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  • Blackadder
    a répondu
    Ah voil?, sur vista c'est pareil je crois. Quelle imagination quand m?me...

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  • ze-cid
    a répondu
    si... un coup j'ai cherché 30 minutes

    sur seven c'est :
    c/utilisateur/moi/AppData/Roaming/The Creative Assembly/Empire/save_games

    et histoire de bien être des gros cons chez CA, AppData est caché; donc avant pour voir les dossiers cachés il faut faire :
    - touche Alt
    - outils
    - option des dossiers
    - affichage
    et là faut cocher "afficher les dossiers, fichiers et lecteurs cachés".

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  • Blackadder
    a répondu
    Où est la sauvegarde déjà? C'est pas dans un répertoire far far away?

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  • ze-cid
    a répondu
    la vanilla tu l'as avec le DMUC. tu lances le raccourci habituel, tu as ETW vanilla, tu lances le raccourci DMUC (c'est la t?te de vador), tu as le DMUC.

    tu peux avoir le mod que tu veux sur la vanilla, et le DMUC est ? part. mais je pr?f?re pas tenter le diable et me retrouver avec des crashs bizarres.

    les ?l?ments qui passent en anglais... je fais pas trop gaffe, c'est m?lang?. mais presque tout, les technologies, la plupart des comp?tences, les descriptions d'unit?s.

    mah quand on connait le jeu, on n'a pas besoin de lire quoique ce soit, ? part la diplomatie.

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  • ze-cid
    a répondu

    Le darthmod + nombreux sous-mods, options de jeux, tout pleins de nouvelles unités et plusieurs campagnes... le tout s'installant en 2 clics. si c'est possible et cà existe : c'est le DMUC :

    procedure d'installation: instructions et telechargements, tout est centralisé ici :

    Nouveautés 5.5.1 :
    - MAJ avec DM 5.5,
    - unités suèdoises, russes, bavaroises,
    - équilibrages d'unités,
    - ajout d'un arbre dynastique,
    - MAJ de l'arbre technologique,
    - fix de bugs,
    - ajouts de quelques modalités dans les options.

    Nouveautés 5.4 :
    - Intégration du DM 5.4
    - Infanterie de ligne et légère se déploie sur 4 rangs.
    - Nouveaux étendards.
    - Nouvelles unités Francaises et Suèdoises.
    - Certaines unités du AUM retirées à la demande de nombreux joueurs car trop d'unités communes à toutes les factions (mais possibilité de télécharger une version qui conserve tout).

    DMUC = Darthmod, + inclu 70 sous-mods, et la possibilité de switcher des options de jeux :
    - 3 Campagnes: classique, tardive (1783-1850) ou guerres indiennes (pour ceux qui ont l'extension).
    - La plupart des factions retexturées.
    - Iroquois et Cheerokee jouables.
    - Nouvel arbre technologique : les techs buggées apportent de nouveaux bonus pour compenser.
    - Portraits et artworks.
    - Modification des sons, drapeaux, musiques, animations.
    - Toutes les factions disponibles en batailles personnalisées.
    - Mod AUM inclu (nombreuses unités supplémentaires).
    - Mod naval warfare inclu (amélioration/réalisme des combats navals).
    - Mod smoke and blood inclu (fumée/poudre à canons, sang).
    - Unités de garnisons modifiées (plus de milices et infanteries de ligne, moins de citoyens)
    - Coût des unités en batailles personnalisés sont réduits, pour créer des armées très puissantes.
    - Choisir 2, 3, ou 4 tours par an.
    - Choisir le temps de recherche des technos (normal, x2 ou x4).
    - Choisir le jeu avec ou sans grenades.
    - Choisir la qualité de précision de tir (x2 ou x4) pour l'artillerie.
    - Choisir la vitesse de rechargement (+25&#37 pour l'artillerie.
    - Choisir le nombre de bouches à feu (4, 6, ou 8), dans une unité d'artillerie.
    - Choisir différentes IA de formations de combat.
    - Choisir différents paramètrages de mousquetterie plus ou moins meurtriers.
    - Choisir entre jeu sans aucun forts ni murailles, avec seulement des fortins, ou classique.
    - Choisir full smoke, medium smoke, ou lite smoke (fumée dégagée par la poudre sur le champ de bataille)
    - Choisir la campagne normale ou la Ultimate Campaign.

    Ultimate Campaign :

    - Empire Moghol jouable.
    - Trésorerie multipliée par 5 au début (sauf les Marathes: x2,5).
    - Francais, Anglais, et Portugais ont un territoire en Indes.

    Ultimate Late Campaign :

    - Etats-Unis jouables.
    - Nouveaux placements en début de partie.
    - Trésorerie multipliée par 5 au début (sauf les Marathes: x2,5).
    - Nombreuses technologies développées dès le départ.

    Jolis uniformes Turks, Ecossais, Grecs, Hollandais, Marathes, etc :

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  • ze-cid
    a répondu
    Darthmod et DMUC


    Intelligence artificielle de campagne et bataille améliorées, nombreux bugs éliminés ou atténués, révision complète des paramètrages, unités plus grandes, difficulté accrue, voilà tout ce que propose le Darthmod.

    Dernière version = 6.0 enforced
    procedure d'installation: instructions et telechargements, tout est centralisé ici :

    Paramètrage fortement conseillé par les concepteurs :

    - Jouer la campagne en Domination Mondiale.
    - difficulté de Campagne : difficile (campagne plus molle en normal. en très difficile, nombreuses armées ennemies et diplomatie très compliquée). Le mieux étant de jouer en très difficile les factions les plus puissantes (Grande-Bretagne, France, Russie) et les autres en difficile.
    - difficulté de bataille : difficile (bonus/malus de moral/fatigue plus dynamiques qu'en normal, pour les unités du joueur comme pour celles de l'IA).

    - Système de combat optimisé : Nombre de soldats dans toutes les unités multiplié par 2, mousqueterie beaucoup plus léthale à courte portée qu'à longue distance, rééquilibrage de toutes les unités de toutes les factions. Mais surtout l'indispensable, à savoir les nombreuses améliorations de l'IA de bataille: cohésion de l'armée ennemie, flancages, longues lignes de bataille, meilleure réactivité, utilisation des armes à feux optimalisée, etc..
    - Système de bataille navale optimisé : Les navires manoeuvrent de facon plus réaliste, chaque faction a ses caractéristiques de combat spécifiques, nombreuses amélioration de l'IA de bataille.
    - IA de campagne optimisée : Indispensable également, la diplomacie plus logique et mieux équilibrée, utilisation plus dynamique et intelligente des armées et flottes, nombreux débarquements navals, etc, etc...

    (la dernière version contient toutes les autres cumulées bien sûr...)

    DarthMod 6.0 enforced :
    -AI de campagne améliorée: réactivité défensive, défense des ports et réparations navales.
    - Troupes de mélée indiennes et amérindiennes moins puissantes et résistantes, plus vulnérables aux volées de mousqueterie.
    - Naval : boulets chainés 35% mons efficaces, petits navires renforcés, navigation contre le vent plus difficile, 5èmes et 6èmes rangs avec plus de points de coque.
    - navires ont plus de mouvements sur la carte de campagne, les zones de commerce sont plus disputées, les invasions navales plus nombreuses (le hardcodage à cause des distances trop lointaines semblait brider les déplacements navals).
    - unités de mousquets meilleures contre unités de mélée et cavalerie, meilleure réactivité des unités en mélée.
    - Amérindiens peuvent tirer cachés, et se déplacer cachés.
    - Artillerie entièrement revue et améliorée, tous les types de canons deviennent intéressants (rockets, etc...). Calibrage amélioré pour mortiers et artillerie de campagne.
    - Carrés plus efficaces.
    - vieux mousquets moins puissants, les autres un peu plus puissants.
    - Fatigue plus efficiente (les unités se fatiguent plus vite, effet positif sur l'IA )

    DarthMod 5.5 :
    - révision des bonus de recherche.
    - fix du bug de banqueroute.
    - taxes ajustées.
    - unités de piquiers limitées à 6.
    - formations modifiées.
    - CAI plus aggressive et commerciale
    - CAI choisie mieux ses recrutements d'unités
    - ajustements paramètrages navals (rechargements, etc...), 5ème rangs plus forts
    - lanciers plus forts contre les autres cavaleries
    - amérindiens tirent plus vite (flèches et tomahawks).

    DarthMod 5.4 :
    - Implémentation de certaines améliorations du mod IA de bataille de Lunitk (notamment le positionnement amélioré de l'artillerie).
    - Recrutement des unités d'élite de l'est dans la campagne.
    - Charges de cavaleries plus puissantes.

    DarthMod 5.3 :
    - Ajout des unités d'élite de l'est "darthmodées".

    DarthMod 5.25 :
    - Hotfix sur le recrutement des généraux.
    - Autorésolution des combats optimisée.
    - IA répare mieux ses flottes de guerre.

    DarthMod 5.2 :
    - Les différents gouvernements sont plus personnalisés avec bonus/malus plus élevés.
    - Arbre technologique amélioré, rééquilibrage des technologies, "platoon fire" et "fire and advance" offrent maintenant de vrais avantages.
    - Limitation plus drastique du nombre d'unités de grenadiers dispo (effectivement on en avait beaucoup).
    - Composition des flottes de guerre mieux équilibrés.
    - Le plus important : correction d'un bug de CA qui empèchait l'IA d'embaucher suffisamment de généraux.

    DarthMod 5.1 :
    - Rééquilibrage de la cavalerie au corps-à-corps.
    - Le moral est plus sensible aux combinaisons de volées de mousqueterie et de charges successives au corps-à-corps: la vraie valeur des unités d'élites est plus visible.
    - IA de campagne améliorée : accepte et propose plus de traités de paix. Augmentation des invasions navales entre les différents théatres (europe/amériques/indes) d'opération. Meilleure coordination des alliances.
    - Conditions de victoires augmentées (plus de territoires)

    DarthMod 5.0 :
    - Meilleure réactivité de l'infantrie au mousquet, pour tirer et se positionner.
    - Bug de mélée de l'IA éradiqué.
    - Dommages des mousquets à longue portée légèrement augmentés.
    - Angle de tir de l'infantrie passe de 360° à 140°.
    - Nouveau générateur de champs de batailles en campagne : plus de diversité réaliste, avec plus de dépressions et de collines. Plus de bug de pathfinding pour les unités IA, qui utilisent mieux les points stratégiques du champ de bataille.
    - Nouvelles positions de départ en campagne, en Indes (territoires francais, anglais, et portugais).

    DarthMod 4.9 :
    - Formations des unités (nombre de rangs) optimalisés notamment pour ceux qui jouent avec la taille d'unité maximum. Les unités IA prennent moins d'angles bizarres et se positionnent mieux pour tirer et attaquer.
    - Cavaleries plus puissantes au corps-à-corps.
    - Fusilliers gallois peuvent utiliser le feu par rangs.

    DarthMod 4.8 :
    - Feu par rang et carré : dispos pour les garnisons d'infanterie de ligne.
    - Citoyens retexturés

    DarthMod 4.7 :
    - Amérindiens recrutent plus d'unités de corps-à-corps
    - 1 seule munition pour les lanceurs de haches.
    - Nouvelles unités de garnisons incluant de l'infanterie de ligne et autres.
    - Pénalités de morale pour l'infanterie contre la cavalerie (charges plus effrayantes).
    - Facteur de pénétration accrue pour la cavalerie.
    - Factions IA alliées augmentent leur périmètre d'entre-aide.

    DarthMod 4.6 :
    - Réduction du bug de mélée et amélioration du pathfinding en mélée.
    - Rapidité de déploiement et manoeuvre accrue pour les unités.
    - Meilleure réactivité des unités d'artillerie face aux manoeuvres enemies.

    DarthMod 4.5 :
    - Modifications des classes d'infanterie, controlant le système de formations. Toutes les unités de mousquets deveinnent 'skirmish" (tirailleurs), ce qui a pour résultat d'affronter des armées IA composées de longues formations toutes en lignes faisant feu à volonté.
    - Amélioration du visuel sur les mélées et sur les volées de mousqueterie (tous les soldats ne font pas feu exactement au même moment).
    - Légère pénalité de morale pour l'infanterie contre la cavalerie.

    DarthMod 4.4 :
    - Recrutement limité pour certains types d'unités spammés (auxilliaires amérindiens,...).
    - Insertion du pack formations darthmod, améliorant gameplay et mousqueterie.

    (je résumerais les changements antécédents quand je trouverais le temps)

    Special New in version 4.3
    -Lots of new land and naval recruit limits for units to allow less spamming in the campaign for AI.
    -Dahomey amazons unit size reduced.
    -360 degree system implemented for mounted troops also (those arguing about this must understand that the AI gets a lot benefit from the increased targeting arcs).
    -Synchronization of musketing fire and deployment optimized better (sometimes the human player waited a lot for the unit to get ready).
    -Mass penetrations optimized for the new targeting system.
    -Cavalry effectiveness increased for balance.
    -Reduced unit size of minutemen due to their light infantry behaviour.
    -DLC Elite Units of America adapted.
    -Extra formations removed because I noticed that AI cavalry is not used correctly.

    Special New in version 4.2
    -Made the naval technology to progress even more faster to help the AI develop in this area.
    -Class light infantry (skirmishers in DarthMod) gained role of riflemen (unknowncolumn4 in DB Editor of unit_tables db file). As I have said, I suspect that this column affects the way that units fight.
    -Efficiency of fighting and musketing of infantry increased by giving them 360 degrees targeting. Now the AI will not turn all the time to attack and will keep formation. Human player units are less dependent in micromanagement as they can fire in all directions of threat although they have to turn to gain maximum firepower, which AI does know that.
    -Synchronization of musketing and attack is more realistic (For example, watch how fire by rank shoots now... not all at the same time and the targeting is more dynamic which creates more lethal volleys).
    -Melee lethality increased to create more decisive momentums.

    Special New in version 4.1
    -Corrected the charge distance problem (Now charges do not need micromanagement and make it always and ferociously to the end)
    -I have seen that the research bonuses I have modded were overridden by vanilla (So many weak AI did not manage to build new kind of troops and ships because DarthMod has no economic handicaps for AI)... renamed the file and it is corrected.

    Special New in version 4.0
    -New BSM light incorporated inside DarthMod (DMUC allready has it)
    -Charge distance problem that was reported for the human player optimized but not fully corrected to preserve the current settings for the AI.
    -Mass radius changed a little to create more penetrations in melee.
    -Religion conversion became even more difficult.
    -Added DarthModformation.pack (Older state vanilla formations unmodded) which improves the AI.

    Special New in version 3.9
    -Finalized the whole system. The roles that will be used from the AI to the formations are transcoded to the following:
    Line Infantry, Grenadiers, Elite Infantry -> Melee Infantry (This role is used excellently by the AI to musket come close, musket again,charge, reform etc. and also you will notice that it is triggered a semi-fire and advance for the human player sometimes (try to melee attack with line infantry an enemy and watch that if it is too far away they will reform and musket in a good distance)
    Light Infantry and other rifle types -> Skirmish Infantry (This role is excellent for them, they do not stop shooting and also never charge, or attack at unfavourable odds.
    Militia Infantry is given to many citizen type units (This role is ideal for defending a city when there are many units of this type)
    -Updated for adaptation a lot other parameters in lethality of muskets and melee physics.
    This time... you will not be disappointed. Videos will follow.

    Special New in version 3.8
    -The endeavor of the melee bug fix and the increase of AI musket firing continues. A drastic solution is activated... zero to the mysterious xhold parameters of the kv_rules files. Death to them for a better AI. I have seen results. There are other things, changed but the idea that has started from 3.6 is preserved. Keep in mind that I cannot make the whole game ideal, because I have no mod tools. But DarthMod Empire optimizes it and it is obvious. Videos will follow.

    Special New in version 3.7
    -A very urgent hotfix to correct problems in 3.6 (I had corrupted installation files). Hopefully now you will see a large proportion of the improvements I planned to offer. Your feedback will help me to optimize the system.

    Special New in version 3.6
    -Reduced the reload and accuracy stats of some overpowered Indian units.
    -Campaign variables no longer overriden by vanilla (For example, you should see more reasonable Campaign AI and not so fast religion conversion.)
    -Updated the melee physics (More violence and penetrations of charges).
    -Found and eradicated a critical bug of CA which created melee bug. This is the correction methodology:
    *I have favoured in the fatigue db file the shooting and reloading fatigue penalties.
    *I have used a specific value system which "came" to me empirically to the "xholds parameters". I propose the exact values I have to all modders.
    *In the battle_entities db file I increased one specific parameter which, it seems to me, it affects a lot the targeting system of AI (watch where I have the value 180).
    *The most Important one! The following classes: Infantry_Elite, Light_Infantry are used by a bugged formation created by CA (I say), and because I cannot mod the formations, I excluded these classes (from the unit_tables db file) and replaced them with similar classes that are used well by the AI (Grenadiers, Skirmishers and to some I gave Infantry_Militia instead of Line_Infantry for the same reason). Also, Line_Infantry class is replaced by Grenadier Class. Now you will notice so much musketing that your ears will hurt and also AI will no longer square itself endlessly... what a bug was this? How did it pass from beta testing?

    What you see, with of course many other things implemented in DarthMod, a far better BAI behaviour in terms of musketing.
    Known side effects of my above mentioned indirect methodology to affect the AI:
    *In custom battles you will see the notification of some units not to be exact, for example Line Infantry to be acknowledged as "Grenadiers". Close your eyes in this... it is worth the effort!
    *Line Infantry and Elite Infantry will no longer start the battle with guard mode on.

    Special New in version 3.5
    DarthMod Empire has gone to a new level with this version. Everything concerning land battles and AI has been updated to create the best tension and challenge feeling ever seen in DarthMod. This version will be synchronized fully with the DarthMod Empire Ultimate Commander Edition Mod of hip63.
    In summary:
    -Melees + Penetrations + Charges are very much closer to reality and epic feeling. Especially to those who play WarPath you will notice how different are the battles against the firepower of the Europeans.
    -AI determination, approach and musketing has been enhanced (Various methodologies: Firing+targening arcs, attack direction factoring, AI unit roles in unit_tables files changed to press the AI to use them right (Needs testing from modders... it seems to me that it affects the AI), new melee offsets, melee + firing synchronization updated etc.)
    Note to all modders who adapt the unit stats of their mods to the core settings of DarthMod: You have to lower the reload ability of skirmishers units or other who "mass fire" to 1/3 approximately).
    -Included the updated UP retexture project of jarnomiedema.
    -WarPath low-level Indians got melee bonus, similarly as DarthMod has for the native Americans in the Grand Campaign (They were real fighters, not peasant fodder).
    -Starting postions updated (and included).
    -Grenadier unit recruitment level=12.
    -BSM 4.0 Light incorporated fully and internally to the darthmod.pack.
    -Changed cannon types for many ships.

    Special New in version 3.4
    -Urgent hotfixes included for some naval cannonade, reported by the feedback of Mr Frost.
    -Changed some cannons for some ships to another type.

    Special New in version 3.3
    -New garrison units for all factions available. European and Americans have militia, Native Americans have warriors and archers, Eastern and Indians have a mixture of musketeers and swordsmen. All these are added automatically in case of a siege with internal probability. It is better this way, instead of having to fight only peasant fodder.
    -Fixed a CTD issue with american pioneers and also corrected the unit number for native american chieftains.
    -Balanced the musketry better again (Close range even more lethal, long range not so accurate).
    -Infantry squares have less bonus against cavalry.
    -Cannon power increased a little in very long ranges.
    -I modded the "spot parameters" which seem to bug the AI thinking. I noticed that, after CA has announced an increase in this values, the problems of over maneuvering of AI was more existent. I have a new balance for them, which seems to me that increases 100% the musket behaviour of AI. Yes, it muskets far more, flanks, fires and charges... all that. Modders and DarthMod feedbackers have to test and tell me if this is improving a lot the gameplay.
    -Added the new textures for the Swedish superior line infantry of Ftmch.

    Special New in version 3.2 (Thanks to minehe for his urgent fix to DBEditor which helped me to mod).
    -Full Adaptation for the new patch 1.5 (All new Indian models have been Darthed).
    -Corrected a minor bug in the crew size of 3rd rates which became always -1 less after deployment.
    -Indian Artillery became very expensive (I do not like Indians with artillery). If they want it they must buy it with a lot of money.

    Special New in version 3.1
    -State gifts balanced better.
    -Naval deck crews increased almost to the limit of the game for each ship (There is something about a "mod4 relevance" between crew types which prevents more variation).
    -Ship hulls values normalized (weird CA numbers...), Great Britain has slightly less hull values (Lighter more agile ships), Russians more hull (slower and less agile ships).
    -The updated DB Editor allowed me to adapt some small changes in the unit_tables db file (MP unit limits and highlanders icons).

    Special New in version 3.0
    -Various modifications to adapt to the latest patch 1.4. New columns, some new values in db files etc.
    -Musket Lethality is significantly weaker in large range, comparing to last version, but still very large at close range.

    Special New in version 2.9
    -Very important musket targeting system update which makes the musketry more decisive (It was good but if a unit had low accuracy was too inaccurate before and the AI was also not able to come closer for the muskets to become really dangerous. Also in this way the behaviour of the AI is better.)
    -Isarelys campaign cost reduced to help the Ottomans grow larger armies
    -Azzars unit size made 180
    -I added scimitar weapon to desert and nomad warriors to affect their good melee skill
    -Several units got chain mail armour as their graphics show
    -I replaced the smoke to be as the light version of BSM (as per popular request)

    Special New in version 2.85
    -Several new mechanics for better indirect AI and melee mechanics
    -Musketry and effectiveness of musket men in the battlefield are enhanced
    -Corrected the militia texture bug which existed for the Dutch

    Special New in version 2.8
    -Balanced the grenade launcher units

    Special New in version 2.75
    -Very urgent hotfixes included (version 2,7 had bugs in the 3d model behaviour creating weird animation and lag, weak melees and musket fire). This was created due to my efforts to enhance the melee system, mass and charge penetration. In this version all seem OK after a lot of tweaks in various files. Finally you get a lot of violence in the battle system and not passiveness or "peaceful" melees which were sometimes odd.
    -Cohesion of many units have been improved (Especially the mob type big units e.g Ottoman, Desert Warriors etc.)
    -Azzars unit size reduced from 500 to 300 (It was too powerful with mass fire)
    -Galleys, Dhows, Xebecs have a better chance to hit targets and they are more useful

    Special New in version 2.7
    -Included the secret re-texture project for Sweden of Ftmch (Exclusive graphic work for DarthMod)
    -Extreme Cavalry penetration effects and a new "Havoc" system of melee (You will not be able to hold formation so easily now and chaos will be created)
    -Fixed the vanilla problem of quick Religion transformation (needs testing)
    -New cost balance for special Grenadier units of DLC
    -Carcass made more powerful
    -Cannon trails reduced to be less visible (Increase in FPS as well)
    -Prussian & Sweden Line Infantry melee parameters updated
    -Bows made more effective (slightly) from last version

    Special New in version 2.6
    -Some unit cost balance (Sikh Musketeers and some others)
    -Balance of Line Infantry has been re-worked
    -Yankee doodle music march is out
    -Bow fire damage increased slightly
    -Tomahawk damage decreased slightly
    -Diplomacy Gifts made more effective
    -Acceleration of ships made realistic
    -Chain-cannon fire has been more effective
    -Howitzer and Mortar solid shot made more effective
    -Solid Naval Cannon Balls made more effective
    -New things in balance of battles (Melees more cinematic and enduring and generally more challenge)
    -Added the United Provinces Retexture Project - Light Edition (v2.1: July 5th) of jarnomiedema and all his teamwork:
    Jarnomiedema (historical research and texture artist)
    Van Diemen (unit creator for Full Edition and texture artist)
    KindredBrujah (texture artist).

    Special New in version 2.5
    It was time to make the next step now that the mod looks more polished than ever:
    The mod from now on will evolute to a bigger, more self dependent state but will also try to allow other mod compatibility (Which means that mods which change the db files or units or other similar factors will not be included but will be compatible to add on top of DarthMod).

    -Added the first graphic work which is the Proper militia mod of Spanky (no more silly beret hats militia).
    -Added the Smoke and Blood Mod of Mech_Donald (spectacular sound, smoke and blood effects).
    -Updated the radius and some speed factors of troops (which creates more decisive close range musket fire, better melees, slightly more effective long range artillery hits, better penetrations and charges).
    -American militia unit size reduced from 500 to 400.
    -Arrow damage made less powerful for compensation to the new settings.
    -Various changes in file spacing of some units.
    -Galleons hitpoints reduced significantly (They were too powerful).
    -Mortar targeting calibration improved.
    -Grenadier cost increased 10%.
    -Fatigue effects balanced better (no more extaordinary penalties which caused units to move like turtles).

    -Technology rates made 30% less in cost so that the AI is no more finding difficulties to develop.
    -Region town development will be more frequent.
    -Trade income increased.
    -Several new improvements in CAI which creates a situation where the AI uses far greater its navy (patrols, blockades, defends, attacks and hopefully invades more), its army (Bigger stacks), and its attitude between the nations (better diplomacy, more resilient alliances, more decisive war efforts). I suggest to play Hard campaign difficulty which was the setting I tested.
    Special New in version 2.4
    -Updated the fatigue system (Exhaustion will not occur so soon and also other).
    -Movement speeds + acceleration of units updated and improved.
    -Hitpoints of Elephants increased.
    -Hitpoints of artillery pieces reduced (The patch has made them immune, thanks zowrath for reporting this problem).

    Special New in version 2.35
    -Urgent hotfixes requested in some unit balance sectors (minor morale issues in some units + Line infantry balance of Turks and Sweden changes)
    -I have updated the speed of units (They now rout more effectively + not too slow)

    Special New in version 2.3
    Battle Balance
    -Morale of Native American Indians decreased in some elite units who were too powerful.
    -Morale base of land units increased +2.
    -Morale base naval units increased +1.
    -Reload rate of smaller ships increased a little.
    -Balanced some units as requested.
    -Arrow power lowered.
    -Recruit limit for many special units increased.
    -Ammo limits for crap units like citizens and peasants increased as also their morale (and have been made mob drills also some).
    -Fatigue levels balanced so that exhaustion is not so often and also some other effects for a more dynamic battlefield.
    -Radius of infantry troops increased slightly (I have them lower in DarthMod) for more lethal musket volleys and melee physics.
    -Unit movement speeds balanced a little better.

    CAI (DarthMod Empire CAI chapterIII)
    -Reverted to vanilia file of "campaign ai manager behaviour junctions". This file seems to do something different than priority system.
    -Diplomacy gifts values increased to strengthen the bargain power of functions.
    -Autoresolve battles have been tweaked.
    -Diplomacy hostility thresholds made even more higher to make the AI back off easier. In normal difficulty level it may seem more passive.
    -Tax efficiency increased.

    Special New in version 2.2
    -Added the latest DarthMod Empire CAI chapterII.
    -Probability of explosion of ships has been made minimal = zero and also raised the hit points of the magazine load.
    -Targeting calibration of naval guns is being tweaked so that it actually resembles a more realistic firing arc and heavy sea tide misfire effects.
    -Morale of Native American Indians increased.
    -Normalised even better the battlemap movement rates according to terrain.
    -No reason to use a "pack" type for multiplayer, so it is removed.

    Special New in version 2.1
    -Added Multiplayer support (Use the darthmod.pack of "For MP" folder).
    -Added hot fixes (Cossack unit number fixed, balanced the musketry).

    Special New in version 2.0
    -Compatible with the latest CA Patch 1.3.
    -Adapted almost everything but also changed a lot in the balance of units comparing to past DarthMod so that to keep the new ideas of CA. (Where I did not agree there were a lot of changes).... you will get the Darth Feeling.
    -I have not modded the CAI because I want to test how is the new CA balance in this.
    -There are some files there that are unmodded for future use.

    Special New in version 1.9
    -I have removed everything interfering with CAI. It seems there are hidden incompatibilities which I cannot risk keeping in the mod. I will find a way to rework on it later. Until then enjoy DarthMod with Vanilla CAI, with its goods and bads.

    Special New in version 1.85
    -Made a change in 2 db files to certify that they are adapted to the new patch (Thanks zowrath for the tip, although I have seen that the files are 1.0 version, which means OK, not needing special actions) Despite that I did it and I hope CAI is improved.
    -Increased probability to recruit naval units, to adapt to the new patch... which is starting to get in my nerves.

    Special New in version 1.8
    -Full adaptation for the new patch (Thanks Alpaca for the prompt modification of Pack Extractor).
    -I removed the formations of the new patch. Somehow it seemed to me this bin file was causing a large proportion of the suicidal melee charges. I use the formation file of the old patch. Tell me by testing if you see much better AI behaviour as I have noticed (Not miracles because there are other hard coded parameters which I cannot mod).
    -Changed a lot of melee parameters in KV rules to create a cinematic endurance of melees.
    -Jaegers have light muskets instead of rifles (as corrected in the patch).
    -Platoon fire removed (Nice, fancy but... useless as Fire and advance).
    -Made CAI to defend more its provinces as requested (hopefully).

    Special New in version 1.7
    -Adaptation phase 1 for the new patch (tax Fix, some other parameters in KV_Rules such as the melee intervals etc.)
    -Reworked the artillery ranges and time reloads.
    -Fixed the explosion probability of ships.
    -Included a version without the Darth CAI parameters so that you play only pure vanilla CAI (It will be more passive).

    Special New in version 1.6
    -Ship speeds lowered and now better.
    -Ship damage model more realistic (1-2 mistakes in maneuvering and the ship sustains critical damages from the better position of the opposition).
    -Naval moral balanced for new effects.

    Special New in version 1.5
    -Improved the time intervals between attack/defence animations. You will notice: Better individual self defense per soldier and unit, swifter time intervals between volley fires in fire by rank system, better responses.... a general better efficiency which affects also the AI which becomes more dangerous also this way.
    -Lowered the penalties for flank/rear exposure.
    -Balanced morale system for the new effects.
    -Improved naval morale system for easier surrenders.
    -Increased the radius of chain shots.

    Special New in version 1.4
    -New Musket Balance based on Feedback of Bythesword and Naimad (Accuracy system became more fragile but the lethality is increased to creat the proper devastation from close range).
    -Moral system changed to balance the new effects.
    -Also Naval cannons will do more damage from afar.
    -Trying my best to show some Naval Invasion to the game by triggering priorities (I do not guarantee anything but I will need your feedback).
    -English Line Infantry got better melee and less defence from the base balance given in previous versions.
    -Ammo has been reduced so that it is more important during a long battle

    Special New in version 1.3
    -Chainshot range decreased.
    -Experience will level up slower from level 3 and up.
    -Moral system updated (General Unit will inspire more, Flank and rear exposure will not be tolerated and also it helps Ai to cover itself better, Musket volleys will have devastating effects).
    -CAI updated (Allied packs will fight together, You will watch AI to help each other and also the Human player, AI will not tolerate enemy in its lands and will respond aggressively by attacking or placing armies to strategic points of the map)... The CAI seems very good now... ready for the Naval Invasion plugin of CA!

    Special New in version 1.2
    -Carronade frigates more powerful (64lb cannons).
    -Lowered the probability of explosion of some ships (hopefully).
    -Campaign AI improvements. (AI will use better region siege tactics, raids and attacks far better, AI Military technology favoured etc.).
    -Corrected 2-3 unit size imbalances.
    -Fatigue system updated.
    -Melee system greatly enhanced (More lively 1vs1 combat and formation penetration effects)

    Special New in version 1.1
    -Improved the melee mechanics (You will see a lot of cinematic animations as you have correctly asked and an improved and challenging overall battle system)
    -I changed the darthcom.pack to darthmod2.pack due to being renamed by antivirus checkers.

    Special New in version 1.0
    -Corrected the bug of fatigue in my mod. The file unit_stats_land_experience_bonuses is bugged if you import it directly to a mod. You have to put 3 zeros to the table, or else it destroys the game, affecting fatigue(!!!) and other parameters. All modders should be alerted and correct accordingly. This is a proof that you cannot use too many mods without knowing what you add to your game. As of now.... I have no responsibility if you use other mods with my mod. Strange things can happen (like this) and no one takes notice. As I progress I will add other mods, only when I have fully tested them to trust them.
    -Created dynamic fatigue system (Units get tired more easily but rest faster).
    -New dynamic experience system (Units that gain experience are having a significant advantage from rookies. Experience can be gained realistically after every battle in DarthMod and not after .... ages as in Vanilla).
    -Increased costs per cannon type to balance their firepower value.
    -New musket lethality which improves the previous version, making the game far better.
    -New general balance unit tweaks (A battle will show what I mean... sorry end of talking... time for you to play!).

    Special New in version 0,95
    -Grenadiers have more upkeep cost. Some more cost of recruitment.
    -Rocket ships have much more cost to make them less desirable.
    -Made AI to volley from closer range (Test) and revamped the whole battle system through various techniques of morale and other attributes settings. That goes for naval battles too.
    -Close range Musket lethality is increased and now everything seems set (Try it).
    -Turkish units have even less upkeep to help them grow Huge armies.
    -Fatigue files are removed from mod... something is wrong with these files (They seem bugged from vanilla and I removed them for now).
    -Grenadiers have Square Formation ability.
    -Russian Line Infantry costs even less, so that the Russians can wage even more armies. Some other units too.
    -Cavalry balance reworked a lot (Hussars became a defensive skirmish cavalry, Lancers real chargers, Uhlans something in the middle, Cuirassiers a good all around cavalry and also other).

    Special New in version 0,9
    -Grenadiers will not be able to throw grenades (Until there is a fix to be able to change their ammunition)
    -More devastating close range musket fire (The way it was requested)
    -Cannon trails will be those of the great mod of scivian

    Special New in version 0,85
    -Removed Population cost for armies (Only 200 instead of 2000 which was set in previous version)
    -Made the rank distance in units a little higher
    -Re-inserted the cannon trails (Laser muskets are out permanently)
    -Ferguson and green jackets will have variance (propose)
    -Infantry morale has greater shock penalty against extended missile fire
    -New fatigue alterations
    -Campaign AI work out (Should be better, needs testing)
    -Land experience will be gained differently in accuracy and reload rates
    -Modified the charge distance (A new parameter I have found) to create a true battle experience and better AI

    Special New in version 0,8
    -Improved the Campaign AI (Hopefully).
    -New Musket Balance = Devastating close range fire. Harder Battles.
    -Removed the laser bullet-ion cannon trails of vanilla (I needed them for calibration... off they go now).
    -New Land Unit Balance (Melee Units are very dangerous when they are close, Line Infantry get new special character=very large Defence, low Melee= The battle mechanics makes them to keep formation like the Last of the Mohican movie)
    -Balanced Cannons= Special shells have lower range and higher reload penalty, adjusted their universal accuracy)
    -Naval Cannons have special reload rates each. (Each Ship is now even more important due to the special realistic balance there is already)

    Special New in version 0,8
    -Balanced the grenade launcher units.

    Special New in version 0,75
    -I removed the "fire and advance" ability. AI gets lethal without it.
    -Increased the ammo.
    -Optimized the accuracy and the aiming system of the muskets to feel realistic.
    -Made Absolute Monarchy to have better bonus in recruiting troops.
    -Many minor adjustments that were requested.

    De quoi reprendre goût aux bonnes vieilles castagnes entre voisins :

    Laisser un commentaire:

  • Rem
    a répondu
    Une petite question, car je pense t?l?charger et tester le DMUC. Si on veut le d?sinstaller, on retrouve la vanilla sans probl?me, ou vaut-il mieux faire une copie des fichiers originaux avant ?

    Quels ?l?ments du jeu ne restent pas en fran?ais (except? le menu) ?

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  • ze-cid
    a répondu
    5.2 sorti :

    - les diff?rents gouvernements sont plus personnalis?s avec bonus/malus plus ?lev?s.
    - arbre technologique am?lior?, r??quilibrage des technologies, "platoon fire" et "fire and advance" offrent maintenant de vrais avantages.
    - limitation plus drastique du nombre d'unit?s de grenadiers dispo (effectivement on en avait beaucoup).
    - composition des flottes de guerre mieux ?quilibr?s.
    - le plus important : correction d'un bug de CA qui emp?chait l'IA d'embaucher suffisamment de g?n?raux.

    avec le DMUC je pense qu'une fois qu'il est sorti en 5.2, il vaut mieux copier sa sauvegarde en cours, d?sinstaller le DMUC 5.1, installer le DMUC 5.2, et remettre sa sauvegarde.

    j'ai jamais fait la manip de mettre ? niveau avec une campagne DMUC en cours, mais je pense qu'il vaut mieux faire comme c? (il semble y avoir des cas o? la sauvegarde est perdue ou corrompue).

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  • ze-cid
    a répondu
    le seul truc qui m'agace vraiment encore au niveau gameplay, ce sont les villes m?me en "no fort mod" : m?me sans murailles, les batiments g?chent le plaisir (gros lag, bugs, unit?s coinc?es dans les rues) de jouer.
    c'est cool, j'ai fait la suggestion de virer les villes, et le gars du no fort mod m'a dit qu'il pouvait virer les villes, m?me si c? allait lui prendre un petit moment.
    on aura probablement 1 de ces 4 une option dans le no fort du DMUC avec "no wall no cities"

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  • ze-cid
    a répondu
    oui offrir des techs quoi. les cadeaux d'?tat, c? coute cher... j'ai autre chose ? faire des sous.
    les hollandais t'attaqueront jamais, et ils ont tr?s besoin de tes techs pour r?sister au francais.
    et les ottomans peu importe qu'ils te rattrapent, il faut qu'ils g?nent les russes et autrichiens le plus possible. apr?s, ils vont se faire rusher par les marathes... ils te feront pas d'ombre.

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  • Blackadder
    a répondu
    Les mettre en bonne disposition, c'est ? dire offrir des techs? Souvent ils me rattrapent assez vite, vu que je n'ai qu'une ?cole...Va falloir que j'essaie. Peut-?tre aussi quelques cadeaux d'Etat?

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  • ze-cid
    a répondu
    les ottomans finiront par proposer eux m?me l'alliance. idem pour les provinces unies. faut juste les mettre dans de bonnes dispositions.
    la su?de il faut un peu insister, genre lui donner 7 ou 8 techs + acc?s militaire.
    souvent quand tu offres l'acc?s militaire les factions IA font au moins une contre proposition.
    l'angleterre j'?vite de leur distribuer de la tech, sont suffisamment puissants.

    mah en TD c'est vraiment du racket : je donne 4 techs contre 1 ? une nation "very friendly", ils me disent que c'est inacceptable...
    en TD toujours, j'?vite toute aggression le plus longtemps possible (la seule exeption ?tant de ratiboiser une faction mineure d'un blitzkrieg). et ? chaque guerre qu'on me d?clare, j'attend une invasion, je l'annihile, je pique une r?gion, et je demande la paix (francais et autrichiens n'acceptent pas aussi facilement, il faut leur mettre au moins 3 tann?es en trois tours).
    ? chaque fois que j'ai la paix, je n'attaque pas, sans quoi ce serait la guerre tout le temps (ce qui me sao?le profond).

    ma campagne hollandaise fait exeption: j'ai d?e rester (malgr? que les franco-espagnols soient en guerre contre moi) environ 40 tours de suite sans subir la moindre attaque, et je me suis bien gard? de provoquer qui que ce soit.

    le seul truc qui m'agace vraiment encore au niveau gameplay, ce sont les villes m?me en "no fort mod" : m?me sans murailles, les batiments g?chent le plaisir (gros lag, bugs, unit?s coinc?es dans les rues) de jouer. hier apr?s 1h30 de combat ? Bruges, alors que j'allais gagner d'une minute ? l'autre, j'ai eu un CTD ? cause des batiments (c? peut ?tre que c?, j'ai des CTD QUE quand ya des batiments).

    il faudrait une option suppl?mentaire o? quand on attaque une ville, le combat se d?roule sur une carte sans ville.

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  • Blackadder
    a répondu
    Oui, j'ai abandonn? l'id?e d'aider les Russes. En fait je suis influenc? par vanilla, o? la Su?de d?clare toujours la guerre ? la Prusse, mais en fait avec le DMUC elle ne vient pas m'emb?ter.
    Par contre j'ai beau offrir des tonnes de techs aux Ottomans, ils veulent pas s'allier avec moi. Peut-?tre en y mettant beaucoup d'argent... C'est comme cela que j'ai r?ussi ? avoir l'alliance anglaise. Elle ne me sert ? rien, mais elle neutralise l'Angleterre.
    Je pr?cise que je suis en D, et d?j? ?a me semble coton, je vais en rester l? pour le moment. J'aime bien m'?tendre lentement et j'ai peur qu'en TD ce soit l'agression perp?tuelle.

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  • ze-cid
    a répondu
    en TD c'est balaize :
    - soit s'allier à l'autrichien et éliminer la pologne très vite (avant que l'autrichien trahisse).
    - soit s'allier au polonais et se préparer à grignoter l'autriche petit à petit.

    les francais savent y faire pour venir faire scier quand cà fait vraiment scier. en TD, ils sont en force défensivement, et ramènent un fullstack de temps en temps (quand on dégarni nos villes pour aller casser du slave)
    je préfère laisser les suèdois tranquilles, car ils n'ont pas de visée expansionniste sur les territoires qu'on convoite.
    alors que les russes, si... et aider les russes, c'est nourrir un ogre.

    là je suis en TD avec les hollandais, et j'ai eu la chance que les francais soit peu puissants; je tiens une bonne partie des caraibes, et je vais chasser les espagnols des flandres.
    à ceylan, j'ai une grosse armée coloniale prète à envahir les marathes.
    bref la hollande est devenue "jouable", sur les autres versions de DM en TD, je prenais toujours des claques en quelques dizaines de tours (invasion franco-spanish, et game over)

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  • Blackadder
    a répondu
    Oui, je crois que j'avais un peu n?glig? l'aspect diplomatique.
    Dans ma 2e partie j'ai carr?ment agress? la Saxe, et donc la Pologne, assez rapidement. Du coup l'Autriche a pris Varsovie. D'un c?t? je renforce mon ennemi h?r?ditaire, de l'autre comme ?a j'assure ma continuit? territoriale, et je pourrai tout piquer ? l'autrichien d'un coup puisque Varsovie fait partie de mes objectifs).
    Par contre je comptais m'allier aux Russes pour contrer ?ventuellement les Su?dois. il faut dire que dans mes parties, les Su?dois ont l'air bien expansionnistes.

    Preuve que le bug de m?l?e a ?t? en partie r?solu, j'ai fini plusieurs batailles sans munitions! Pas ? dire, maintenant, ETW, c'est du bon.

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