- Many unit visual changes as seen in the previews- Dorwinion stat changes and rejig of recruitment - Athala Rangers now require the Dorwinion Northmen choice so aren't available immediately. - Added an ancillary to Nurwe showing his authority as the ruler of the elves of Dorwinion. - Harad, Dale and Dorwinion cannot build the Large City - Edits to the schiltrom/shield_wall ability. (more of the latter, only basic units use schiltrom now) - Lowered the win conditions total, for some factions it would take more than the time allowed to get that many regions. - Big region changes, seven moved regions (see the map preview) - Added roads to Lorien and Central Mirkwood - Northedain's flag carrier's banner now animates correctly. - Gave everyone three culture buildings in castles as well as towns. - Changed crator of Annuminas and Fornost to Gondor - Removed sword_guild hidden_resource and adjusted swordsmith guild - Dorwinion now has banner carriers. - Dorwinion's family tree is no longer filled with dead women - Rohan are a bit poorer - Removed the three Moon Tower units, added Taro_M's Minas Ithil Guardians. - Added new 'Wildmen Mercenaries' unit (dunland and enedwaith regions) - Minas Morgul sieged/reclaimed event pic added - Umbar now starts with basic Ports in their two starting wooden castles - Neburkha now starts with basic Dirt Roads - Uglag, Misty faction leader, now has Bolg's Champions as bodyguards. - The one Ring, Nazgul Reborn, Ents, Elven Alliance, Dwarven Helms Deep, Money Script, Barrow Downs, Aragorn RPG and Corsair Script all work better and completely as intended. - Anduin and Enedwaith units now have banner carriers. - Khand units now have their own banner carriers instead of sharing Rhun's. - Teleri Swordsmen and Archers, temporarily, use the Sword and Bow Quendi battle models and UIs. - Major recruitment priority overhall of AI ships, with the intent of making the sea more of a battleground. However, Only Lindon, Enedwaith, Gondor, Dol Amroth, Dale, Harad and Umbar can train ships now. - Updated Silvan Elves banner carrier model. Plus it now uses a different texture for Lorien. - Full Elven stat overhaul (four factions) - Dale stat overhaul - All garrison units are now far stronger and only the elite unit will spawn now - Added a unique Moon Tower to Minas Morgul where the moon units will train from. - All missing text is complete - text update to factions strengths and weaknesses - Tweaked battle model for Dol Amroth Generals - Alliances script for Dale (dwarves/elves) and Mordor(rhun/harad) added along with a message at the start of the game to explain it. - Fixed Lond Angren battlemap crash - Khamul model for Mordor and DG - Isengard roster overhaul (AP specialists) - The Invaders of the Elven Alliance are now Mordor instead of Dol Guldur - Isengard's Berserkers now have a visual upgrade... that is not just Nazg-Hai. - UI fixes (shield_wall, war horn, eastern men building interface and elves battle interface) - Ents can now get destroyed. Be warned, this is not easy. - Guild price adjustment - Quite a few visual changes for Dale (nothing 'new' just reworked) - Bree, Dorwinion, Lindon, Enedwaith, Rhun, Dol Guldur, Isengard, Dunland, OotMM, Angmar, Harad and Khand can only get destroyed if they are left without any settlements. (no more regicide for these factions) - Full archer and javelin rework. There are no longer hundreds of arrows, now there are 4 tiers with an elven and an orc variant at each tier. Accuracy values will now be correct, no longer will militia be more accurate than elven elite. Most bows have reduced range and reduced ammo. Elite archers are now very elite and will get noticeably better kill ratios. - Changes to dale's starting texts to reflect their economically poor start