them a harder unit to fight in battle (Thanks to zowrath for the original idea and the great implementation help).
          -New animations for cavalry and infantry: an original idea mod of yanxu. Cavalry units have more pluralism in Death and idle occasions. Infantry stands in a different manner. These animations add more realism perception for the tactical battles.
          -New help distances for CAI, hopefully encouraging naval invasions and Alliance helping.
          -New special characteristics for each kind of CAI (For example Natives will prefer to raid more and will ally with powerful and nearby neighbours, Trade countries will use more their strategy to gain diplomatic and trade agreements, Maritime countries will use more army for naval invasions etc. (I am unsure if this works 100%). This character modding of CAI was inspired by Zowrath who proposed to add some lines to encourage better army stacking for CAI and then it was fully implemented by me as a full scale idea to add more layer of code.
          -New naval units limits (with the 4th-5th rate ships now more easily recruited the CAI liked to spam them so this had to be done).
          -More campaign movement points for auxiliary and trade ships (Brigs, Sloops, Indiaman, Xebecs, Dhows etc.) and also to special ships and steam ships. The result is more easy reach and support of trade lines and more historic usage of the smaller vessels.
          -New Maratha Light Infantry unit created from Zowrath.
          -USS Constitution got 32 pounder cannon (Vanilla historical fix by Zowrath).
          -Some naval crew fixes of equipment not showing (Vanilla Bug Fix by Zowrath).
          -The return of the vanilla classes... now that CA has decided to finally fix the formations to 1-line as proposed so many times by ME. 1.6 Patch Formations are identical to DarthMod formations prior the patch with my class fixes. Yes = identical. Probably they implemented some other code to fix AI, but anyways now the skirmisher class innovation fix is no longer needed (It works but it is not as necessary as before). The side effects of units to show as skirmishers and not to have correct regiment names is now fixed.
          -DarthMod Lite now includes everything except the Smoke and Sound Effects which may slow down older PCs. DarthMod Lite is now (DarthMod) - (Smoke & Sound effects) I repeat!
          -New CAI developments: CAI characters gained even more level of characterization (Important to use the new starting positions!). Some faction will prefer to develop more, some to raid more, some to create large armies, some to attack in larger stacks than to separate to raid.... too many to list. You have to witness that. (Thanks to Zowrath for the very good feedback and ideas for this).
          -Unit Spotting parameters lowered by 50%. Now the units can hide but also behave intelligently as well (not blind as in vanilla). The new patch of CA made that possible to lower. Thanks to hip also for the original idea and reminder to look at this.
          -Special care and balance in the battle system to make it fit to the new BAI. Melees more decisive and chaotic, cavalry more lethal and penetrating, musketry slightly more devastating... it is excellent I guarantee. Play as many battles as you can! They will be not enough! You will want more!
          -Minor balance changes for British/Prussian Line infantry. British Line Infantry reload reduced from 30 to 27, Prussian Line Infantry Accuracy increased from 35 to 38. (Thanks to Alhoon for the feedback).
          -Spotting distance ratio for cavalry changed and seems that this affected the premature cavalry charges (common AI behaviour). The AI does behave overally better with these values. Light Infantry and Infantry are the main spotters of the Army. General and cavalry will be sentinels around.
          -Cavalry is penetrating and enduring in battle, not murdered easily. Now you can organize cavalry assaults to flanks or even heroic frontal charges at crucial moments and end the battle. You must fear AI armies with cavalry.
          -Melee penetrations of infantry has been balanced as well and a lot of other parameters affecting turning rates, radiuses, charge distances, hit points etc.
          -Morale impacts of artillery has been increased.
          -Fatigue has been normalised so as not to show as fresh soldiers those who have not moved but are engaged in prolonged projectile fire.

          Cela devrait sortir d'ici peu (une semaine a peu pr?s).


          • Merci pour l'info

            Encore de nombreuses am?liorations qui promettent ! D?cid?ment, ce mod a transform? litt?ralement l'exp?rience de jeu sur ETW, c'est dingue le travail qui a ?t? fait.


            • Sympa :



              • DM/DMUC 6.0 disponible au t?l?chargement !



                • C'est d?cid?, je r?installe ETW


                  • installé ! Mais j'ai pas le son de l'intro que l'on peut voir ci-dessus... Mais bon, cela ne m'empêchera pas d'aller baffer de la tunique rouge, des que j'en aurai le temps

                    Ps : quelqu'un connait il le titre de la musique qui illustre l'intro ?


                    • D'apr?s quelqu'un sur twcenter c'est l'hymne de la marine sovi?tique.


                      • On retrouve ce morceau de musique dans le film "A la poursuite d'Octobre Rouge" donc cela peut sentir l'air marin...

                        Paroles (et musique ?) Basil Poledouris ( le compositeur de Conan le Barbare ...)


                        • merci.


                          • Il n'existe tjs pas de traduction FR ? faudrait voir à se remuer les gars ! ().
                            Disons que je suis très intéressé par ce mod qui change la campagne en quelque chose de presque correct, mais que je hais l'anglais ...


                            • bienvenu au club

                              il va falloir te contenter du darthmod


                              • Si tu installes le DMUC, tu peux avoir le jeu en fran?ais, en allemand, en anglais, en turko-malgache ( non l? je d?conne).Tu lances le DMUC, tu vas dans options/gameplay option, et tu changes la langue (dernier choix en bas).

