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  • Sous-mod d'accélération des passages de tours.

    Disponible ici.
    Ce sous-mod permet d'accélérer le passage des tours. Il semblerait aussi qu'il empêche le bug qui fait planter le jeu au tour 51.
    J'aimerais cependant, si quelqu'un le sait, savoir les différences entre la version 3.1 et la version X, et aussi, quand on l'installe, par quoi doit finir l'adresse du fichier d'installation (Medieval II, Mods, ou SS6.3?).
    Voici la page d'origine (en anglais):
    "Faster Turn times 3.1 NEW X EDITION OUT! SEE BOTTOM OF PAGE.
    Brand Spankin' New 3.0 Edition out now! This new addition makes FTT toggle-able with the ss setup.exe, and no longer brakes the campaign script! (Took me over 12 hours to do that, not mentioning the 6 this morning where I brainstormed!)
    NEW 3.1! Fixes late campaign ctd and a glitch in the early campaign! Enjoy! Also, uploaded 2.0 (Even though it generally brakes campaign scripts) incase anyone was interested in using it. At all. But I wouldn't know why...
    Faster Turn Times as the game goes on! This means that the first turns will be normal speed, but as you get too turn 20+ the speed nearly triples!
    Removes Camp Sacking Script
    Removes Siege Upkeep Script
    Removes Princess Coming Of Age Notifications
    Removes Foreign Faction Leader and Heir Notifications

    Install in your mods directory (Or wherever your ss6.3 folder is)
    Run ss setup.exe and select faster turn times

    Run SS Setup.exe and don't select FTT!

    Mod Compatibility
    Currently, until tested, do not assume that this mod is compatible with everything. This mod edits your campaign script, but as long as the other mod simply uses the launcher and no campaign script file, then they should be compatible!
    COMPATIBLE WITH: Live Long and Prosper, default submods, instanople
    NOT COMPATIBLE WITH: X edition (as two versions of the same thing rarely work well together in any case, dont run these together at the same time.
    Known Bugs: None anymore!
    *Disclaimer* If you wish to use my files at all, please pm me about it asking permission first.
    X Edition.
    DO NOT RUN X EDITION AT THE SAME TIME AS FTT 3.1. You may have them both installed, but if you run FTT 3.1 after installing X, you negate the changes it makes!
    More than just a cool name, the X Edition FTT will remove all the annoying scripts from your campaign_script, optimizing turn time! The reason it is X Edition (Other than awesomeness) is because it replaces your campaign script files and the only way to get back to normal is to reinstall the game or have made backups. This will be compatible with any mod already featured with SS6.3, but not with mods such as Dynamic Siege Upkeep or Live Long and Prosper (Until a special version is made)
    This will be the FASTEST version available, but I am not responsible if you don't like it and have to reinstall your game!
    Too enjoy it, download it below, install it, and run SS Setup.exe. It does not matter what you choose, so choose what you wish to play with! (Except LLP and DSU) And FTT will already be implemented. Have fun!
    PLEASE NOTE: Do not use any other FTT submods with X Edition, they won't work together and the results could nuke your computer (Not really, but I still don't suggest it!)
    Compatibility: All default included submods, BGR 2 Supply System, Instanople, Live Long and Prosper, Dynamic Siege Upkeep
    Speeding it up!
    Other ways to speed up your system include but are not limited too...
    Defrag your computer (Defraggler, for example, is a great defragger)
    Clean out dust off of your hardware, especially the fans (this will also decrease the sound your PC makes)
    Run less programs in the background
    Install less optional sub-mods during installation (BYGIV, for example, adds huge amounts to the campaign script, and can really slow things down on a mid- to low-range system)
    Run an Anti Spyware or Virus such as Ad-Aware or Avast.
    Thank you Meneth and Bane for your continued help as I was away!
    without them there would be countless players with slower computers. Gracias mi amigos."
    Dernière modification par Turambar, 17-02-2011, 21h09.

  • #2
    Euh, le lien pour le sous mod est mort...


    • #3
      Remis à jour.


      • #4


        • #5

          Ce petit mod est-il compatible avec le SS6.4 svp ?




          • #6
            Je n'en sais rien!
            Je ne joue pas trop à SS en ce moment, et je n'ai pas encore la 6.4.


            • #7
              Ok, bon bah, merci quand même pour ta réponse

              Je vais l'installer sur la version 6.4 et je vous tiendrai au courant...

              Bye Bye


              • #8

                au vu de la page de twcenter, il est pas compatible avec le 6.4

                Quelqu'un a eu vent d'une autre astuce pour accélérer les tours?

                Merci d'avance

