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  • #91
    Envoyé par patlespat Voir le message
    Tout fonctionne ! J'ai vérifier le cache jeu sur steam et télécharger le dernier pilote de la CG.
    Le jeu bug quelque fois dans le menu diplomatie ....????
    Mis a part des tours de -1 minute je suis très content de ce jeux je m'eclate avec les romains.
    Sauf que le jeu plante aux tours -170 ACN avec ROME , rien a faire ,pfffff..!!
    Je recommence avec les parthe.
    Est ce que la patch 1.5 résous ce problème.
    Dernière modification par patlespat, 10-09-2013, 20h29.


    • #92
      J'ai un gain de 5 fps en moyenne sur le benchmark. Par contre en campagne, la carte me semble en avoir perdu 10.


      • #93
        Moi sans changer mes règlages j'ai un gain de 0 fps avec le benchmark...

        Mais maintenant que j'écris ce message, je me dis qu'il faut peut être que je redémarre steam après la maj.


        • #94
          Je n'ai pas accès à une option de beta dans les options de Rome II...


          • #95
            Envoyé par Fleamo Voir le message
            Je n'ai pas accès à une option de beta dans les options de Rome II...
            essaye de redémarrer steam


            • #96
              Ma question ets un peu bete et peut etre déjà postée, mais comment fait-on pour installer les mises à jours? Je pensais que ça se faisait automatiquement mais je ne peux pas jouer en multi car apparemment ça n'est pas le cas...


              • #97
                C'est quoi le patch qui se télécharge là ?? Je n'ai pas souscris aux patchs béta ! Et ils ont dit que les patchs sortaient les vendredi... Nico ?


                • #98
                  Idem, j'ai 22,6 Mo qui se dll, alors que j'ai pas demandé le patch beta 1.5


                  • #99
                    Ce patch a été téléchargé chez moi au moins 3 fois.... des maj en douce!


                    • Moi depuis aujourd’hui, j'ai eu une cinématique à la mort d'un de mes générales, et une autre parce que j'ai triomphé en écrasant la rébellion de Carthage. C'est nouveau ou pas ?

                      Sinon je ne vois pas de différence par rapport à avant.


                      • On doit s'attendre à 200fixes prochainement, 100 par patch !!

                        Hi everyone,

                        We’ve just put up a hotfix that significantly improves campaign map frame-rate on a variety of hardware combinations that were getting frame rates less than 15 fps. It took us until Monday to get a case of this happening in the studio, but it was a very simple fix, so we’ve decided to put it out as a single issue patch. This bug was introduced very late in the process, but we absolutely should have found and fixed it before release.

                        This release has obviously not gone as planned for some people, and I want to apologise to everyone out there who had issues with the game, whether they were hardware issues or disappointment in the performance of game features. We obviously don’t plan to release a game with any bugs, performance and AI issues. How this has happened is something we’re beginning to post mortem in detail now.

                        Fortunately, the same tech that gave us the rope to work on the game right up to release lets us keep working on it after it’s out, and the flaws in the game are mostly just bugs, not structural defects. We can and will get the game to where we wanted it to be for everyone.

                        The top priority is stability and performance – both frame rates in battle and campaign, and end of turn times and loading times. Then gameplay spoilers – AI flaws and exploits, balancing tweaks and the level of challenge on higher difficulties. Then minor bugs, lesser features that really didn’t pan out, UI improvements, and longer term adjustments to features and systems that could be better. Because there are a lot of us working in parallel there will be a mixture of different priority fixes in each patch. Much of this work would be part of the usual planned improvements we would make to our games post-launch anyway, but we are aware that they have now taken on extra significance and importance.

                        We have a major improvement to end of turn times in the pipeline, along with around 100 fixes in the next patch. We have another 100 or so fixes already being tested for the patch after that. At this point the limiting factor on getting issues fixed in patches is not our ability to fix issues, it’s our ability to test them and guarantee that we don’t repeat past mistakes by putting a patch out that breaks something new. We’ll also be putting each patch up as a beta you can opt in to before releasing it. It’s our aim to continue patching more or less weekly until all the bugs are dealt with.

                        Then we can start the kind of dialogue we always want to be having with the community – which new features you like, which you don’t like, which deleted features from previous games you really miss and so on. That’s a good conversation to be having, and since it’s our intention not to fall in to the trap of just re-skinning the previous game each time, it’s one that hopefully you’ll be having for years to come.

                        Lastly, I’m hoping we can fundamentally treat our releases differently in the future. Long open betas are the way things are going, and while that model hasn’t been compatible with the way Total War has been built to date, that could be the way forward.

                        Mike Simpson
                        Creative Director
                        Creative Assembly


                        • Si on en croit ce que les développeurs disent au sujet du jeu, on ne va pas juste avoir un Rome II 1.1,1.2,1.3, etc avec les patchs mais on se dirige clairement maintenant vers un Rome II 2.0.
                          Le futur nous dira si les paroles se confrontent à la réalité, mais ce serait en effet la meilleure idée qu'il soit pour eux.

                          Il y a eu plusieurs jeux qui sont sortis dans une version très polémique récemment et qui se sont rachetés via un travail de refonte massif. Je pense notamment à l'un des récents Final Fantasy (13 ou 14 ? Ou est ce le 1534565 ?).


                          • On pourra y jouer pleinement dans un bon mois alors


                            • Je me permet de mettre le patch dans une autre couleur que le blanc car j'arrive pas à lire

                              Hi everyone,

                              We’ve just put up a hotfix that significantly improves campaign map frame-rate on a variety of hardware combinations that were getting frame rates less than 15 fps. It took us until Monday to get a case of this happening in the studio, but it was a very simple fix, so we’ve decided to put it out as a single issue patch. This bug was introduced very late in the process, but we absolutely should have found and fixed it before release.

                              This release has obviously not gone as planned for some people, and I want to apologise to everyone out there who had issues with the game, whether they were hardware issues or disappointment in the performance of game features. We obviously don’t plan to release a game with any bugs, performance and AI issues. How this has happened is something we’re beginning to post mortem in detail now.

                              Fortunately, the same tech that gave us the rope to work on the game right up to release lets us keep working on it after it’s out, and the flaws in the game are mostly just bugs, not structural defects. We can and will get the game to where we wanted it to be for everyone.

                              The top priority is stability and performance – both frame rates in battle and campaign, and end of turn times and loading times. Then gameplay spoilers – AI flaws and exploits, balancing tweaks and the level of challenge on higher difficulties. Then minor bugs, lesser features that really didn’t pan out, UI improvements, and longer term adjustments to features and systems that could be better. Because there are a lot of us working in parallel there will be a mixture of different priority fixes in each patch. Much of this work would be part of the usual planned improvements we would make to our games post-launch anyway, but we are aware that they have now taken on extra significance and importance.

                              We have a major improvement to end of turn times in the pipeline, along with around 100 fixes in the next patch. We have another 100 or so fixes already being tested for the patch after that. At this point the limiting factor on getting issues fixed in patches is not our ability to fix issues, it’s our ability to test them and guarantee that we don’t repeat past mistakes by putting a patch out that breaks something new. We’ll also be putting each patch up as a beta you can opt in to before releasing it. It’s our aim to continue patching more or less weekly until all the bugs are dealt with.

                              Then we can start the kind of dialogue we always want to be having with the community – which new features you like, which you don’t like, which deleted features from previous games you really miss and so on. That’s a good conversation to be having, and since it’s our intention not to fall in to the trap of just re-skinning the previous game each time, it’s one that hopefully you’ll be having for years to come.

                              Lastly, I’m hoping we can fundamentally treat our releases differently in the future. Long open betas are the way things are going, and while that model hasn’t been compatible with the way Total War has been built to date, that could be the way forward.

                              Mike Simpson
                              Creative Director
                              Creative Assembly
                              Après moi du moment qu'ils continuent à aider les moddeurs comme ils le font ça me suffit (c'est un peu la seule raison pour laquelle j'ai pris le jeu).


                              • Envoyé par Tef' Voir le message
                                On pourra y jouer pleinement dans un bon mois alors
                                Je planche pour Février.

