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  • #76
    la campagne sera sandbox au maximum, c'est à dire, une ou deux bataille scriptée mais pas plus.
    de cette manière le joueur à toute latitude pour jouer à sa guise et changer l'histoire. ce choix permet aussi de limiter au maximum les CTD's et d'ailleurs notre campagne est ultra stable, nous n'avons reçu aaucun CTD de nos 10 testeurs.

    en revanche, l'immersion est au rendez-vous. il y a plus de 60 "historical event" qui ponctuent la campagne avec de longs textes immersifs qui rendent compte du déroulement du conflit, donc avec un vrai soucis scénaristique.

    pour refléter la fin réelle du conflit où Malekith, acculé, tente un dernier coup de poker en projetant d'ouvrir une brèche dans le warp pour obtenir le soutien des hordes du chaos, un script sera lancé lorsqu'il restera que une ou deux région à nagarythe : des hordes du chaos apparaîtront ici et là comme prémices aux émanations déréglées du warp.

    ce qui promet une fin de campagne très chaude.

    vous aurez aussi une IA de campagne très sport et aggressive avec une guerre religieuse sans pitié, des régions conquises dures à pacifier et un système de gestion des ressources pour organiser vos invasions (Byg's supply mod) voici le chanelog :

    War Council

    1) Up to 3 of your generals will now be your main generals. Your Faction Leader, his Heir and the Leader of the Council of Nobles (once nominated).
    2) Each receives a new "Good Logistician" trait.
    3) They receive full state support and training, improving army health and morale.
    4) They can resupply faster, carry emergency reserve stores and even organise supplies in unfavourable settlements.

    Encourages realism and roleplay.

    1) Total Reworking of some previous Trait Systems
    2) No permanent Traits. Supply Traits continually monitor your actions.
    3) Supply Traits take more instances to aquire and are reversible through opposite actions.

    Encourages Great Battles

    1) Benefits for fighting large, glorious field battles rather than continually defending sieges or only fighting small AI armies.


    *Supplies are carried with armies, which are consumed only when a region has been fully foraged.
    Supplies decrease in 1/4 chunks.

    *Resupply via settlements and Supply Ships. Marching along the coast being supplied from ships is now a reality.
    Resupply is at a rate of 1/2 per turn.

    *Conquered settlements will only provide supplies once their population is at least 50% supportive of your religion. A newly conquered settlement only supplies an initial resupply of 25 to 50% which you steal from the population.

    Send in your priests, ideally in advance and build temples fast.

    Meanwhile your army can sustain itself by remaining in the city, it just can't get enough supplies to replenish its stores.

    *Foraging. Before you need to consume a portion of your armies supplies you may live off the land by foraging. On the 2nd turn of foraging in a foreign region or the 4th turn in one of your own regions, foraging runs out and your army must consume some of its own supplies instead whilst the region recovers from foraging.

    As each region has a limit to how much continuous pillaging (foraging being the polite word) it can sustain. You may for example forage for 1 turn in a foreign region then move to another indefinitely and thereby avoid consuming your own supplies.

    A region will replenish its foraging capability either by the general leaving it for 1 turn or by consuming his own supplies for 1 turn (automatic)

    Sieging and long marches in the same region will cost you the most in supply terms.

    *Capture enemy armies' supplies to sustain yourself longer in the field.
    Simply win a battle against an army of at least half your army's size and steal their supplies to top your own up.

    *Realistic penalties for running out of supplies
    No one likes to go hungry. Your generals will get the blame if they run out of supplies. Your troops will become weaker, less loyal and undisciplined as they desperately forage for scraps to survive on.

    *The enemy can prevent you foraging, causing you to use up your supplies.
    The enemy can do this on first contact with you. i.e. when he holds up your movement for a turn.
    If the enemy or any army prevents your movement, foraging will be prevented for a turn.

    *Lose supplies to the enemy when you lose a battle- this is designed so that if you quit the battle in time then you may retreat with supplies intact. Some random factor is used here for how much you lose.

    *Plan your supplies in advance. An enemy region with a vast hinterland could become your toughest target as was so often the case in history. Will you or can you use supply ships? Will your supply train last the distance?

    Army Field Morale System Added aka Battle Readiness Traits.

    This set of traits indicates an army's condition. It runs through a series of levels increasing every 4 turns that an army is in action (i.e away from any town or a castle with at least 50% compatible religious population) In essence, your troops become more weary the longer they are away from home. The levels are:

    Ready for Action (default when born, adopted, recuperated etc)
    Troops Weary (4 turns away)
    Troops Despondent (8 turns)
    Troops Undisciplined (12)
    Troops Desperate (16)
    Troops Mutinous (20)

    Each level attained initially brings penalties to Command, Troop Morale, then later unrest, Loyalty and Influence too. The traits lists warnings to you to get the troops home to recuperate.

    And there's more. From Ready for Action or any other level, the battle readiness levels can move in the other direction. So:

    Ready for Action (lasts for up to 3 turns in the field)
    Eager to Fight (adds a little morale & enables the army to remain 4 turns longer in the field)
    Bent On Glory (adds morale, reduces loyalty & enables the army to remain another 4 turns longer in the field)

    Movement of levels in this direction is attained by fighting and winning battles.
    Any victory has the effect of reducing the effect of time away from a settlement i.e if your troops have just become Weary (4 turns away), but you fight and win a battle, you go back to Ready for Action (2 turns away) so in 2 more turns you will be weary again. So battles won temporarily regain morale before it starts to slip again.

    Heroic victories or Major victories and taking an enemy settlement will have 4 times the above effect so fighting and winning against large AI armies will do your men more good (morale wise) than fighting minor easy battles. Keep fighting and winning and you can stay in the field longer without having to recuperate in a settlement.
    Recuperation recovers morale at 4 times the rate at which you lose it.

    Major victories Battle and Kills Counter Trait.

    50% kills are required in a battle against greater odds to get a major victory.
    This trait counts and updates for every Major battle you fight up to about 150. It also takes an educated guess at your cumulitive kills for each of your generals based on full stacks fighting each other. Obviously using 150 trait levels would be too much effort so I use a few traits a bit like an abacus.

    Major Victories are recorded on monuments erected in your generals honor. One two, three and four victories are announced and recorded as they come. The fifth victory entitles you to a Great Monument, then whilst keeping this monument it counts one to four again, then you get Two Great monuments. Five of these gives a Spectacular Monument and so on. In this way you can easily reckon the total battles and by adding up the kill totals on the three types of monument you get your generals total kills during his lifetime (rough estimate).

    l'immersion est au rendez-vous dans ce mod. si on cumule les textes des 60 historical events, les descriptions des unités et des batiments tout spécialement écrits pour l'occasion, on dépasse les 130 pages word. en tant que loremaster j'ai passé plus de six mois à accumuler des recherches pour refléter le maximum d'infos sur ulthuan, les elfes, la guerre civile, mais aussi les données géographiques, économiques, culturelles et religieuses sur le sujet.

    ce qui est bien c'est que même quelqu'un qui ne connait rien à la période ou très très peu à warhammer pourra suivre sans problème et apprendre énormément.

    au moment où je vous parle un nouveau vidéo maker travaille sur un tout nouveau trailer. et cette fois croyez moi il a du talent!
    Dernière modification par TWmadman, 04-03-2012, 00h44.


    • #77
      Et bien, je pense que je vais encore passer beaucoup de nuit blanche lorsqu'il sera sorti.


      • #78
        J'espère vous poster le tout nouveau trailer en avant première (avant même MODDB et TWC) d'ici quelques jours. Le vidéo maker est en plein dedans et croyez moi on va en prendre plein la gueule.



        • #79
          Perso j'attends avec impatience !


          • #80
            Ça donne envie, toutes ces unités variées.
            Bravo !


            • #81
              C'est vraiment sympa de ta part.


              • #82
                Le mod possède désormais son propre forum. Mise à jour des liens.


                • #83
                  Ça a l'air d'être un magnifique travail. Bravo


                  • #84
                    Je post ici le trailer en exclusivité totale :


                    password : naxmovie

                    par contre ATTENTION, j'ose espérer que je vais pas retrouver cette vidéo sur YouTube ou posté sur TWC ou ailleurs.... J'attends l'aval de Kolwen pour la poster officiellement sur notre page MODDB et sur notre forum TWC.

                    Donc je vous fait confiance chers compatriotes.

                    Bon visionnage!


                    • #85
                      Comment on fait pour rentrer le code ?


                      • #86
                        Ouaoh ! Superbe vidéo de naxzul666, comme d'habitude !
                        De voir ça, ça donne vraiment envie d'y batailler !


                        • #87
                          Merci... Cela ne fait qu'accentuer mon impatience


                          • #88
                            Trop génial la video
                            j'ai trop hâte qu'il sorte !!!!


                            • #89
                              tant mieux que ça vous plaise!

                              je compte sur votre respect de la confidentialité

                              à très bientôt


                              • #90
                                Merci 15 Millions de fois TWMadman, la vidéo est vraiment superbe.

